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    The Inner Chambers of Sol Sanctum
  • Interests
    Hmm... coding, programming, C++... did I mention coding? Or programming?<br /><br />Also music and art and other musically artistic activities.<br /><br />And, just for kicks, PC gaming.

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  1. I'm the guy with the cool black hair . Too bad you can't change it after you've placed it though... maybe it should like record the IP address or something? Cheers!
  2. Lord of the Rings! *drool* RTS Games! *drool* *drool* Welcome to WFG !
  3. A worthy cause then . Thanks for at least clearing it up for me (us)! Cheers!
  4. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/style_e...fault/smile.gif And it flashed a smilie at me for about half a second then went back to smile.gif... Weird I know ... HTTP 403 is forbidden, so perhaps you didn't set your permissions right? Hope it helps...
  5. This is what I get: When I right-click and say, "View image", the server gives me a 403, redirecting...
  6. Not sure if this has already been said, but I just noticed (and it only started today AFAICT), that all the smilies have been replaced with their ALT text, perhaps as a result of someone changing permissions, whatever on the smilie folder. Note: Or perhaps it's just me... Just a quick FYI, cheers!
  7. Well, I remember when I was a newcomer here, and it was rather exciting to get messages in your inbox saying, member x has increased your reputation. I guess there isn't much practical usefulness to it (besides being able to know, at a moment's glance, what someone's [potentially misleading] rep is), but it was a nice cosmetic addition IMO . Cheers!
  8. What is this 'trigger' thing I've been hearing so much about? I've only heard of C...
  9. I've only heard of UPS and Fed-Ex... I feel so much like I've been living in a cave .
  10. Hmm, the world's population revolves around trends and fads. What makes it worse is that, when a new trend comes out (especially in clothing), all the stores stock only that kind of clothing and nothing else! Like short skirts for girls - my little sister doesn't like them, but my mom can't find anything else at Wal*Mart. Unfortunately, c'est la vie...
  11. I don't think I would use it much - better would be to bold/highlight unread posts.
  12. Another great screenshot! Although mipmapping may not always be well and good - when playing games with BSP trees, the polygons are rendered with mipmapped textures, and as you move farther away, there is a strange line that seperates the blurred/non-blurred textures. It's almost not noticeable, but still is visible... And you say that all the other screens were antialiased and anisotropically filtered? I can't see any difference! Great job!
  13. Heya Auron! Welcome to the community!
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