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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. Well I must say, thats the longest intro post Ive seen. Very good and detailed, I like that.

    Goodluck with the newsletter and all. I'm sure you will find this a good mature place but also very enjoyable and fun.

    please remember that our newsletter is in development still and I will be probably posting it on our forums in late march or the first week of April

    I'll anticipate that. Im sure it would be full of interesting things.

    I look forward to your future posts, You do seem like and intersting person afterall.

  2. JUst to let you guys know. All the quotes have been finalised. The computer will cost approx AUS$4600. The AMD FX55 processor the most expensive item at AUS$1420

    Unfortunantly the parts wont begin arriving here untill march and they could come at any time in march (hopefully not any later).

    Ill take a picture of it and post it when its done.

    Thanks for the help guys

  3. AS far as I know, servers will not be implemented because of the cost of running and maintaining them. so unless we start charging for it (which we most lkely will not do) or people start giving serious and consistan donations its going to remian IP/TCP and LAN games only

  4. How many forums have you been on Shan?


    Ambition Designs,

    Henry Kendall High school forums

    Wildfiregames forums



    Outside Discussions (heavengames)

    My friends forums

    My other friends forums

    My other other friends forums

    Age of Modding 1 forums

    Age of Modding 2 forums(in the making)

    Liquidfirestudios forums


    Sorceroroferebus's forums (an aom design forum, it died)

    Starwars mod project forums (also died)

    Old ambition designs forums (moved to new ones now)







    and probably a bunch more but I was only staff on some of them

    and I have probably been to some more

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