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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. Well I was told I have hear in perfect pitch by a some doctor, I may not I am just asuming that the doctor was correct. I know I have decent hearing though.

    Although I normaly can tell which key somehing is in. not 100% of the time or with 100% accuracy.

  2. Welcome Mandalore.

    0 A.D. looks like a lot of fun, and I'm really impressed with the professional quality of the project. In all honesty if I hadn't been told beforehand that it was a hobbyist project I would have thought it was made by a big-name developer.

    When I first came here I thought the same thing.

    Anyway welcome, I am sure you will have a good time here,

  3. Now what's really cool is for people who have perfect pitch. Many of them claim that C minor is "mesto" (the mournful key). They have a whole world open to them that most people can't imagine.

    I hear in perfict pitch. So far the only thing I have noticed I can do better is hear the phone ring while load music is playing (and no one else can hear it) or from far away.

    C minor is kind of mournful sounding, but I wouldnt go as far as saying its the only key which can sound like that especialy if they are played in the right order.

    Anyway I dont think I have sythesaeia (whatever it is) but when I was young and learning the alphabet I always thought each letter had its own sort of colour, but I dont do that now.

  4. Okay I have been doing some more looking around so here is what I've found, any opinions on it?

    Motherboard: nVidia nForce4 SLI

    3d card: geforce 6800 ultra

    Sound Card: Audigy 4 Pro

    CPU: AMD FX-55

    DVD Drive 1: Pioneer DVR-108

    DVD Drive 2: Sony DVD-ROM

    Not sure about what company/types for some of this other stuff so Ill just say what I know.

    RAM: 1GB

    Hard Drive: 250GB

    CASE: I dont care as long as it all fits

    Heatsink/fan: I dont care as long as my comp stays cool

    is there anything else I need to add, probably

    P.S. whats a PSU?

  5. Well since it got bumped

    Back on Topic, I am really surprised that they still learn French in Australia. I once read an article saying that French is now overtaken by Chinese or Japanese in Aussie schools ... A pity for me, but I can clearly understand why ...

    Depends on the school. My school offers Japanese, German and French. I chose French (I hate the german language for some reason... it just really annoys me and I prefer french over japanese)

    Another school I went to for a while in year 5 taught indonesian and a school I went to in year 6 taught Latin, Greek, French and German and you had to learn them all. Needless to say my love of learning languages made this my favourite evem if I did have to do some german (which I was quite good at like all languages I study)

  6. Strangely enough, I've never had any of these sorts of problems with Windows. And what's with his use of the word "elegant" over and over and over again? It's really not all that different-looking.

    The only thing I complain about with Mircrosoft is IE. So I use Firefox. I've had no other problems.

    Exactly, I havent had any of these problems before that everyone is always complaing about, if you have the slightest sense of computer knowledge then you can pretty much stay safe

    y opinion on this: WinXP is a very stable, productive, useful and comfortable operating system, much better than the old 9x-variants. Period. Security problems are another story, but if you activate the automatic Windows Update, use a browser different from IE and do not open any strange attachment you get via email, you're relatively safe.

    Exactly, if I dont expect an email with something attached, I dont open it untill I can onfirm what it is, if I dont know who sent it (some random email address I never seen before) it goes in the trash straight away.

    Its just common sense.

    While I see plenty of advantages to linux (or mac), I just dont see enough to fully convert over at this time when windows has served me fine ever since I started back on windows 95.

  7. Well I mostly wanted 3 to 4 harddrives because my family is always complaining about all the space I take up and I wanted a fourth to put linux on.

    Thanks for all the help, Ill try and comment as much as I can.

    Optional? Pretty hard to use a computer without those! wink.gif

    Just kidding... I assume this means you already have these parts and just need the "brain"?

    Well I already have them but any new recomenadations are appreciated.

    Mmm... these are the types of projects I like to work on!

    Me too!

    I'd go with 1GB, personally. It's dirt-cheap right now and extra RAM is always useful.

    which is why I said the more the better. is there a limit on how much you can get/fit into a computer?

    So you can... what? Do you have any "lean" towards a RAID setup, SATA HDDs, Raptors (smile.gif), etc?

    Id probably need to know the differences before I got any preferances.

    Ack, NewEgg doesn't ship to Austrailia. tongue.gif I usually go with them for all my computer components. Not too much of a problem though, I'm sure there are comparable retailers "down under". smile.gif

    Aww :) well Im sure I can find somethin comparable.

    If you have any links to computer retailers in Austrailia, or web stores that ship to Austraila, I can spec out some rigs for you. smile.gif

    Ill do a search and post back.

    You must be thinking of dual-processor setups. This website has a bunch of information on this: http://www.2cpu.com/daedalus/article_archive.php

    Generally, a dual-proc setup gives more power (obviously), but at a large cost premium. Also, not many "consumer" motherboards come in dual-proc variants, so you could get stuck with a server board (less features oriented towards consumer and gaming applications).

    Thanks for finding that, If there is a good motherboard that supports it, do you think it would be worth getting?

    Actually I hear AMD and Intel are coming out with dual-core chips, it will only be a year or so...

    If you can't wait that long, I wouldn't recommend using dual CPUs unless you're under Linux - AFAIK Windows needs a special license for those or something. IMHO the AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 is cheaper than the fastest Intel and still gives similar/more performance. Don't quote me cause I can't afford either one and therefore how would I know?

    What if I get a single one now, could I upgrade to dual in a year?

    Sound card - Audigy 2 is nice but AFAICT Linux can't use the nice environmental effects (if anyone knows how, please tell me smile.gif ). I'm not sure Audigy 4 works with the emu10k driver either.

    Well I dont hear of many games on linux so does it really matter? I will mostly be using windows anyway. Also does it support suround sound?.. or is that a TV only thing?

    Graphics card - buy nVidia. Sure, lots of people don't like nVidia (I don't particularily adore them myself) but they have much, much better driver support than ATi does (ATi only came out with an X.org 6.8/Kernel 2.6 driver last month, which means I've only had 3D accel for a month wink.gif). If you're going to buy nVidia I suggest getting an ASUS one, cause they only take up one slot.

    Yeah I was leaning towards NnVidea for this sort of reason, but I really dont know which nvidia card to get etc... I need to learn a few more technical words before I can comprehend all the different options.

    Monitor - if you have the desk space I would still go with a CRT. Yeah, yeah, old school stuff, but really they look much better than LCDs do (IMHO the display is clearer, nicer, etc.). CRTs are also still preferrred for playing games (although if you're willing to spend $600 on a monitor, the newer low-latency LCDs are great for gaming too). The larger the better, although if you're looking for 21 in. or above you might as well buy an LCD cause the CRT wouldn't fit on anyone's desk

    I'll probably be going LCD because I need more desk space

    Keyboard - something 'professional'. You don't want carpal tunnel syndrome (someone I know has hand problems cause they're a programmer - they have to have daily 'destressing' and everything - you don't want that).

    Isnt that the thing you get from typing too much? I dont realy know but Im definantly getting a good one.

    Speakers - I can't give you a good opinion, but just go to a store and pick out some that look good and are in your price range. Logitech and Creative speakers are good, so I hear.
    Ive seen a few I like the looks of, although if anyone has any recomendations, let me know.
    Mouse - Logitech MX 1000 Laser biggrin.gif. If you can get one in Australia (I don't live there, how would I know?), these are amazing.

    I probably could get it, if not ill just have to find some way to "aquire it"

    If you don't want this built yourself, Alienware (link already provided) is a great PC manufacturer. If you're looking for ultra, ultra high end, Northwest Falcon is a good maker of high-end systems as well (search Google).

    We will be building it ourselves.

    BTW, for Linux compatible components - nVidia cards have good Linux driver support (as already discussed), the Audigy series should work with emu10k, and (one of the most important IMO), Intel integrated network cards should also work with Linux. If you aren't sure, search Google. If you're on 56k, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT get an internal modem - get an external, SERIAL (not USB) modem, preferably one that doesn't have 'winmodem' in the description (this one has prevented me from using the modem on both of my computers). Most other standard things (USB, etc.) should work with Linux unless you buy an extremely strange one (actually, the really strange ones might actually have better driver support, as far as the Linux world goes).

    Well I currently have ADSL which I assume I can move onto the new computer. Ill have to check if its windows only though probably is since the driver install CD also installed IE 6 and outlook Express as well (which I already had).

    Thanks for the help guys, Ill find some australian retailer sites so you can get me some more precise systems specs etc


    Now that I have broadband, I want to download knoppix and try it, I cant reemmber where you get it though so where do ytou get it?

    After asking a few people and looking around myself, I found a few which seem kind of good

    http://www.nvidia.com/page/geforce_6800.html (this)

    http://www.soundblaster.com/products/Audigy4pro/ (although I heard that there can be a few problems with these)

    Im still looking at processors etc but do those look good enough to run most things

  8. Hey everyone.

    I am probably getting a new computer!!!!

    (finally, this one sucks.. I'll give me sister this one)


    • Unlimited money (Quality is more important than price)
    • All parts must be compatable
    • I want minimum of 3 hard drives, 4 would be prefered (1 large HD, 2-3 medium sized hard drives) so I can
    • Extra points if the hardware supports linux (I want to try it out on one of the hard drives, which is why I want a fourth one)
    • Must be available in australia(can be imported I suppose but prefer it it can be bought in australia without requiring imports)
      I would like High quality sound and graphics card...
    • 512mb is minimum ram but the higher the better
    • speakers, screen, mouse and keyboard are optional.
    • Must provide a link to the pieces site and price

    I would really appreciate the help, while I know a bit, I just dont know enough..

    Ill be happy to answer any other questions required.

    (yes this computer will be built so that means you need to include all the pieces.)

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