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AK_Thug AMish

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Posts posted by AK_Thug AMish

  1. Well some people may firmly believe in the Bible, and that's fine, but I firmly believe in the separation of church and state. If a few people feel that abortion (or gay marriage) is wrong, well, no one is forcing them to do it! I am not trying to bash anyone's views, but with many religions in the US, it seems wrong to just have one control all moral issues. That's why Church/state separation is a good thing.

    And I also believe the Bible is a poor source for Law in the 21st century. We no longer stone disobedient children, slay homosexuals, or sacrifice animals (well most of us anyways). If you want to base our laws off the Bible, then base them all off the Bible, it's not OK just to pick and choose which ones we like. I think our Common-Law based system is quite decent.

    I am convinced that many Republicans and their supporters are against Church/state separation. There is much evidence for this. They are trying to undermine a system that works better than both extremes, promotion of religion (theocracy) and suppression of religion (communism). And although the Reps put on a happy moderate face at the RNC, behind the curtains they truely are dangerously close to mixing politics and religion in a very bad way.

    Sorry if I offended anyone, but that is a silly pet peeve of mine. That is also one reason I do not vote Republican. :wine:

    Anyways, I still stand by my statement that abortion/gay marriage is irrelevant compared to issues like terrorism and the economy.

  2. Hmm, i wonder how this (otherwise interesting) discussion over the privilege of life can be directly connected to the next american elections

    Well, when republicans try to force certain issues into the election, it does connect. Certain completely irrelevant issues that have been solved 30 years ago (abortion) or have absolutely NO impact on people's lives, other than offending Christian's self-given right to govern the silly moral issues mentioned in a few Old Testament verses. :wine:

  3. Load instantly? Waiting is half the pleasure!

    Yutong got me to use Mozilla, and it's really nice how much faster everything is, especially without all those popups, spyware, etc. Yes, everything is designed for IE, especially all that crap...

    Does anyone know if I can keep all my settings (bookmarks, saved passwords, etc.) if I switch over to Firefox? I would... consider it... if I could. :wine:

  4. :self-bash: ah I misconjugated imparfait. I knew you were just joking, but I like to ramble random stuff in French to work on my grammer. Today's thought:

    Pendant/Quand? je m'asseyais sur la toilette ce matin, j'ai pensé "si mon chien ouvre la porte, je ne pourrais pas la fermer, parce qu'elle est trop loin de la toilette..." et j'ai marché à la porte et ai la fermé complètement. Bon.

    Correct at will, I forgot some of my past tense direct objects over the summer. :wine:

  5. Do not forget our lovable, quotable president :wine:

    "I hope you leave here and walk out and say, 'What did he say?'" —George W. Bush, Beaverton, Oregon, Aug. 13, 2004
    "We stand for things." —George W. Bush, Davenport, Iowa, Aug. 5, 2004
    "My job is to, like, think beyond the immediate." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 21, 2004

    I'm suprised that wasn't the theme of the RNC: "We stand for.... THINGS!"

  6. I have Mozilla 1.7, should I even bother making the switch? If I have all my settings the way I like them with this I don't see much of a reason to switch...

    One random question, can you customize the startup image like with mozilla? I'd hate to separate with my homemade one:


  7. And how about all those Catholic's saying if you vote for a candidate who supports abortion (hint: JOHN KERRY), you may as well quit church now and go straight to heck ( :P I don't know the exact words).

    I hope all the americans here are taking advantage of the new lifting of the assault rifle ban! :lol:

    And I did use the 'drug' smily on my last post :P

  8. Which book by him, 1999 or 2000 edition?

    OhioLink search...

    Unfortunately those books aren't at my local university, so I can only check them out for two weeks (I get a whole year checkout at JCU). Thanks for the tips, I can use more sources.

    As for it being finished, I'll try and get my rough draft done by September. It's due in January, and I don't want to pull off an AK_thug amish and frantically type the whole thing winter break.

  9. Nice utopian ideas you have there Yieul. Now I think a reasonable question is "Where to begin?" What do you think is a logical place to start? Which candidate could bring us closer to a utopian society?

    Sometimes I think people give up on utopians without giving them a chance. We can make the world a better place for all if we cooperated :drug:

    BTW one thing that I find really annoying is Repubs talking about small gov't, and then saying government should basically control all societal issues, ie marriage, abortion, etc. I personally don't think the government should get involved in things like that.

  10. heh i find more pleasure in defacing pictures than making my own stuff =)

    Yeah but the half dozen times you defaced our history teacher they were horrible... That is until I told you to work on the lighting, now they look better :P

    Right now I'm concentrating on posters for a school club, here's my favorite so far:

    Abe Lincoln!

    I'm making posters at 300 pixels per inch resolution, which makes huge (15 - 40 mB) file sizes for 8X10 inch projects. :lol:

  11. I believe it's "red sky at night, sailor's delight..." but that's fine.

    I like, "I'd rather be rich than stupid" :lol:

    And whenever the girls xc team calls us immature (which is quite often), I say one of two things,

    "You're only young as you feel!" or "You're only young once, but you can act immature forever"

  12. I learned photoshop by stopping by good-tutorials.com and picking up things here and there. Eventually you can incorporate this database of random effects to create cool stuff :lol: Pick up brush sets on deviantART too!

    And on the matrix grid, if you used the glowing lines filter, try lowering edge width to 1 and fiddling with the smoothness.

  13. Well the point I was trying to make was that the moral part of the Iraq war means nothing to the 'war on terror'.

    I agree that there are many bad things happening in Iraq, but it's unfair to overlook the many good things happening as well. Overall, I think we'll have to wait at least a decade or two before we know for sure..

  14. Here are some pics from our last meet...





    We got 2nd place in the DI (bigger school) race, and are currently ranked 10th in the state, although the only state rankings that matter are the results!

    Swimming is probably the hardest sport that I know of, it's also good cross training for anything else (even football)

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