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Outis last won the day on November 14 2023

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  1. Are there spec maps available for the XIII Century AD textures?
  2. It would be great to have AIs with different behavior as well, for example turtling AI, booming AI, rushing AI, or overall aggressive vs defensive behavior.
  3. Hello, I just came across and wanted to let you know in case you want to fix: It appears like the expert kushite cavalry spearman mount actor has the advanced rider actor: binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/units/kushites/cavalry_spearman_e_m.xml <prop actor="units/kushites/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider_R"/>
  4. And I think for EA not all heroes and references are necessarily from the Cimbri tribe. I think the intention is to dissociate the ancient faction from the modern nation. I will suggest to name the faction Germanians.
  5. But you have other Germanic tribes in the mod as well
  6. In fact the game files are so easy to handle that it is very easy to modify the game without any editing tools. I suggest to check an existing mod to see how it was done.
  7. Currently, like in many games, a ship stops blocking the movement of other ships once its hitpoints are 0. However, visually the ship does not disappear and we see it slowly sinking. As it is sinking, another ship can immediately move to its position where we see the two ships somehow merged together and this may look awkward sometimes. I have a suggestion: does it make sense to make a destroyed and sinking ship keep block other ships' movement until the sinking animation is over?
  8. Thank you, you guys are the best
  9. Hello all, Is there a best biome for performance that you know of based on objective measurement or your subjective experience?
  10. Hello @Stan` and @Itms did you have the chance to check this? Any luck?
  11. Amazing May i suggest, im sure the community will also appreciate single player versions of such maps much like PvE or coop versions where all players team up against the AI player(s).
  12. Honestly, i never considered it. I have never used Linux in my life. There is a first for everything though...
  13. I know i cant dodge the investment in a new PC forever
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