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Posts posted by Quacker

  1. How much do we know about Sauron during his stay at Dol Guldur? I'd be so cool to know what occured when the Wise drove him from the tower back to Barad-dur and how the Nazgul reclaimed it. Is that related to the black winged figure that the Fellowship saw (and Legolas shot at) on their way down the Anduin?

  2. Now, I know that most every movie-to-game adaption ends up with a sucky game that has no good lasting value (or unlasting value). They just plain make you wanna cry.

    However, I've been playing EfBB (which I picked up used at Blockbuster for $7 due to a buy-one-get-one-50%-off sale - just a dollar more than renting it, so I just bought it) and I can say that I've enjoyed it a whole lot. Whether sneaking around avoiding guards, dragging their dead "neck-slit" bodies into the dark so they aren't seen, or just simply running around to help some fellow inmate, it is a great game all around. Vin Diesel provides awesome voice-overs; you don't feel like you've strayed from the movies. The graphics are awesome, I haven't found one complaint (except from a glare on my TV due to a window...but that's not the game's fault). Controls are fairly easy to learn and actively use.

    Kudos to the AI, I have a hard time avoiding the guards and their stupid little flashlights.

    I'd definitely suggest buying or renting this game. It gets a A+ in my book.

  3. Haha, well, before I continue on in this debate, I gotta get more information. I'd hate arguing further without a stable argument. Hope that's cool with ya'll, please don't see it as me chickening out or something.

    The only thing about the death penalty compare to prison for life, its basically the same thing. Imagine the horror of an innocent man being sentenced for life. Do we abolish life sentences? I don't know. I am no judge of lives. What about CP for the cases that are beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond all dispute? That's kinda like divorce, in a reverse way. I don't like divorce, but the Bible does advocate it under certain circumstances.

    First, let me add that I wasn't trying to say that CP (as it's now being called)

    Lol, it sure is a lot easier to type than "capital punishment."

  4. There's only one problem with your arguement Mike. The governor told CNN that there was a flaw in the system. That's the legal system, not the actual death system. As I said, "Is that a valid arguement, that an innocent man could die? If so, then it says something about the legal system not finding the person-in-wrong." If the legal system would be fixed, than we would have less problems. That could be applied to any punishment, not just CP. How dare we put someone in prison for 6 months that was found innocent! Its not a case against CP, but against the legal system. Should we stop punishing people entirely?

  5. Interesting topic, finally something in HoI that I'll post in.

    How often is an innocent man killed? Of course we have no way of telling. Is that a valid arguement, that an innocent man could die? If so, then it says something about the legal system not finding the person-in-wrong. I believe that to be more of a myth that some use to fuel their anti-capital punishment ideals (not pointing fingers, just people in general that don't support CP).

    I'm not sure what basis the statement about euthanasia and abortion being similar has. CP is killing someone that has killed someone else, the other two are unrelated (in my opinion). Like Andy said, those are for other topics.

    Personally, I think that people knowing the fact that they will die if they take a life is a deterrant. A lot of the trouble is the afforementioned appeals, etc. The whole system takes a long time, and the people that get on death row rarely actually die. It's basically just prison.

    I don't know anything about these "studies" based on their accuracy. How could you even collect that data?

    Now, you may say why am I advocating this, being a peace-loving Christian that should turn the other cheek. That's part of it. If people today would "turn the other cheek" and get over their differences in a civil way, thus not ending a life, we wouldn't even have to have this topic. If people had a sense of morality, there would be significantly less problems in this world. "Guys, maybe its not such a great idea to hit up that bank. Someone may get hurt or killed, and we could face death via the legal system." Boom, two crimes stopped by the fact that they knew that they would die if they took a life.

  6. @Thug: Don't forget that "c" in quacker :P Agreed, I do hope things work out in the long run...only time will tell. Would you say that with the capture of Baghdad, capture of Saddam, capture of Falujah, and the lack of significant attacks during the elections making the War on Terror a success thus far?

  7. Well, regardless of election turnouts, one thing stands clear. Were the terrorists able to stop the elections, much less cause chaos and prevent a voter turnout? The terrorists are losing, and aren't even able to stop women from voting.

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