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Titus Ultor

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Titus Ultor

  1. Right, right. But we're mostly speaking of the sensationalism of the tale, I beleive. King Arthur is much more exciting and noble as a medieval knight, and more accessible as a figure to base your tales on. Much more than a Dark Age warlord

  2. I'd like to point out that the story of King Author is far older than that of Lord of the Rings. In any case, it's more likely that it's the other way around.

    I believe the original Authorian legend was written by a French knight, and the book was entitled "L'Morte D'Arthur"

  3. So. I downloaded Knoppix version...3.6...or 3.7. The latest one. And then I burn it onto a standard data CD-R and all that. However, it doesn't work on both computers I've tried it on. Also, the things I downloaded are these files:









    About 715,000KB are in on the first, and the rest are scattered about. The Read-me is only 1KB, and doesn't work, or have an extension. I have this suspicion that these aren't the right files. Shouldn't there be folders or something? Or at least a readable read-me?

    Help me!

  4. We, the United States, didn't do any sort of imperialization in the Middle East. At least we didn't until the last couple of years. And since we clearly do not care about repressive regimes, even if we "believe" that they have Nuclear-Biological-Chemical weaponry, holding back an agressive Iran or Turkey wouldn't be too hard. Not only can we bank on the support of Israel (they would enjoy the weakening of their enemies), we can also understand that most Muslims do not like Kurds in any case, and wouldn't mind them leaving. Unless they took too much oil. However, the average Iranian or Turkey (mistake intended) will probably not wish to fight too hard, because they do not see the benefits of black money, anyway.

    Furthermore, a militaristic invasion of a Kurdistan would be made difficult. Particularly if a force of say, a division or two of U.S. Cavalry (most tanks are in Iraq, because they don't do much there except scare small children and break down in sandstorms). Kurdish nationalists are plenty, and with American arms, they could easily create position defensible enough to discourage invasion, as well as hold it off, if needed.

    Finally, we drew up the borders, anyway. Who's to say it would be too much of a pain to draw them once again?

  5. It's almost required for an RTS to have free online servers, nowadays. I'd donate if I had money.

    Is there anyway that a system could be implemented in which people could act as servers accesible through a website? Like in Battlefield 1942. There's a program that allows you to be a dedicated server on the game. I dunno if that's feasible.

  6. We have a chance to stabilize, I suppose. However, the Kyoto Protocol that was supposed to limit this sort of pollution was rejected by the two greatest gross polluters, the U.S. and China. It is possible, but entirely improbable, unless both nations have a change in attitudes.

  7. They are repressed to that point where ancestral homelands aren't that big of a deal. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the Kurds were/are a nomadic sort of people. Containment was brought about by colonization and now by the ruling states.

  8. Lol. Commercialization in your brains. It's for "Taco Bell", who, surprisingly, makes tacos, instead of hamburgers (like every other major food chain). Then again, tacos are a Central American thing. Darn. I think you should know what a taco is. Look it up?

    Taco Bell used "just add water" beef in their products. Mmm...just like mom used to process.

  9. I can agree to semi-exhaustible resources...but, honestly, farms and mines can be active for hundreds of years without having to be refreshed. Italy has made wine from vineyards that stem back to midieval times. Perhaps trees should be exhaustible. It's hard, given that an RTS has limitations on how many trees can be shown.

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  10. Oh, yeah. It was the Belgians. I was mistaking one instance of imperial oppression for another. I think it's expressing anger from being impotent as a nation for so long. Not entirely too sure.

    Anyway. Whether or not actual machine guns were used is beside the point. Genocide is genocide, whether you directly do it or not. Did Hitler personally exterminate many Jews? No. There was even one or two Arabic S.S. divisions who participated in various acts of "controlling" the population in their respective home nations.

  11. On Congo....the people were masscred by the Dutch using machine guns and . Yay for progress. Even now, Congo is a "Communist" dictatorship with a technological equivalent lower than that of most Third World nations.

    Agricultural science is not what's debated here; I think we should spend more on it. Looking at unreachable objects and dust clouds doesn't stop world hunger.

  12. This isn't science in general! This is viewing space with such objects as the Hubble telescope. At least (for half of the nation) the military is serving a vital purpose against the terrorists. Knowing how far stars are away from us serve little purpose, and most people deny the Big Bang even though the evidence from space points otherwise. It's mostly useless to explore unreachable space through telescopes, and hardly effective for the money.

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