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Titus Ultor

WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Titus Ultor

  1. While 1000 would be insanely cool, it would also be technically impossible for most people's computers to run. RTW works because it only focuses on war, politics, and economy at seperate times. If you were to try to manage all of those things at once, most people's computers would burst into unholy flames of black and azure.

  2. I think repealing all the various conditions of Japanese surrender (as Paul brought up) could be a very wise move on the part of the U.S. The militarism which we feared would grow back in Japan has disappeared from everything but textbooks. They rely on our business, so they're not a threat to us in any way. They could also help to counteract North Korea (and China, if we don't help build positive relations), and lead to a slight decrease in the horrible import-export ratio we have with Japan by selling arms.

    EDIT: I forgot to say some things.

    China's lack of modern technology is not what's holding them back from invading Tibet and Taiwan. They certainly want them, and would take them, but they, as we should be doing, are trying to build healthy relationships with us.

    If we want to talk about not dealing with nations who violate human rights, you should probably not buy any sort of petrol product. Or most products made in Africa. But, if we were to stop, the states who are already damaged by such violations would be in an even worse state if we took away their profit margins. Read China, Inc. if you want to read how our prosperity has slowly been reaching China.

  3. Should this game even need any sort of official QA? If the various releases were just tested by active, trusted members already present in the community, the need for such people would be negated. Unless there was someone with significant enough experience to do it themselves, or to train others effectively.

  4. Honestly, I don't think the ban should remain. At this stage, the most sucess we'll have with confrontational tactics is to delay China's inevitable growth to number one or number two. We might as well allow China to become a welcome part of the world community, rather than fearing and ostracizing them as dirty Communists. They've come a long way, and they have a much longer way to go. But being stand-offish doesn't get them any closer.

  5. Many of the objections being voiced were the same complaints that were voice before the first movies came out.

    Honestly, even if the movies weren't good enough for your purism, you must admit that TLA and most anything related to the Lord of the Rings wouldn't exist in any appreciable numbers without the movies.

  6. We (the U.S.) have had some minor reservations about student strikes. The last time there was a mass movement was during Vietnam. And...um...four people got shot.

    If it can have an effect, I'm all for it. It's your own education you're screwing up, though.

  7. I got Bittornado, now. And it keeps telling me this: piece [insert number] failed has check, re-downloading it.

    Is this normal? It seems to be happening an awful lot. Maybe the seeds are spreading a corrupt version, somehow? I don't know.

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