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Titus Ultor

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Titus Ultor

  1. In this topic, anything regarding the nature and future of the U.S. Constitution should be discussed. Do you support an amendment banning gay marriage? What is the meaning of the Second Amendment (gun rights)? The Constitution has affected not only the founding of the United States, but also the Constitutions of nearly every nation's fouding since. Some, however, say that the purpose of the Constitution was to secure the status of the upper strata of society.

    Say your piece.

  2. Maybe philosophy doesn't count as 'real' literature, but since 1984, and a few others books of the same genre have been mentioned, I have a couple. Probably dry reads (to most readers), but still absolutely vital to virtually all aspects of our modern life, from education to ethics to religion. Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics are both books with connotations which have stood the test of time. Most interesting is their criticisms of democracy, and Plato's vision of a utopian society. Check it.

  3. About the random names... Perhaps it would be possible, at the sake of some accuracy (but history has never been entirely too accurate -- David Crockett, for instance), to simply 'fake' names for the random units. Carthage could use African names, Persia could employ Arabic names. While they may not be realistic, the actual names (besides names like 'Hannibal') would be difficult, if not impossible, too find. Also, a lesson from 'Caesar III' could be taken: joke names rock, i.e. "Howard the Stern".

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