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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. Spectators are required to speak English when they speak in global chat so that I can verify that they are following the other rules, especially rules preventing ghosting (telling people information about players that is cheating) and verbal abuse of other players. It's explained in the full text of the agreement. What I've posted here on the forum is only a summary. Yes, I know that. I am explaining what is expected of players before they play in a game that I'm hosting instead of afterward. It's the courteous thing to do, and it's required in order to establish an agreement like Terms of Use. Also, I prefer that people voluntarily support these rules instead of being forced into it through banning. Also, remember how disruptive players act when they're punished. They tend to act like it's an injustice to be punished, that the rules weren't stated, that they have a right to play in a game that someone hosts. They may try to convince the unbiased player base that they were unfairly banned. This list of rules is an effort to establish the ground rules ahead of time instead of allowing an appearance that rules are being made up arbitrarily in order to unfairly ban players.
  2. There have been some problems with certain players being disruptive, so I have decided to implement rules for my hosted games in the lobby. In order to ensure that everyone has fun, here are the rules for games that I host. These rules apply to players and spectators. Additional players who have chosen to apply these rules to games that they host: Yekaterina. Summary of Norse_Harold's rules for hosted games 1. Get along with the other players. 2. Play the game fairly. 3. If you are a spectator, avoid disrupting the game. Also, request permission if you need to speak a language other than English in global in-game chat. 4. Do not blame other players for a setback or failure in the game. 5. Don't resign or leave early in order to grief your team. 6. If you must leave, send a global message in the game stating the reason. Don't leave too many times. 7. In team games you are expected to act like a teammate. 8. Be honest about your level of skill during team assignment. 9. Follow the Terms of Service, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy that Wildfiregames has established for lobby games. WFG terms take precedence over these terms. 10. By connecting to games that I host you agree to follow these rules. The binding text is listed here, starting at line 20. It has the full text of the agreement with explanations of why the rules are necessary. Thanks for reading and supporting an enjoyable experience for all players! Anyone who also wants to implement these rules for their hosted games, let me know and I'll inform people of that in the full text of the agreement. Alternatively, copy/paste the text to your own website and send people a direct link when you're organizing games.
  3. How do we know that there is just one person conducting ddos attacks on 0ad players? And, how many ddos services are there? Can you show the steps to reaching these conclusions, please? What are the sources of the information?
  4. Nice joke, weirdJokes. ;-) For anyone who is confused, 200 000 attacks would include attacks on a lot more systems than just 0AD and the 0AD playerbase. But yes, some of those attacks (.1% ?) likely targeted the 0AD playerbase. Therefore, some of the prison time helps seek justice for attacks on the 0AD playerbase. So yes, it seems appropriate to me, as well.
  5. This is great news! So it is possible for justice to be served against ddosers. It is not moral, legal or cool to ask for or conduct ddosing. That said, I doubt that there is only one group conducting DDosS attacks. Even if there was only one group, which was punished, remember the quote, "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom," by Thomas Jefferson and John Philpot Curran. Basically, don't let your guard down, stay vigilant.
  6. I have experienced suspected ddos attacks twice in the past 3 days. I'll describe what happened. While hosting a team game of 0 A.D., all of a sudden, I saw an "Exit" button at the center of the screen and a message that I had lost connection to the server. I consider this odd because I was the host, but maybe the message was referring to the wildfiregames lobby. After a few minutes I clicked Exit, and the lobby was completely empty of players and games. I closed 0ad and tried to visit websites, but could not load any websites. I couldn't even ping the router or access the router's administration interface. The Internet activity light was blinking a lot. I powered off the router for several minutes, then powered it back on. It worked and I could surf the net again. Today the same thing happened. In both cases the problem occurred at a key event. In the first game, enemy players were on the ropes (losing with odds of 40/60 at best), and the suspected ddos occurred as soon as I had battering rams moving toward an enemy base. In the second game, I had been rushing an enemy player frequently in the early game, so he was likely angry at me. When they reached city phase, the two closest enemies attacked me and had just destroyed my base, but were being counter attacked by one of my teammates. Then the second suspected ddos occurred. These were basically the tipping points of the games. Ideas on how to prevent this in the future?
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