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Everything posted by Manimal

  1. Hi modders, Your mod terra_magna_A26 has 2 minor issues with modio mod : terra_magna_A26 is not highlighted in green in the mods list ! I've noticed that the 2 Terra Magna's mod.json contain a "type" field : { "name": "terra_magna_A26", "label": "0 A.D. Terra Magna", "version": "0.26.2", "url": "https://0ad.old.mod.io/terra-magna", "description": "Adds new civilizations to 0 A.D.", "dependencies": ["0ad>=0.0.26"], "type": "Factions" } So I've remove the line that contains this field, given this field does not seem to be recognized. By the way I've added some missing fields even though they're empty : { "name": "terra_magna_A26", "label": "0 A.D. Terra Magna", "version": "0.26.2", "description": "Adds new civilizations to 0 A.D.", "ignoreInCompatibilityChecks": false, "dependencies": ["0ad>=0.0.26"], "url": "https://0ad.old.mod.io/terra-magna", "author_name": "", "author_profile": "", "url_source_code": "" } then finally saved the file and zipped it within "terra_magna_A26.zip". terra_magna_A26 shows up as terra-magna within the downloadable mods list. I guess this is due to the way modio is filtering the field names and values... I've renamed the "terra_magna_A26" folder as "terra-magna". The problem is solved and the downloaded mod shows up in green. I've attached below my version that's operational with modio. (just unpack the file within the mods folder, according to the game data path) terra-magna.7z
  2. 28 hours remaining to get this game for free @ GOG's https://www.gog.com/fr/game/lovecrafts_untold_stories
  3. I tend make it an habit to do that given this happens with more and more websites...
  4. I'm using Qwant for a few reasons : it is said this company respects our privacy. I tend to trust them given they are french, and french does a lot to privacy protection. I've read a surprising webpage about Qwant saying they're using filtered results from a search through Bing. However Bing is not known for being the most accurate and / or powerful search engine... Back in the days, I was using Copernic which was a free (like most engines) powerful meta search engine that was sending a search to ALL known search engines and then returned the results after a bit of filtering. Nowadays, they've turned to a software company that only sells their search engine.
  5. I know the reasons of automatic session log out. However how the forum's engine can consider someone is inactive while creating a topic or replying to some topic, whatever the time it takes ?...
  6. When you search for 0 A.D. through some search engines :
  7. First, I suggest you to pin this topic up (at least temporarily) so anyone can see it. I've just seen it was there later after I've posted this suggestion in the old pinned Suggestions topic -> EDIT : The simpler the trap, the lower its cost.
  8. I was writing my topic... slowly as usual. (I'm getting old) Then I've clicked on "submit" and the Captcha annoyed me repeatedly without validating my confimation. So I saved a copy of my writings and went back to the list of topics, where I've finaly noticed I was signed out. One thing is to be noticed : I can't see the red top bar with my nickname when I'm wrting in the Edit Box because the display is scrolled to the bottom of th page... Please fix that.
  9. Hi, I'm always bothered with delayed searches on this forum. After a regular quick search, I often need to switch to the advanced search and add a detail for accurate results. I've been asked to wait 5 seconds before searching again and I've been waiting for 10 seconds before clicking on "search". The result : wait for much longer before searching again ! So I gave up with this really boring feature that looks useless...
  10. First of all, sorry for digging out this old suggestion which might have been forgotten since. I've just found this very old post before suggesting the same idea. I like the use of traps in Stronghold Crusader 1. I'd suggest no explosion trap but rather pitch traps that could be lit by bowmen with flamming arrows. Other spike traps could be whole with spikes in their bottoms. Another trap could be simply a large hole in the ground where units (running cavs ?) would fall into, then one could kill them from above with arrows/arbalests.
  11. Thank you hyperion. I have to dig into some details in order to make a mod that's as much as possible functionnal and reliable. Reading and understanding the code in the JS files will take me a while given my little coding skills are rusty... Keep up the good work Bon courage during this warm summer. (Sorry I still didn't find a satisfying translation for this french expression)
  12. Thanks you guys for your enlightments. I'm curious (by nature) : what are those optimizations about ? (if this is not a manufacturing secret, and not too early to ask) EDIT : I'm looking forward (eagerly) to the release of Alpha XXVI
  13. Hi Stan, Thanks for your quick reply. I just took a look at the file sizes and I found no noticeable difference except for a few files. And what I see is contradictory : xml files are slightly bigger than xml ones. (the few exceptions mentioned above) Now my question is : Would/Could those XMB files interfere with my modified XML ? If yes, then how could I edit those XMBs ?
  14. For every .xml there is a .cached.xmb file within public.zip, which one is stored in binaries\data\mods\public . What's the purpose of such files like the one below ? .\0 A.D. alpha 0.0.25\binaries\data\mods\public\public.zip->\simulation\templates\template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml.cached.xmb Thanks for your enlightments.
  15. HI, I always find "funny" to have to reseach the bucket then the wheelbarrow in the farms, and that these tools never show up in game. With my suggestion, you could instantly know which tech level has been reached in farms by staring farmers handling a bucket or pushing a , rahter than by clicking on players farms. EDIT the same could apply to lumberjacks and miners (new tools + bucket/wheelbarrow)
  16. This and a sorting button by ascending/descending order for each column. e.g. [ Status (playing/standby/AFK/DND) | Name | Current OR General Ranking | Victory OR Defeat Rating | Hide/Show OR Mute/UnMute ] EDIT: Plese devs, make sure the users data are not alterable by tricky means / not hackable.
  17. There is an ancient pre-hispanic civilization that seems to be as old as the Maya civilization, if not older : the Carals. Google translation (because I'm a bit lazy) The Carals might be an nice addition to the american antique civilizations. Their wonder is a monumental solar calendar. However, there are no well preserved buildings that would help in making 3D models of them...
  18. I received today this notification about Warhammer 40k digital goodies which pack includes Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate for free until june, 8th 2022 -> https://www.gog.com/game/warhammer_skulls_2022_digital_goodie_pack
  19. The ambiance sounds like this https://youtu.be/wmdEg3T8IOM?t=9
  20. While we're at talking of dwellings, I've seen a few days ago on arte (tv channel) a nice archeological CG reconstitution of a village of the Neolithic and its restoration. It is located in Jordania, not too far from Petra. The houses had 2 floors (maybe 1 more ?) and they suppose people were spending a part of the day on rooftops. All the dwellings were stuck on one another, as shown in the CG picture below. I'm wondering if the devs could add such specific buildings in 0AD. full documentary -> https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/100813-000-A/la-mysterieuse-enfant-au-collier-de-ba-ja/ (6 possible languages : Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Polski)
  21. @Langbart I'll try the JS scripting solution after the XML modification (more directly and quickly done with NP++ than coding). Thanks a bunch for your detailed help.
  22. Holà. El color rojo está muy saturado. Los pigmentos son probablemente ocres rojos, cuyo color no es tan "vivo" como el de sus edificios. Aquí hay una guía para elegir los colores correctos -> https://www.ocres-de-france.com/fr/30-pigments-naturels Bon courage ;-)
  23. Hi, I'd like to make a scenario where Brits, Gauls and Ibers make an alliance to push back the Roman expansion. I wanted a single player to control these 3 different civilisations. However the Alpha 0.0.25 engine does not allow me to do that, and it crashes when I alter the "Civ" variable as a list of strings. This is how I've done it, to no avail : "PlayerData": [ { "Civ": { "brit", "gaul", "iber" }, "Color": { "b": 149, "g": 55, "r": 21 }, "Resources": { "food": 300, "metal": 300, "stone": 300, "wood": 300 }, "etc": etc }, By the way, this might allow players to produce the original units from captured buildings in mutliplayer games. Thanks for eventual help.
  24. New constructable road or already built up road. Gives a speed bonus to any unit as long as it's moving on it. Already built up city or unique constructible buildings (forum, cave dwellings, cave temple, barracks, etc ) based on the original ones. Some buildings would have a better strength than all other buildings of any civilization. See the pictures from wikipedia. This might be an ability when playing some civilizations on maps with lots of canyons, mountains, cliffs. Many civilizations were able to dig cave buildings (link to the french wikipedia, more historical than its equivalent in english) all around the world.
  25. Hi, I'm posting this suggestion there because I didn't find the related section on the forums. My apologies. I suggest the dev team to think of adding the Appian Way and the city of Matera (take a look at the nice pics of this city) The Appain Way might be buildable (at least a connexion to it) or pre-existing in maps, and it might have a speed booster effect for moving units and trading carts from one place to another. The city of Matera is interesting because I've seen in no game cave dwellings which, are one of the oldest type of home for the ancient peoples. These cave dwellings might get a strength bonus since they were carved in plain rock. FYI : 10 Fascinating Cave Dwellings in the World
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