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Titus Ultor

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Titus Ultor

  1. I have been wondering...I know that the two projects are using the same engine. However, I'm not sure how the projects are proceeding relatively compared to one another. Which one will be released first? And will the first one finished help the other one, or will it remain engrossed in patches and expansions? Looking at the screenshots, I'd say that 0 A.D. was at a higher level of creation. Given that all I've found of the Last Alliance is somewhat rough shots of varying types of terrain.

    Please, ease my ignorance softly.

  2. Point taken. My thought really depends on how you would change workers to citizen-soldiers. I don't know, so I can't even really tell how feasible it is.

    Do they go to the village center or barracks, or can they just change at their workstations, or even just wherever they're at?

  3. Or you could have various shrines or other such things that grant income (from pilgrimages and donations and such) that a player could capture or place a temple over. For instance, a certain temple to Zeus could only be built if you had under your control a statue to Zeus. Or something to that effect.

    Or it could be sort of like the Housing system in Empire Earth.

  4. Once again, for a ship, or even several, to populate entire continents or even a coastline without falling from some sort of pestilence or hostile thing sounds incredibly unlikely (If people hadn't already been there, Plymouth Rock would've failed horribly) . It'd have to be a long-lastingly stable enviroment back in the home nation and in the "colony", where several waves of people could settle in the same place, and continue growth. Israel doesn't fit this description, due to the almost constant turmoil and whatnot the poor nation went through before being, for lack of a better term, God-forsaken.

    Which doesn't necessarily mean that I'm anti-Zionist or anything. The only reason I'm against Israel as an existing nation-state is because they certainly don't help with the entire terrorist issue by enraging even most moderate Muslims with its existence and prosperity.

  5. I think that actually hits on a rather good idea. Citizen-soldiers with versatile weapons. Cavalry rushing you? Choose the "Spear" option when you do whatever you do to turn your dudes from villagers to warriors. And also, because of the 3D thingy (as I probably poorly understand it), it wouldn't be too hard to make spears. Or swords. I guess arrows wouldn't be needed because of structural defenses.

    You'll probably end up saying the same thing to this idea, too, though.

  6. But the psychological effects of a religious statue or monument are unavoidable. Fanaticism is only one of the more obvious effects; at the most subtle level, people simply were happier (thus working harder, if you can agree with utilitarians and/or socialists) thinking that the gods would not smite them down with lightning, plagues, and what have you.

    Above that, people in general also seem to fight harder when old traditions and religion is at stake, or needs to be spread. Crusades, Jihads, whatever. Religion grants energy to the otherwise unmotivated.

    Religion, as the (if nothing else) clever Marx once said, is the opiate of the masses.

  7. Brilliant. I can't find any Argalian faults in it. He probably will, though.

    This truly has been an exciting year, at least the eight months I've been here for it. I can't wait to see what sort of progress will be made as we come nearer and nearer to this great undertaking's completion!

  8. Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic Stoics all had an incredible effect on Christianity. Which, furthermore, affected our entire psyche and outlook on life. If you don't believe me, read Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. Scholasticism is mostly about placing classical texts at a quasi-Biblical level. Even with a "Reformation", the imprint of the Hellenic and Hellenistic philosophy remained.

    Early Christianity was much more tribal and energetic than today's more austere version. Even "black" churches, which usually employ a great deal of effort and energy, do not have the same reach and passion as though original churches.

  9. The Israelis were never known (using the Old Testament as a source) as a naval power, much less having enough ability to reach from the farthest east point of the Mediterranean to the wes' side of the Atlantic. And they couldn't have been incredibly strict followers of the religion, given the general size of boats, and the fact that such a voyage would undoubtedly need a huge amount of cargo. This sort of thing would eventually lead to such things as incest and other such things. Also...how could they maintain sacrificial cleanness, unless they took several Levites with them?

  10. Plato theorized that there were three parts of the psyche (pronounced soo-kay), and from him lines to Christianity and Freudian psycholog, can be drawn. The basest level is the Appetitive stratum of the mind, which Freud called the "id". Above that is the Spiritual stratum, or the "ego". At the top is the Reasoning stratum. God, being uncontrolled and rather raw (if one looks at Ancient Judaean law), can be compared to the Appetitive. The Spirit, of course, is the Spiritual. Finally, Jesus, the pacifistic, restrained, long-haired hippie that he is, is often called the Reasoning.

  11. I think America has always taken a dislike to furreners, even though nearly all people here are descended from immigrants (as in Canada). Americans are more nationalistic (even though there is no set nationality or ethnice group) in the sense where you have to born here to become President. Many , such as Charles Beard in his Economic Interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, have theorized that such things were put in place to protect the American upper class, and to keep foreign interests out of American money. Ironically, we now have the largest trade deficit, and largest deficit, in history.

    Maybe good ol' Canadia didn't have these issues.

    Edit: I just realized Adam said the same thing I just said. I took too long to type it to just change it, though.

  12. It was all right, for me. It was the fact that most civilizations can easily be classified into two groups: 'Rush', and 'Boom'. They didn't all have a unique feel when playing them. It's hard to explain what exactly I mean, but it's still one of the major reasons I like the 0 A.D. project.

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