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Everything posted by oshron

  1. yeah, this is pretty much what i had in mind. it would be for story purposes, mostly, but there could conceivably be multiplayer-type maps where players play as different mythical races as well as whatever faction and major god they chosewhat i had actually intended was that the false factions would have new appearances for every ship, building, and unit, so that it wouldnt matter which faction they were applied to. they would still have all the same names as that faction(for instance, if there were greek vampires, the vampire spearman wouldnt have his own name, he'd still be called a hoplite). the only things that would be unchanged are heroes, possibly demigods(just for simplicity) and their gods, so during a game you would see something like "WEREWOLF CLAN has advanced to the CITY PHASE through ARES", something along those lines i DO see where youre coming from with this. the christian faction is still subject to change, so i may decide to replace the major gods with archangels, but for the moment, im keeping them as they are. i also divided the old testament and new testament interpretations of God into seperate entities because of how different they are from one another: old testament God is actually pretty nasty, smiting people regilarly, whereas in the new testament he's more benevolent. maybe ill revise that later, too i made prometheus their good god because he created humanity and gave them fire, so it makes sense. i also wanted to differentiate from AOM's atlantean faction, which also used titansoh, and as for Jesus being the neutral god instead of the good one, its because he was the really passive one. God is benevolent and everything, but he can still smite if he needs to. Jesus is the EPITOME of neutral lol, yeah, thats what i was basing it on ill bring up a general template now:i have each pantheon setup in a table on microsoft word, divided into rows and columns to designate which minor gods go to which major god and in which age. theres always two columns to each of the three major gods and one row for each age. there can ONLY be three minor gods to each age. often, itll be evenly divided so that no combination is repeated in the same age, but in other cases, a minor god will be available to all three major gods (for example, Hekate is available to all three of the Greek major gods). this also means that one of the major gods will get one god that neither of the other do. (again referencing the greek faction, Persephone is only available Hades) following the pantheon setup is details on each of the major gods, listed first good, then neutral, then evil, like this: (major god) -- god of... (whatever that god embodies, a basic description of their role, ie "god of weather") -- Traits: (the inherent benefits of worshipping this god, which generally make a particular type of unit better, ex: infantry do more damage, ships are faster, buildings have more health) -- Bonus: (each major god has a bonus that more radically affects gameplay, slightly bending the rules, ex: Hades has EREBUS, which makes dead soldiers occassionally return as Shades to fight again) -- Technology: (each major god also has a unique technology which can typically be researched fromthe very beginning, and is usually relevent to their traits or to their mythology, ex: Poseidon's tech is LORD OF HORSES, which makes cavalry faster) -- God Power: (finally, the godpower that the major god grants upon starting the game. these are generally less powerful than later godpowers because they are from the very beginning, but their uses vary, and should typically have something to do with the major god or what they embody, ex: Zeus' godpower is BOLT, which smites an enemy, but that one is more powerful than most other major god godpowers) that's repeated two more times so theres one for each major god then, in my own documents at least, theres another table that displays each phase and the three minor gods for each one: first Town Phase (Village Phase is what the game starts in), then City, Empire, and Legend. minor gods are displayed like this: (minor god) -- god of... (same as before, but roughly abbreviated) -- Focus: (whatever portions of gameplay the minor god benefits, this actually doesnt have any influence on gameplay, but helps the player get an idea of what theyll be getting) -- Technology: (technologies that can be researched that are unique to that minor god, there can be from 1-4 technologies to each minor god, approximately, and in some cases, at least one should improve the myth unit that they grant, ex: Demeter's PARTHENOGENESIS makes her Hamadryads train faster) -- Myth Unit: (the mythological units that the minor god grants. these should ideally be relevent to what the god does, ex: Demeter's is Hamadryad, Ares' is Stymphalian Bird, but its not absolutely necessary. if it can be relevent to a major god they are specifically included for, it works that way, too) -- God Power: (again, the godpower that the minor god grants upon advancement through them. these are also usually relevent to what the minor god is about, but also not absolutely necessary, ex: the Egyptian Anubis has the godpower Boils, which is relevent to egypt, but not to Anubis specifically) -- Availability: (this is just for quick reference, referring to what major gods that minor god is available to) remember, there are three minor gods to each phase, and four phases in which they come into play id also like to say that technologies granted by gods dont necessarily have to be mythological in origin, they could also be relevent to that countries history. for instance, Athena could grant some kind of mathematics-related technology, and different norse gods could give technologies relevent to ships since the vikings specialized in attacks from the sea
  2. whoo-ee, thisll take a while... the main idea i had with "fake" factions is more that they would just be for campaigns, like suppose theres a norse campaign and they need to form an alliance with some dwarves in order to beat some giants. instead of bullshitting our way through with having only dwarf villager units and "Heroes of Ragnarok" like in AOM (which came in male, female, and dwarf variations in that game because they were modeled after norse villagers), there would just be dwarf variations that function exactly the same as regular units. their appearances only would be different, otherwise acting exactly the same, so it could go for any faction. what im mainly trying to do is just come up with two or three fake factions for each real one, even though they work for any faction the dinosaurs are more for fun and because of rumors of living dinosaurs in remote regions, and because i just LOVE dinosaurs in general. the dinosauroids also go on the stereotype that cavemen and dinosaurs coexisted, and it could also go for outright fictional scenarios as well, just focusing on dinosaurs in hypothetical history. maybe there could be something where greek soldiers wash up in south america or on an uncharted island and find dinosaurs there, yknow, a classic "lost world" scenario as for an african faction, the closest i think we can get with the current factions (i dont really want to expand out of what i currently set up for simplicity's sake) would be thee Northwest Semitic faction. since carthage circumnavigated africa, they saw much more of the world than most other peoples, and would probably have a good number of african monsters in as well, probably as filler if necessary and as for the aztecs with shapeshifting jaguars, i kinda had that in mind, too. though not technically correct, i had thought that the Onza myth unit in use by the aztecs would double as a villager and transform into a jaguar or cougar(aka mountain lion aka puma) when fighting, kind of like the celtic selkie, and could maybe navigate forests i dont think it has to actually PERFECTLY work out. i mean, iirc, pygmies arent exactly known for using anything other than poisoned arrows, but they would have regular weapons just like anyone else. the centaurs infantry would just be slower is all, maybe they could be very heavily armored to justify that, who knows? tbph, thee reason i havent given the cro-magnons animal-worship is because im finding it to be incredibly difficult to make up their gods, even though theres a good amount of evidence. i mean, i dont want them to just worship "Sun" or "Sky" or "Wind" or stuff like that. my actual justification for giving them pre-olympian deities stems from WAAY back when i first came up with the idea for a prehistoric faction. basically, since the olympians ruled over the bronze age world, pre-olympian deities--ie, the titans--would be ruling over the pre-bronze world, as in when there were cavemen and such. i DID have some ideas for an animal-worship pantheon, though, partly based on a series of books set in prehistoric europe. i had two major gods down, Ursus (bear-spirit) and Panthera (lionness-spirit) but i didnt get much further than that. if i can get more information on that, though, you can bet ill look into it izanagi twice? my bad; the "evil" japanese god is supposed to be izaNAMI. i had originally planned to have amaterasu, tsukuyomi, and susanoo as the japanese gods, but decided against it later because izanagi is responsible for teh creation of japan and gives life, and izanami was also responsible, but is the wicked goddess of death; after she died and izanagi broke a promise to not see her while in the underworld, she became furious because it meant she could never return to the surface and vowed to kill 1000 people each day(izanagi retorted by giving life to 1500 every day) yes, yes, i know lucifer shouldnt have angels, but i want to only have 3 gods(or in that case, angels) for each age. it could be reasoned that lucifer managed to convince them to join him, who knows? this is all for a fictional game, after all as for the major gods, im not only going for the most important gods but also ones that most closely fit the general criteria for major gods: one good, one neutral, one evil. in some cases, i have to compromise. for example, in the greek pantheon, zeus is good, poseidon is neutral, and hades is evil, even though all three of them were good guys in mythology. in the norse pantheon, odin, thor, and FREYR were the most important gods, but freyr didnt fit well as an evil god so he's replaced with the better-known and more mischievous loki. to compensate, freyr is available to all three for the last age and is a very good god to get. in some other cases, its the faction itself that theyre representing. in the polynesians, the "good" god represents the hawaiians, the neutral represents the maori, and the evil represents rapa nui (easter island) on the fictional assertation that, in a polynesian campaign, it would be the people of rapa nui who attack the hawaiians and maori i welcome any and all suggestions; constructive criticism is the best kind of criticism
  3. sorry to double-post, but ive now got a very good portion of the new pantheons worked out. in fact, i think the only one i havent finished up yet is the hindu pantheon here's what i currently have: ARTHURIAN CELTIC TOUTATIS Town Phase: Cernunnos, Macha City Phase: Nantosuelta, Gobannus Empire Phase: Lugh, Epona Legend Phase: Nodens, Manannan BRIGANTIA Town Phase: Sulis, Cernunnos City Phase: Gobannus, Ogma Empire Phase: Belenus, Epona Legend Phase: Nodens, Maponos BEIRA Town Phase: Macha, Sulis City Phase: Ogma, Nantosuelta Empire Phase: Lugh, Belenus Legend Phase: Maponos, Manannan ANCIENT EGYPTIAN OSIRIS Town Phase: Sobek, Ma'at City Phase: Khnum, Hathor Empire Phase: Anubis, Isis Legend Phase: Thoth, Horus RA Town Phase: Bastet, Ma'at City Phase: Hathor, Khepri Empire Phase: Isis, Ptah Legend Phase: Horus, Sekhmet SET Town Phase: Sobek, Bastet City Phase: Khepri, Khnum Empire Phase: Anubis, Ptah Legend Phase: Thoth, Sekhmet MYCENAEAN GREEK ZEUS Town Phase: Aphrodite, Hermes City Phase: Ares, Apollo Empire Phase: Athena, Hera Legend Phase: Hekate, Helios POSEIDON Town Phase: Demeter, Hermes City Phase: Apollo, Hephaestus Empire Phase: Artemis, Athena Legend Phase: Helios, Hekate HADES Town Phase: Aphrodite, Demeter City Phase: Hephaestus, Ares Empire Phase: Hera, Artemis Legend Phase: Persephone, Hekate MESOPOTAMIAN PEOPLES MARDUK Town Phase: Enlil, Nanshe City Phase: Shamash, Enkimdu Empire Phase: Ereshkigal, Ninhursag Legend Phase: Anu, Enki ISHTAR Town Phase: Ninshubar, Enlil City Phase: Shamash, Siduri Empire Phase: Nergal, Ninhursag Legend Phase: Enki, Sin TIAMAT Town Phase: Nanshe, Ninhursag City Phase: Siduri, Enkimdu Empire Phase: Ereshkigal, Nergal Legend Phase: Sin, Anu NORSE VIKING THOR Town Phase: Skuld, Freyja City Phase: Heimdall, Forseti Empire Phase: Urd, Njord Legend Phase: Freyr, Tyr ODIN Town Phase: Skuld, Bragi City Phase: Heimdall, Verdandi Empire Phase: Skadi, Urd Legend Phase: Tyr, Freyr LOKI Town Phase: Bragi, Freyja City Phase: Verdandi, Forseti Empire Phase: Njord, Skadi Legend Phase: Hel, Freyr IMPERIAL AZTEC QUETZALCOATL Town Phase: Chicomecoatl, Ehecatl City Phase: Xolotl, Cihuacoatl Empire Phase: Mixcoatl, Itzpapalotl Legend Phase: Coatlicue, Mictlantecuhtli CHALCHIUHTLICUE (god, i HATE this one's name, its IMPOSSIBLE to spell by memory) Town Phase: Ehecatl, Mayahuel City Phase: Tlaloc, Xolotl Empire Phase: Mixcoatl, Xipe Totec Legend Phase: Mixtlantecuhtli, Nanauatzin TEZCATLIPOCA Town Phase: Mayahuel, Chicomecoatl City Phase: Tlaloc, Cihuacoatl Empire Phase: Xipe Totec, Itzpapalotl Legend Phase: Nanauatzin, Coatlicue HAN CHINESE SHANGDI Town Phase: Zao Jun, Zhongli Quan City Phase: Nuwa, Mazu Empire Phase: Tu Di Gong, Zhu Rong Legend Phase: Shennong, Long Mu HUANG-DI Town Phase: Tam Kung, Zhongli Quan City Phase: Wong Tai Sin, Mazu Empire Phase: Zhong Kui, Zho Rong Legend Phase: Fu Hsi, Long Mu YING ZHENG Town Phase: Zao Jun, Tam Kung City Phase: Wong Tai Sin, Nuwa Empire Phase: Zhong Kui, Tu Di Gong Legend Phase: Shennong, Long Mu CRO-MAGNONS this is one of the one of the more incomplete ones thus far; i have the pantheon down, but none of the other details aside from a tech here and there and a few godpowers PROMETHEUS Town Phase: Adamanthea, Epimetheus City Phase: Iapetus, Eos Empire Phase: Astraeus, Hyperion Legend Phase: Ouranos, Perses RHEIA Town Phase: Nyx, Adamanthea City Phase: Themis, Eos Empire Phase: Erebos, Astraeus Legend Phase: Ouranos, Gaia KRONOS Town Phase: Epimetheus, Nyx City Phase: Themis, Iapetus Empire Phase: Hyperion, Erebos Legend Phase: Gaia, Perses HARAPPAN HINDU this is the one that i dont really have anything for yet. i have a basic outline left over from the old format, but nothing else SHINTO JAPANESE IZANAGI Town Phase: Uke Mochi, Ebisu City Phase: Hachiman, Sarutahiko Empire Phase: Ta-jikawa-wo, Raijin Legend Phase: Kagu-tsuchi, Susanoo AMATERASU Town Phase: Inari, Uke Mochi City Phase: Tsukuyomi, Sarutahiko Empire Phase: Ta-jikawa-wo, Ame-no-Uzume Legend Phase: Sengen, Kagu-tsuchi IZANAGI Town Phase: Ebisu, Inari City Phase: Hachiman, Tsukuyomi Empire Phase: Ame-no-Uzume, Raijin Legend Phase: Sengen, Susanoo CHRISTIAN JEHOVAH Town Phase: Tariel, Barachiel City Phase: Ariel, Uriel Empire Phase: Raphael, Sariel Legend Phase: Gabriel, Zerachiel JESUS Town Phase: Zadkiel, Barachiel City Phase: Uriel, Ramiel Empire Phase: Raphael, Jegudiel Legend Phase: Michael, Gabriel LUCIFER Town Phase: Tariel, Barachiel City Phase: Ramiel, Ariel Empire Phase: Jegudiel, Sariel Legend Phase: Zerachiel, Michael HITTITE TROJAN ZOROASTRIAN PERSIAN PAGAN ROMAN QUIRINUS Town Phase: Carmenta, Pomona City Phase: Bacchus, Neptune Empire Phase: Venus, Vulcan Legend Phase: Indiges, Julius VESTA Town Phase: Janus, Pomona City Phase: Cybele, Neptune Empire Phase: Saturn, Venus Legend Phase: Julius, Augustus MARS Town Phase: Janus, Carmenta City Phase: Cybele, Bacchus Empire Phase: Vulcan, Saturn Legend Phase: Augustus, Julius NORTHWEST SEMITIC also rather incomplete; i have all the deities, but just have to organize them into the setup IROQUOIS/NATIVE AMERICAN ive pretty much given up on this faction, but its still a possibility, i guess MAYAN/OTHER MESOAMERICAN ive given up on this one entirely; the aztecs were difficult enough to come up with POLYNESIAN i reworked this one most recently and decided to officially divide it into three "sub-factions": Hawaiians, Maori, and Rapa Nui (Easter Island), forming the pantheon setup more on that than anything else HI'IAKA Town Phase: Oro, Paka'a City Phase: Hina, Tane Empire Phase: Maui, Namaka Legend Phase: Pele, Tangaroa RONGO Town Phase: Uenuku, Oro City Phase: Tane, Tawhirimatea Empire Phase: Turnatuega, Maui Legend Phase: Tumatauenga, Tangaroa MAKEMAKE Town Phase: Oro, Paka'a City Phase: Hina, Tawhirimatea Empire Phase: Maui, Turnatuega Legend Phase: Manana Take, Tangaroa MINOAN/SERBONIAN/ATLANTEAN/IBERIAN ive currently given up on this one, but i may add it again later SLAVIC PEOPLES PERUN Town Phase: Ipabog, Varpulis City Phase: Svetovid, Radegast Empire Phase: Jarilo, Dazbog Legend Phase: Marzanna, Belobog VELES Town Phase: Ozwiena, Ipabog City Phase: Radegast, Ziva Empire Phase: Jarilo, Svarog Legend Phase: Peklenc, Belobog CHERNOBOG Town Phase: Ozwiena, Varpulis City Phase: Ziva, Svetovid Empire Phase: Dazbog, Svarog Legend Phase: Marzanna, Peklenc ~~~~~ whew! done! and i am REALLY tired, so i wont say any more about this tonight
  4. i think a hebrew faction would be pretty cool, because they WERE a distinct and rather prominent people that deserve at least mention
  5. failing that, maybe something outright fictional would work
  6. sounds good to me, maybe janus' technology could be Hadrian's Wall? EDIT: oh, and i also had an idea as to how to include other civilizations without actually making them, especially since alot of them come from the same mythological regions as some of the pre-existing factions. basically, theyre just editor-only technologies that visually transform the units and buildings of a player into another race/species. for example, there would be a technology that would make a faction appear to be dwarves even though theyre just regular norse. thats not to say that there couldnt be greek or egyptian dwarves, but the basic idea is just that thered be one or two "fake" factions for each official one, though theyd probably be roughly equivalent in size to regular faction units and buildings. here's a few ideas: Dwarves (Norse) Centaurs (Greeks) Pygmies (Greeks, Romans, or Semites*) Fauns/Satyrs (Greeks or Romans) Vampires (Slavs) Werewolves (Slavs) Alfar/Elves (Norse) Mongols/similar (Chinese) Dinosauroids** (Cro-Magnons) Aborigines (Polynesians?) Atlantis (Greeks or Romans, assuming an "atlantis" faction isnt included in the final version) Inca (Aztecs) Skraelings (Norse) Zulu (Semites? there should be SOME kind of african "false" faction, for aesthetics if for nothing else) *because the semites also encompass carthage, which would in turn probably have a good amount of other african elements ** i had actually thought of having an actual dinosauroid faction to go hand-in-hand with the cro-magnons but decided against it later on. however, i think it would still be a really interesting "fake" faction. to clarify, the "dinosauroid" traditionally refers to the infamous dinosaur-human that was theorized to have evolved had the dinosaurs not died out. more dedicated theorists, particularly a turkish artist named Nemo Ramjet and an artist on deviantart named povorot have come up with far more likely representations of dinosauroids that include animals still roughly similar to cretaceous dinosaurs, albeit far more outwardly bird-like than what most people imagine the "original" dinosauroid the new dinosauroids alternatively, a derivative design that i came up with could be used, with is basically a partly feathered red and white jurassic park raptor, which would put them more on-scale with the units that would already be in the game but otherwise being identical to the new dinosauroids. similarly, some false or even extraterrestrial factions could be included in games centered more on the modern era, like the other RTS idea that i have, Atlas (which would stretch from the enlightenment to the near future, but thats a discussion for another thread)
  7. maybe julius could help military because he was such an able commander, augutus would help expansion because he's the most notable roman emperor, and indiges could help navy since he sailed all over the mediterranean before reaching italy. i was also thinking that quirinus would benefit buildings because he was the founder of the republic, iirc. vesta would probably help the temple and mars would benefit military.
  8. thing is, i hadnt planned out anything for the giant bee, but had gotten down pretty much everything for arachne AND had planned to originally include her as hestia's myth unit. i still wanted to include arachne as a myth unit, so...there ya have it. oh, i also have two bonuses for the roman major gods. Vesta's bonus is--fittingly--"Vestal Virgins", which protects Female Citizens from godpowers and capture by enemy troops. Mars' bonus is "Colosseum", which allows his followers to train the Gladiator superunit from the very beginning. i wanted to include that because in my earlier designs for the game which had unique units as each soldier for each faction, the gladiator was one of the earlier and more important roman units, and also because i wanted to make the romans a "heroic" faction (that meaning that they have named hero units instead of generic ones like "druid" or "jaguar warrior" and not generic "sovereign" heroes like "king" or "chieftain") ive also got the focuses for half of the roman gods. unlike myth units, the focuses, and therefore technologies and often godpowers, of minor gods will almost always be more closely related to the god. here's what i have just for the romans thus far. Pomona: foraging Janus: walls Neptune: ships Cybele: temple Vulcan: armory Saturn: agriculture
  9. i had had the ideas of Giant Bee and Leokampus for Cybele because she is associated with both bees and lions(and also in vague reference to Doctor Who--in one episode of that, an alien that resembles a giant wasp called a Vespiform appears. for that matter, the Cacus is actually also in reference to the Pyroviles, also from Doctor Who, these giant rock-and-lava-based lifeforms that tried to turn pompeii into their new capitol after their homeplanet was destroyed so that they could reshape the earth into their liking) and dont worry too much about the roman myth units, ive pretty much got them down now: Carmenta grants the Teumessian Fox Pomona grants the Arachne (fictional, but based on the Arachne legend) Janus grants the Automaton (i decided to cut out the Pygmy because of another idea i have) Bacchus grants the Faun Neptune grants the Khalkotaur (bronze bull) and Siren Cybele grants the Ladon Venus grants the Polyphontid (Agrius & Orius) and Scylla Vulcan grants the Cacus Saturn grants the Python Indiges grants the Vrykolakas Julius grants the Gigantes Augustus grants the Laistrygonian (cannibal giants from The Odyssey) and Charybdis sooooooo, yeah, thats all the myth units that the romans need. its still subject to change, but id like to keep this as more or less the final setup for balance: give the romans SOME powerful mythology but not as much as other cultures because, in mortal senses, the romans will have much more powerful soldiers, siege, and ships
  10. thats also why mars is included: ares was hated by all, even his own mother, for how bloodthirsty he was, whereas mars was level-headed and more similar to the norse god tyr(i guess; tyr was the god of single and honorable combat in norse mythology) as for deified mortals: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter_Indiges http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attius_Insteius_Tertullus you'll notice the names are changed for the game. i often try to do that for the benefit of those who arent as adept at pronunciation as i am as well as just to shorten the names and give more a ring to them, i guess. i mean, 'Indiges' sounds much cooler than 'Jupiter Indiges' or 'Aeneas' okay, here's what i have for the roman pantheon: Carmenta (goddess of prophecy and childbirth, grants the Teumessian Fox myth unit) Pomona (goddess of fruit trees, grants the Arachne* myth unit) Janus (god of doorways, beginnings, and end, grants the Pygmy myth unit) Bacchus (god of wine, grants the Faun myth unit) Neptune (god of the sea, grants the Khalkotaur and Siren myth units) Cybele (goddess of the earth, grants the Ladon myth unit) Venus (goddess of love, grants the Scylla myth unit, still requires a terrestrial myth unit) Vulcan (god of fire, grants the Cacus myth unit, could possibly be renamed Mulciber) Saturn (god of the harvest, grants the Python myth unit) Indiges (deified Aeneas, grants the Vrykolakas myth unit) Julius (deified Caesar, grants the Gigantes myth unit) Augustalis (deified Augustus, grants the Laistrygonian and Charybdis myth units) *i started to be at a loss for borrowed greek units, so i decided to recycle my old arachne idea, which would have been the myth unit for hestia in the greek faction EDIT: oh, ive also got the starting and ending points for each civilization down now: Cro-Magnons : 10,000 BC - 5000 BC, dated from the end of the last ice age to the widespread use of copper Minoans : 9600 BC - 1450 BC, dated from the peak of Atlantis to the fall of the Minoan civilization Harappan Hindus : 3300 BC - 1300 BC, dated from the early to late stages of the Harappan phases of the Indus Valley Civilization Mesopotamian Peoples : 3100 BC - 539 BC, dated from teh introduction of cuneiform script to the fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire Northwest Semites : 2348 BC - 146 AD, dated from the traditional date of the Creation to the fall of Carthage Hittite Trojans : 1800 BC - 1275 BC, dated from the rise of the Hittite civilization to the fall of Troy Mycenaean Greeks : 1600 BC - 1100 BC, dated to the rise and fall of the Mycenaean period Ancient Egyptians : 1570 BC - 1070 BC, dated to the rise and fall of the New Kingdom Pagan Romans : 753 BC - 380 AD, dated from the founding of Rome to Theodosius making Christianity the state religion Zoroastrian Persians : 450 BC - 644 AD, dated from the entry of Zoroastrianism into history to the fall of that religion at the hands of Islam Arthurian Celts : 330 BC - 540 AD, dated from teh entry of the Celts into recorded history to the traditional date of King Arthur's death Han Chinese : 221 BC - 220 AD, dated from the rise of the Qin dynasty to the fall of the Han dynasty Christians : 33 AD - 1272 AD, dated from the crucifixion to the end of the Ninth Crusade Slavic Peoples : 98 AD - 500 AD, dated from the entry of the Slavs into recorded history to the earliest date at which the Slavs began to adopt Christianity Shinto Japanese : 250 AD - 710 AD, dated from the beginning of the Yamato period to the beginning of the Nara period (the Nara period is when Buddhism became prevalent in Japan) Mayan Peoples : 250 AD - 900 AD, dated from the beginning of the Mayan classical period to the Mayan Collapse Polynesians : 300 AD - 1700 AD, dated from the earliest date of Hawaii's settlement to the approach to that civilization's height Imperial Aztecs : 600 AD - 1502 AD, dated from the time at which the Nahua peoples began to expand to the ascension of Moctezuma II to the throne of the Aztec Empire Norse Vikings : 793 AD - 1100 AD, dated to the duration of the Viking Age now i just have to fill in those between times with relevent evets EDIT: i just realized that i forgot to come up with the timeline for the iroquois faction. yknow, maybe ill just drop that faction, and maybe the minoans and mayans, too
  11. chances are, with the fauns as bacchus' myth unit, bacchanals wont be included as units. however, i can probably take a page out of AOM's book and make that a technology for bacchus. i also worked out the new version of the roman pantheon last night. i dont have my laptop right now, so i cant post the exact thing, but the major gods are now Quirinus(the deified first emperor of rome, romulus), Vesta(goddess of the hearth and of the roman state), and Mars(god of war), as the "good", "neutral", and "evil" gods, respectively. before, i had them as Quirinus, Mithras, and Jupiter. ive excluded jupiter and a number of gods already included for the greeks on purpose to better differentiate the roman pantheon from the greek one. ive also got three deified mortals as the last available gods: Indiges(Aeneas), Julius (Julius Caesar), and Augustalis(Augustus). julius is available to all three major gods, and indiges is available only to quirinus. i also gave indiges an undead wolf-man myth unit, the Vrykolakas(sp?) in reference to the fact that romulus and remus were suckled by a she-wolf, since indiges is alvailable only to quirinus/romulus vulcan is also available as a late game god. normally i wouldnt include him because he's the counterpart to hephaestus, but i wanted to put him in in order to reference pompeii: his myth unit is Cacus, a fire-breathing giant, and his godpower will be Eruption. i may have mentioned before that i plan to balance the mortal and mythical elements of each faction depending on how powerful the faction's mortal elements are. since rome will be pretty powerful in teh mortal sense, they'll have a weaker mythology to even it out, and will only get that one natural disaster godpower, eruption, for balance. thats not to say that their mythology is totally lacking, though: Augustalis gives you two myth units: the mighty Laistrygonian cannibal giant and the hideous sea monster Charybdis. Scylla, essentially an aquatic hydra like in AOM, will also be available to Venus, and Ladon, the dragon guarding the garden of the hesperides, is available as an earlier myth unit EDIT: ive decided on yet another thing. since rome encompassed so many lands, i think i'll try to get a "representative" myth unit for each province. specifically, im gonna try to get one for each major province of the western empire because thats the part of the empire that i really want to focus on(the eastern mediterranean is already too crowded with the greeks, egyptians, hittites, semites, and minoans) and will otherwise fill in legitimate roman and greek units for other portions of their pantheon. dont worry, though: fauns, sirens, scylla, cacus, vrykolakas, laistrygonians, and charybdis will all still be there. other than them, though, im gonna see what foreign myth units i can include
  12. i actually wasnt planning for them to be: they would be "bard" units like the Orpheus hero unit, acting as support units to boost allied morale, but when upgraded, they get a special attack where they yell this horrible sound called "Panic" which demoralizes enemies: iirc, during the titanomachy or some other greek mythical war, Pan, the satyr-like god, was the one that first yelled like that and it sent enemies into a terrified frenzy, hence why its called "Panic". otherwise, though, the fauns/satyrs wont really have any attacks, which is also to differentiate them from AOM, in which theyre just javelin-throwers but i WAS planning for some drunkenness to be included. one other idea i had as a myth unit for bacchus was the Bacchanal, just a kind of fictional wine spirit that can use some kind of magic to inebriate enemies and make them go berserk, attacking anything near them. another was the godpower Madness that would also be given to dionysus/bacchus, which would do the same thing as the bacchanal to a number of units within an area. and this actually has basis in mythology, too: one of the more famous dionysus legends involved a theban king declaring dionysus a false god and when he went to a mountain to put an end to a festival dedicated to the wine god, dionysus made some of the people there, including the king's mother, so inebriated that they thought the king was a boar and they killed him. its also entirely possible that mythical drunkenness and other wine gods will be included with other factions, but if that DOES end up being the case, i havent come up with them yet i DID, however, come up with an idea for the other aztec demigod that i hadnt had before: Shorn One (Cuachicqueh). he would normally just be a powerful infantry soldier, but he could also possibly have the effect that, once he attacks something, you cannot control him until he becomes idle, as in when theres no other enemy near him that he'll automatically attack. this comes from the fact that the shorn ones in actual history never took a step backwards or retreated once they entered battle, upon pain of death from their own comrades. they were the most prestigious of all aztec warrior societies, even more than the jaguar warriors, and the aztec high general (Tlacochcalcatl) was ALWAYS a member of the shorn ones. EDIT: oh, and i also filled in the missing poseidon hero: Philoctetes, a companion of Heracles. he's slower than normal because of the injury to his foot for which he is famous, but he utilizes poisoned arrows that used to belong to Heracles himself, which were dipped in the venom of the Hydra. as such, his arrows hurt any enemy they hit for five more seconds after each hit. this is a special trait, not a special attack, so whenever he hits something, it gets poisoned. ...how weird. Hercules is playing on TV right now!
  13. thanks for that. and dont worry about the satyrs, theyll come in as myth units for bacchus with the roman faction(though they would be called fauns there, their roman name, but the effect would be the same). mainades, however, probably wont make it in, unless they end up being an editor-only unit
  14. like with 0ad, some historical/mythological liberties will be taken. i must admit, the real reason that i made helios a legend phase god is because i wanted to still keep the colossus as a lategame myth unit and because the original colossus of rhodes was a statue of helios. besides, i came up with a REALLY cool AND original natural disaster-type godpower for helios: Solar Flare. its invoked in an area and it will steadily grow hotter there until the sunlight becomes blindingly bright and will incinerate units and farms/fields and will set buildings on fire and yes, i DID read about the dionysus legends, but im personally pretty satisfied with what i currently have. it also breaks the mold by NOT necessarily having the most famous gods. another key thing that im shooting for is differentiating it from AOM as much as i can as for the order of gods, its not necessarily the most important gods coming later thats going on. the most important gods come first because theyre the major gods: on the screen where you would select your faction, first you go to which civilization as a whole you want to play as (ie, Greeks) and then select a major god (ie, Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades). keep in mind that im also not necessarily being accurate with the major gods, either. like AOM and 0ad, im taking some liberties: there will always be a "good" god, an "evil" god, and a "neutral" god for each faction. though odin is the king of the norse gods, he's present as the "neutral" god for the norse faction with thor being the "good" god and loki the "evil" one. in actuality, the three most important gods in norse mythology--as i said earlier--are thor, odin, and FREYR. since freyr doesnt fit the bill as the evil major god, loki takes his place not only because he is better-known than freyr but also because of his reputation: he killed a god, initiated ragnarok, and was renowned for his mischievous ways. THAT is what warrants an evil god. with the mesopotamians, their "evil" god isnt even a god, really, and was never really worshipped as far as i know: Tiamat, a giant primordial dragon that was the progenitor of the mesopotamian gods and slain by Marduk, who is the mesopotamian "good" god. the neutral position is filled in with Ishtar, who was also important but was both a protagonist AND antagonist in mythology, and her actions were a bit questionable as for medusa, i must have misread your post, then yeah, i know that karkinos is associated with hera, but i once again wanted to differentiate from AOM and instead made karkinos one of apollo's myth units because i hapened to decide to give him the hydra. persephone is a lategame god pretty much just because i wanted her to be. and i gave her a fitting godpower, even though its borrowed from AOM: Underworld Passage, allowing instantaneous travel between two points on the map im aware that lamias are greek in origin and not hittite, but they seem more fitting to go with the trojans (which are the people that will be focused on teh most for that faction, and it was originally going to be just a Trojan faction) than with the greeks overall, i would guess that im going for as much historical/mythological accuracy as i can while still leaving room for a good amount of freedom and historical/mythological liberties. ive said it before, but ill say it again: absolute accuracy should not take precedence over enjoyable gameplay. on AOM, the fact that dionysus gave you the hydra AND scylla is inaccurate is only an afterthought EDIT: oh, and ive reconsidered once again. i found out theres not much basque mythology to go on, either, so the serbonians will remain. but maybe ill reform them into just a minoan faction and give them alot of "atlantean" elements since the minoans are the most likely candidate for a "real" atlantis ive also made another decision: since the aztecs arent going to have cavalry units and will, for the most part, also lack in siege and ships, they will get every type of infantry. ive already done some research and have gotten all of their basic units down as well as a few others: Macuahuitl (Swordsman) Tepoztopilli (Spearman) Tlahuitolli (Archer, specifically armed with barbed, obsidian arrows) Atlatl (Javelinist, perhaps he will have a greater range because he uses a javelin-throwing tool instead of just his hands) Tematlatl (Slinger) Eagle Warrior/Cuauhtin (Super Infantry Unit, but he counts as a cavalry spearman even though he's a foot soldier to even things about a bit, and he's got a special Javelin Attack where he'll throw a spear at range, because the eagle warriors had several weapons, not just spears, but i decided to give him just those two) Jaguar Warrior/Ocelotl (Chivalric Hero, counts as an infantry swordsman and drains health from soldiers as he fights, but is incapable of draining health from myth units and other heroes) ive also got down the Aztec Fortress and Barracks: the Calmecac and the Telpochcalli, respectively. the former was the training school of young aztec nobility, and the latter was strictly for commoners, so it all fits
  15. perhaps some kind of slavic civilization would also be a good idea, yknow, throw some russian representatives in there, if decent information can be found for them
  16. (facepalm) i forgot! i included another naval myth unit! by worshipping Helios, you not only get the Colossus, but also Cetus, the legendary sea monster that Perseus turned to stone. id personally like to make a more realistic version of the creature be present in the game rather than the "kraken" from Clash of the Titans, maybe even something godzilla-esque EDIT: ive also decided on another thing: instead of having the entirely fictional serbonians as one of the factions in the final group of five to be introduced in later releases, there would be an Iberian faction. it would probably be pretty much the same as in 0ad but, of course, with mythological aspects. however, since theres little legitimate iberian mythology that i can really find, alot of their mythological aspects will instead be Basque in origin; spain IS where the basque people are most concentrated, followed by france, so it still works out
  17. well helios is pretty powerful in mythology: mess with his cows, and youre @#$%ed id LIKE to keep dionysus, but i found he wasnt as important as some of the others. and besides, he's not even an olympian, really; he just replaces hestia since he's better known, but he's still not an olympian. for that matter, i also had to drop hestia(who benefited buildings) and morpheus (who focused on myth units). it may also be for the best that some of those deities arent included here, because then they can be used for the romans without pretty much copying the greeks; thats another thing that i want to do athena was more important, though, being the patron of athens and whatnot. besides, this aso helps differentiate it from AOM, in which athena was an earlier god for the greeks and hephaestus was a later one(in that game, hephaestus was the one that had the colossus unit and ares had the cyclops). okay, this response im gonna list for simplicity: --yeah, not all of the myth units fit, but i tried to do my best with that and i still plan to share some of the other greek myth units with the romans, christians, and hittites if and when i need to, so the greeks get the better-known ones, for the most part. --having medusa fly as well as turn enemies to stone seems a bit overkill. argos/argus is already in there, technically, as a technology granted by hera, the Eyes of Argus, which would increase how far your towers could see. argus as a scouting unit isnt a bad idea, but he would work better as a very early one instead of for late-game hera. interestingly, your suggestion of giving hera both medusa and karkinos was already done in AOM. i wanted to differentiate from that, and since i gave hydra to apollo, i gave him karkinos, too; its a little-known fact that karkinos the crab came to the assistance of the hydra while it was fighting hercules, but it was quickly killed by hercules. it WAS hera that made karkinos into a constellation, but i dont think that really gives enough reason for making it hera's unit --i plan to have sirens as a roman unit not only to divide the greek units but also because, iirc, the sirens' island was supposedly nearer rome than it was greece. --i know persephone is a nature goddess, but she seemed fitting for hades --lamias will probably be a hittite unit --not sure about that last one you suggested for apollo, but i personally am satisfied with what i have right now for greek myth units
  18. lemme check....... for advancement into the Town Phase, theres Hermes (focuses on cavalry), Demeter (focuses on agriculture), and Aphrodite (focuses on economy) for advancement into the City Phase, theres Hephaestus (focuses on armory, this would be the armor advancement from the military center/barracks), Apollo (focuses on Archer units and the temple), and Ares (focuses on melee soldiers, this would be both infantry and cavalry) for advancement into the Empire Phase(which i suggest would be introduced in the second official release of the original game), theres Athena (focuses on mortal defenses, like soldier shields and walls), Hera (focuses on walls and towers), and Artemis (focuses on Archer units and hunting capabilities) for advancement into the Legend Phase(the last phase), theres Helios (focuses on towers and livestock), Hekate (focuses on myth units), and Persephone (also focuses on myth units) here's what i have for greek myth units, btw: HERMES --Centaur (cavalry archer that occasionally fires an arrow with 100% accuracy, boosted right out of AOM) --Ichthyocentaur (essentially a naval version of the regular centaur, included because i wanted to give the greeks another naval myth unit) DEMETER --Hamadryad (wood nymph that turns into a tree while idle and will sometimes turn enemies into trees permanently during battle) APHRODITE --Harpy (flying raider that can pick up foot soldiers and citizens to drop them to their deaths as well as steal any resources they were holding) HEPHAESTUS --Cyclops (one-eyed giant that can pick up and throw enemies at other enemies, copied from AOM) APOLLO --Hydra (starts with one head and grows more as it kills enemies, also copied from AOM) --Karkinos (giant enemy crab, attack its weakpoint for massive damage its actual abilities are that it is an amphibious naval myth unit, meaning its spawned in the water but can go onto land as well and fight there. though this guy was also in AOM, he has different abilities here) ARES --Stymphalian Bird (another flying myth unit, also borrowed from AOM, it shoots metallic fathers to attack at range and does more damage to buildings, in reference to their toxic dung. they are more vulnerable to ranged attacks than other flying units) ATHENA --Minotaur (essentially a buffed-up version of the minotaur from AOM, it will ram/gore enemies occasionally to send them flying) HERA --Nemean Lion (another one borrowed from AOM, it roars to send adjacent enemies flying and damage all enemies nearby, and also has more armor versus projectile attacks) ARTEMIS --Erymanthian Boar (this one is far more basic than other units, to compensate for Artemis' godpower being very powerful. i havent come up with an effect yet, maybe he just barrels through enemies and sends them flying) HELIOS --Colossus (more fitting than in AOM but essentially the same, the Colossus is a giant bronze warrior that smashes buildings with a huge sword, and will essentially be the toughest unit in the game even if it isnt THE most powerful. they can restore health by eating trees and mineral resources, and maybe they could also be partially amphibious so that they wade into water up to a certain depth HEKATE --Medusa (also boosted from AOM, though possibly having a more accurate appearance of actually being a snake-haired woman rather than resembling medusa from Clash of the Titans. she'll occasionally stare at a single enemy to turn them to stone, or perhaps a group of enemies by doing a "splash" effect. its basically a better version of perseus' ability because it affects more than one unit of any kind, instead of just myth units) PERSEPHONE --Chimera (again, taken right off AOM, the chimera is not only powerful but will occasionally spit fire from its snake head over a wide area. incidentally, the celtic Dullahan unit can also do this)
  19. ill look into that what do you think about the rest of it, though? the myth units and such? ive also pretty much got the greek units down. since the mythology greeks are from roughly the same time period as in 0ad, they have roughly the same units: the hoplite, peltast, toxotes, and hippeus as their regular soldiers and the penteconter and trireme as their ships. i havvent recopied the siege yet. the differences start with their heroes and super units. now, since its just the poleis that are being employed by the greek culture, they have ones more fitting of that: -- Argonaut: an infantry swordsman that has a slight bonus against myth units. he also has the unique trait of not counting towards your population limit and not taking any space when garrisoned into a building, ship, etc, meaning you can have the maximum number of soldiers in a ship as well as argonauts. to balance this, you can only have 10 argonauts at any time -- Scythian Archer: a cavalry archer that fires with greater accuracy than other soldiers. though they werent from greece, they WERE employed as mercenaries by many peoples. this may be a bit of a stretch. again, we dont need to be absolutely accurate, but if scythian archers are taken off and added to a different culture (slavs, maybe?) they could be replaced by macedonian companion cavalry. spartan super units are not included with the greeks because one of their minor gods, Ares, grants a godpower that transforms soldiers in an area into Spartan warriors: Spartan Hoplite, Spartan Peltast, Spartan Toxotes, Spartan Hippeus, and so on. yes, yes, i know that the spartans themselves didnt use ranged weapons and instead had their helots employing those weapons, but having it like that just overcomplicates things, so they would ALL be spartans. the power could also potentially work on non-Greek units or units that the greeks dont normally acquire, like if in a scenario the greeks are just GIVEN slingers or something and the power is used on them, theyd become "Spartan Slingers", something like that here;s what i have for heroes, as well: Zeus' heroes -- Jason (infantry swordsman, no special) -- Odysseus (infantry archer, switches to sword for close-quarters fighting) -- Leonidas (infantry spearman, yells a battlecry) -- Bellerophon (cavalry spearman, flies over terrain, cliffs, and water on pegasus and occasionally soars higher in a "leap attack") -- Heracles (infantry swordsman, does more damage vs. buildings, ships, and siege, and will occasionally "go berserk" and hurt all enemies near him) Poseidon's heroes -- Theseus (infantry swordsman, no special) -- Hippolyta (infantry archer, occasionally fires two arrows at once) -- Atalanta (infantry spearman, runs faster than all other greek units--including cavalry and siege, and has a bonus vs. cavalry) -- [im actually missing a fourth hero for poseidon. the only one that comes to mind is Alexander, since poseidon emphasizes cavalry, but id prefer to have someone else] -- Polyphemus (cyclops, will ocassionally pick up an enemy unit and throw it at other enemy units to greater effect than regular cyclopes) Hades' heroes -- Ajax (infantry swordsman or spearman, higher than normal armor) -- Orpheus (specialized hero, cant attack, but plays songs on his lyre for different effects: boost allied morale, lower enemy morale, or make a single enemy myth unit fall asleep for a short time) -- Chiron (cavalry archer/centaur, will occasionally fire three arrows at once with perfect accuracy) -- Perseus (infantry swordsman, will occasionally lift up the head of Medusa to turn a single enemy myth unit to stone, killing it instantly) -- Achilles (infantry swordsman or spearman, no special attack, but is practically indestructible) i also came up with the idea that, for Heroic cultures (like teh greeks) their heroes never really "die" but instead fall unconscious a la AOM and will only revive when there are more friendly units around them than enemies. alternatively, if you have a hospital, they will automatically revive there instead of out in the field. on non-provincial maps, it would be at your first hospital, but on provincial maps, it would only happen if they "died" in a territory that has a hospital in it EDIT: here's the new arthurian names. its now all in welsh, except for a few remaining modern english words Gleddyfwr (Swordsman) Thryferu (Spearman) Saethwr (Archer) Hatodeg (Cavalry Swordsman) Farchog (Cavalry Spearman) Nynes (Female Citizen) Fasnachwr (Trader) Farcnatawr Llong (Merchant Ship) Rwyflong (Bireme) Rhyfela Llong (Trireme) Hyrddio (Onager) ** this word basically means "to throw" and it appeared no less than three times connected to different words when i translated "catapult" into welsh, so thats why i chose this one Maharen (Ram) Lambton Knight/Lambton Farchog Mounted Knight ** this one still requires a welsh translation, but i want a better english name first, since the Arthurian cavalry spear is already called Farchog King/Brenin Druid/Dderwydd Thref (Civic Center) Cartref (House) Hysgubor (Granary) Maes (Field) Hystabl (Corral) Hystorfa (Storehouse) Ragorsaf (Outpost) Furiwch (Wall) Porth (Gate) Thocio (Dock) Hysbyty (Hospital) Gwersylltai (Barracks) Caer (Fortress) Melonas (Special Building 1) ** still requires a welsh name ive also given a specific name to the tree that the celts use to generate favor: Bren, just a welsh word meaning "tree"
  20. the idea more came from an invented godpower i saw in a LOTR mod for AOM, in which some thorns were summoned in a circle and did the exact same effect as the lambton knight. the same effect will be applied to the Peluda myth unit(that one makes a bit more sense, since it actually had "tentacles" and its not everyone around the knight, its enemies that are adjacent (right next) to it. he would also have the trait of not being able to be hurt by myth unit special attacks, in reference tothe lambton tale ill go back and look in on the arthur stuff ive also finished up the new setups for the first five factions (Celts, Egyptians, Greeks, Mesopotamians, and Norse). i had to cut out some of the minor gods that i had before. for instance, dionysus and baldr are no longer in consideration. which still makes sense: dionysus wasnt really an olympian to begin with, and baldr died in norse legend, which was the first event leading up to ragnarok. freyr, who really was a more important deity than baldr, is put in in his place. speaking of freyr, i actually learned recently that its odin, thor, and FREYR that are the most important norse gods, and not odin, thor, and loki. even so, i decided to keep loki as the "evil" major god because he is the more infamous one, tricking people on a regular basis, killing baldr, and so on EDIT: ive also got the Arthurian Celtic panthon pretty much down. here's what i have so far: Major Gods Toutatis -- god of tribal protection -- Traits: soldiers have more health and more resistance to attack from myth units -- Bonus: Blessing (heroes and demigods are protected from enemy godpowers: they cannot be affected by godpowers that specifically target units, but if theyre caughgt in a natural disaster-type godpower, theyll still be hurt, but chances are theyll be able to walk away from it) -- Technology: (i dont have a tech for this one yet. any ideas?) -- God Power: Barrier (creates a shell of magic over a wide area, protecting it from projectiles, myth units, and godpowers. myth units cannot enter or exit the barrier, which means it could also be used to trap enemy myth units that are trying to march on you while your soldiers escape, but soldiers and mortal weapons like catapults and ships can still pass through it. imagine it as being kind of like the energy shield from Star Wars in effect) Brigantia -- goddess of victory -- Traits: soldiers have more armor and do more damage while hunting -- Bonus: Flaming Arrows (ignites all your projectile weapons, making them do more damage, especially to ) -- Technology: (i dont have a tech for this one yet. any ideas?) -- God Power: Torc Triath (summons the King of Boars to fight for you) Beira -- goddess of winter -- Traits: melee soldiers have more health and armor -- Bonus: Crystal Towers (allows you to build practically indestructible Crystal Towers in addition to basic outposts and wall towers) -- Technology: (i dont have a tech for this one yet. any ideas?) -- God Power: (i dont have a godpower for this one yet. any ideas?) Minor Gods Cernunnos -- god of horned animals -- Focus: Druids -- Technology: Horned Ones -- Myth Units: Ram-headed Snake (no special abilities, just an early myth unit to help out soldiers), Grindylow (naval myth unit, again, no special abilities) -- God Power: (i dont have a godpower for this one yet. any ideas?) -- available to Toutatis and Brigantia for advancement to the Town Phase Sulis -- goddess of thermal springs -- Focus: civic -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: Banshee (ghostly woman that can scream to both lower enemy morale and temporarily paralyze them with fear, which means that your soldiers now have weaker targets that are completely open to attack), Selkie (naval myth unit, a special unit trained at the dock as a seal and can go onto land and attack soldiers with its teeth, and can also transform into a human being to double as a villager to help out with the economy) -- God Power: (i dont have a godpower for this one yet. any ideas?) -- available to Brigantia and Beira for advancement to the Town Phase Macha -- (i actually havent decided what her role is, as theres no less than a dozen different Macha goddesses in celtic legend that have been derived from the same entity, iirc, so this one'll take a little while to work out) -- Focus: civic -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: Bogeyman (a ghost-like embodiment of terror, he has a bonus against all units and takes different forms while fighting different units, and he also slightly lowers the morale of soldiers near him) -- God Power: (i dont have a godpower for this one yet. any ideas?) -- available to Toutatis and Beira for advancement to the Town Phase Gobannus -- god of smiths -- Focus: armory -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: Questing Beast (i havent yet come up with anything for the questing beast) -- God Power: (still required)) -- available to Toutatis and Brigantia for advancement to the City Phase Nantosuelta -- goddess of earth and fire -- Focus: (still required) -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: Jack-in-Irons (a giant man in chains wielding a club, he has a slight bonus against cavalry and siege, but also has a weakness: when he is near allied units, he actually becomes weaker!) -- God Power: (still required)) -- available to Toutatis and Beira for advancement to the City Phase Mogons -- god of war -- Focus: soldiers -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: Knucker (a serpentine dragon that can poison enemies when it bites them, continuously hurting them for ten more seconds after the attack) -- God Power: (still required)) -- available to Brigantia and Beira for advancement to the City Phase Belenus -- god of heat and healing -- Focus: healing (meaning Druids and hospitals) -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: (still required) -- God Power: Henbane (invoke in an area around enemy units to give them hemlock poisoning, continuously hurting them for thirty seconds after the godpower is invoked) -- available to Brigantia and Beira for advancement to the Empire Phase Epona -- goddess of horses -- Focus: cavalry -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: Green Knight (a fictionalized version of the Green Knight from Arthurian legend, this knight boasts great strength as well as the ability to summon magical roots that drag a single enemy unit underground, killing them instantly, and his horse also deals "trample" damage, that meaning that, when he moves, any units he's adjacent to receives damage), Lake Maiden (a fictional servant to the Lady of the Lake, she has no attack and is instead a support unit to other naval units, and she is also protected by the Lady's magic, making her practically indestructible) -- God Power: (still required)) -- available to Toutatis and Brigantia for advancement to the Empire Phase Lugh -- god of the sun and trickery -- Focus: (still required) -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: Dullahan (a headless horseman that attacks with a spinal cord as if it were a whip, and he will occasionally raise his severed head, which then spews flames over a wide area. he also has the unique ability to force enemy gates to open for him, even if they are locked), Niseag (the Loch Ness Monster, a naval myth unit that has two abilities: she can charge a short distance onto land, rendering herself vulnerable to attacks from soldiers but allowing her to pursue soldiers that try to run away from teh shore, and th other allows her to dive under a ship and capsize it, sinking it instantly) -- God Power: (still required)) -- available to Toutatis and Beira for advancement to the Empire Phase Nodens -- god of the sea, hunting, and dogs (demoted from Major God) -- Focus: hunting and navy -- Technology: Silver Arms -- Myth Units: Pendragon (formerly called Welsh Dragon or Vortigern Dragon, a winged dragon so heavy that it cant clear forests or buildings but can still fly over terrain, cliffs, and water, it has a bonus against all soldiers and will occasionally breathe fire for extra damage against any unit or building in the range of its fire, doing especially high damage to ships, siege, and buildings) -- God Power: Camelot (summons several Knights of the Round Table to fight for you. they are very powerful and all named, and all have bonuses against myth units, but, unlike the named heroes of Heroic cultures, when they die, they are gone for good) -- available to Toutatis and Brigantia for advancement to the Legend Phase Maponos -- god of youth -- Focus: (still required) -- Technology: Airmed's Cloak -- Myth Units: Aughisky (naval myth unit, i still have to come up with special abilities, and im also missing a terrestrial myth unit for maponos) -- God Power: (still required)) -- available to Brigantia and Beira for advancement to the Legend Phase Manannan -- god of the sea -- Focus: ships -- Technology: (still required) -- Myth Units: Water Giant (a giant amphibious construct that smashes buildings with walls of water. again, im missing a land myth unit) -- God Power: Maelstrom (creates a gigantic storm at sea that destroys enemy ships, naval myth units, and damages or destroys anything within its range from the shore. the player can control where it moves for as long as it exists) -- available to Toutatis and Beira for advancement to the Legend Phase youll notice that the celts have alot of naval myth units. this is because they are still lacking in the naval department and have those units to compensate EDIT: i also worked out the arthurian units, for the most part, and renamed all the new units and buildings with old english names: Sweordfreca (Swordsman) Gárwiga (Spearman) Strælbora (Archer) Rædehere (Cavalry Swordsman) Rídend (Cavalry Spearman) Cwene (Female Citizen) Cíepa (Trader) Céapscip (Merchant Ship) [bireme] [Trireme] Feohtgegyrela (Onager) Ramm (Ram) Héafodport (Civic Center) Hired (House) Cornhús (Granary) Feormehám (Field) Bernhús (Corral) Cíepehús (Storehouse) Foreweard (Outpost) Múr (Wall [Gates are called Geat]) Hwearf (Dock) Læcehús (Hospital) Mílitisc (Barracks) Caer (Fortress)* Melonas (Special Building)** * this is the only structure that has a Welsh name instead of an Old English one ** this is boosted directely from the 0AD Celts
  21. hello again. ive been working on the project again and ive decided to reformat it again to more closely match up with the current specs for 0ad. the only one ive done very extensive work on so far are the celts(ive been reworking pantheons, and so far the celts are the only ones to have a more complete civilization setup). alot of it is still "leftovers" from the 0ad original, but i plan to replace some of units and functions with new ones. for example, they are no longer divided into "Gauls" and "Britons" and are simply "Arthurian Celts". what i currently have as new units are both Demigods (this one's version of Super Units, just to go with the mythology theme): Lambton Knight: functions as an infantry swordsman with higher-than-normal armor and the special trait of hurting all enemies adjacent to him constantly because he is covered with spiked armor. he's based on the medieval legend of John Lambton, who slew the Lambton Worm using such a suit of armor Mounted Knight: simply a very heavy cavalry spearman, he's expensive but has high armor and attack power as well as a bonus against myth units tthe heroes from 0ad are pretty much thrown out with new functions that help differentiate cultures, as i mentioned earlier. the Arthurian Celts are a Sovereign culture and get the King and the Druid as heroes, which are classed as Sovereign and Sovereign Support, respectively. i personally imagine the King as actually being based on Graham Chapman's portrayl of King Arthur: it may not be entirely authentic (im not really sure on that end) but for basic ideas, it works. im currently imagining the Druid as looking like a stereotypical shaman with a ram or deer skull on his head.
  22. thats pretty much what id like to see, too: a third release that expands out of "roman" civilizations to include ones from all over the world. the only two suggestions i can come up with for that, though, are Han dynasty China and Yamato period Japan
  23. ...huh? the reason i havent included an Inca faction is because the Visigothic faction is meant to encompass south america. but i guess inca would be a good choice for an expansion i added in the Israeli, Italian, and Japanese factions, too
  24. just added the Habsburg (Austro-Hungarian) and Indian factions. check 'em out.
  25. personally, i think HC shipments would work better simulated by triggers in a campaign, where your base is further to the center of the map and shipped units must walk from the edge of the map to your town before you can use them, bringing along caravan something or others that provide resources
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