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Titus Ultor

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Titus Ultor

  1. I was mainly just joking...but in Southern California, we have an issue with illegal immigrants (often called aliens) coming across the border, and working for less money, as they have low standards. This greatly damages the lower class worker, as well as even some middle-class jobs. And while I certainly sympathize with the immigrants, I am more pro-union than pro-enfrachisement.

  2. Lol. Just to sort of clarify my position: I've been going a conservative Church of Christ non-denominational congregation for all sixteen years of my life, although the last two years have been against my will.

    I forgot that the Holy Spirit is supposed to help interpret your prayers or something. Even though he is God. But then again, he isn't.

    Jesus Christ! That's hard.

  3. And it sort of appears to some people as something not very dissimiliar. Why do some people always want 23421381234234327430697494523 civs, instead of a few good and varied ones with nice unique art? I've never gotten it. Also, all that stuff that guy wants done might take ten years.

  4. Blood's never really bothered me, as with Yieul. Intestinal fluids, however...


    I lost a tooth on a water bottle once. It was an arrowhead bottle, with one of those "sports" caps, where you just pull on them to get them open. I was bored, and went to open one with my mouth, forgetting that one of my two upper front teeth was very loose. It popped right out, with a spurt of blood spewing on the seat, and person, in front of me. Oh. Did I mention my family and I were on a six hour drive up to Fr'isco? That's San Francisco, for you uninitiated types, or you types who can't figure that sort of thing out. And the seats were leather, so it was terribly ironic that blood spurted over them.. I believe I moo'd at some point, when I wasn't whining and crying (I was probably six, mind you).

  5. I understand the historical significance of the longbow in context (Whoo AP European History!), but what I don't understand is why it's such a big deal that it's not going to be in the game. I guess it's just an obsession, or something.

  6. Because perhaps they will watch over you, or something not very dissimiliar.

    Why do people generally not pray to the "Holy Ghost"? He's just as much deity as God or Jesus. Just something I was wondering.

    Oh, and Mythos...

    There is no Bible verse strictly stating it. Most of the idea is drawn from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapter 5), in which Jesus refutes the law in saying that you shouldn't take an eye for an eye, but simply turn the other cheek.

  7. Most of what you would call "picking and choosing" is simply a progression in religion. Most of the laws still respected in the Old Testament are only respected because they were reaffirmed somewhere in the New Testament. Besides, how many of us have animals to sacrifice? For most Christians, it's about the intent of the old law, not the actual regulations.

  8. A good example of a stunning lack of nationalism is Medieval Europe. Sure, there was a "King of such-and-such", but he was mostly a glorified landowner, often able to be outweighed by his own "vassals"(Such as Burgandy).

    Nationalism is useful as a motivating social force. For instance, look at Fascist Germany. Even if you don't agree with their politics (I don't), you can't argue against the fact that they went from the nation-state hurt deepest by the Great Depression, to the strongest single country on the European Continent.

    And though the eventual effects of that sort of nationalism were negative at best, it was a different sort of nationalism that actually defeated it. The American 'Victory' movement, with its scores of propaganda posters and films, chugged out enough resources and weaponry to simply overpower the Germans and the Japanese.

  9. I, personally, am purposefully remaining ambiguous in my religious beliefs. I don't hold that society was created or is allowed to exist by some deity or higher power. A local society, such as an individual state, is a collection of humans working together over an area of land with a particular culture or a particular set of cultures. I believe that there is more to it. There is a Society of Mankind, in which we realize that all humans have, at their root, the same desires and dreams, even if they manifest in radically different forms.

    This is called, by the Stoics, the "cosmopolis". This particularly thought came from the vastness of the Roman Empire, and the realisation that though other cultures might be 'barbaric', they were still very much human, and entitled to (most of) the same basic rights. Granted, some still owned slaves, but Stoicism was mainly a belief system of the servant classes, because they had even less of a chance to change their fate than others.

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