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AK_Thug AMish

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Posts posted by AK_Thug AMish

  1. I didn't mean to revive that discussion, that quote just popped up at me while skimming a few pages of missed discussion :P

    I think stem cell research is important, both for the human element and economically. If Bush continues his almost anti-science stand, I feel that the US could lose many of its scientists/tech research companies. Who's going to research the possibilities of stem cell cures when it is illegal here (or when the buildings get attacked even when it is partially legal :) )

    Plus it's about time we recognize that unless we start preserving the environment now, it is going to come back later and bite us in the rear! This is how Bush started his answer to the environment question in the debate:

    Off-road diesel engines -- we have reached an agreement to reduce pollution from off-road diesel engines by 90 percent.

    I've got a plan to increase the wetlands by 3 million. We've got an aggressive brown field program to refurbish inner-city sore spots to useful pieces of property.

    It is always good to know that off-road diesel engines and innercity sore spots are a high priority in the Bush administration. And don't forget Gale Norton, secretary of the interior, who supposedly wrote about a 'right to pollute' according to my deck of Bush Cards :P
  2. Here you go, the Second presidential debate transcript. The other debates are on there too, but they are all quite long.

    Back to the debates, I went to a homecoming football game Friday night, so I could only watch about 30 minutes of the debate. I believe Kerry did answer a few questions in what I watched (some Iraq, tax policy, environment, abortion, and stem cell research to be specific). Bush was much better than last time, but I still really don't like him...

    I understand that extreme-right has some really bad points (anti-abortion, no gay marriage, racist, etc.)
    Isn't it weird that what you're describing is a typical republican here in America? :)
  3. I dislike cell phones very much :P

    Every day after school (about 2 minutes after school that is) about half the people in my school pull out their phones and call their 'cool' friends I suppose...

    What, you can't go another 10 minutes to get home and talk to them online?

    And why do people need to call each other during school?

    I guess I'm just old-fashioned, I enjoy being 'disconnected' every once and awhile, although my parents probably do not like that so much. I have a cell phone, but use it for about 1 minute a month just so my minutes roll over.


  4. According to Relativity, the faster you travel, the slower processes go (time slows down for you). So if twin A left on a spaceship that traveled close to the speed of light for 10 years, when he comes back his twin brother would be about 10 years older than him. Thats as close as you can get to travelling to the future in Relativity, since nothing can travel faster than light.

    However, if you create a 'wormhole' through the fabric of time-space, one could conceivably end up at another place/time (since time and space are intertwined). This would require a large mass of anti-matter to hold the wormhole open, at least theoretically.

    If real time travel is possible depends on your personal philosophy of time. A loong time ago I posted something on time that I read in a really good (but hard) book titled 'Time and Space' by Barry Dainton.

    So, time travel depends on a few questions:

    * Does the past exist in 'reality'?

    * Does the future exist in 'reality'?

    * Does a 'present' exist? Can an object posses the property of 'presentness'?

    * Do potential events exist anywhere?

    * Do effects always follow causes?

    * Do multiple realities exist?

    The past doesn't "exist" anymore than obviously you would not be able to "travel" to it!

    Really old thread...

  5. The MOST ridiculous part of the debate was when Kerry said Bush's mighty 'alliance of the willing' was just Britain and Australia; and Bush interrupted with his unique gusto "AND POLAND!!"

    Do not forget Poland!

    The VP debate is here in Cleveland on Tuesday...

  6. Here are some advantages I see:


    -his point that 'everyone knows my position on Iraq. You cannot get international/troop support for a war if you say it's the wrong war at the wrong time'

    -defense of America, most Americans probably agree with him that we don't really need the UN or other internation orgs...


    -Seems to be much more adept at debating

    -His point that Iraq was a bad war period, which most Americans I believe agree with. He seems to hedging his bets; saying it was a bad war, but we still need to win.

    -not very boring!



    -One reeeally long pause where he stood there blinking, SNL fodder for sure. Plus his choppiness is beginning to annoy me :). Puh-ninshula?



    -Thinks he can draft the support of other countries.

    -Still on Iran during a Sudan genocide question.

    -Some other internation issues.

    I can't think of many more right now... :)

  7. Today (Thursday, Sep. 30) is the first Presidential debate. Who's watching them? Are they really debates at all? Does Kerry or Bush have the advantage?

    Right now, just listening to them, it seems that John Kerry has a slight advantage in terms of presentation. Bush sounds a bit choppy and on the defensive with Iraq. Any other comments?

  8. This is a story that got me pretty angry: RNC Creates Websites to Criticize Kerry

    Now it's perfectly alright if the RNC wants to make websites, but this just goes to far. Religion and government should be seperate, Republicans obviously do not want that. I think is a sorry situation in the US if we cannot even elect a leader without religious beliefs. And John Kerry's a CHRISTIAN no less!!! Do politics anywhere else in the world even come close to this level of absurdity?

    From www.kerrywrongforcatholics.com:

    The information source about John Kerry's record on issues most important to Catholics
    (what... like the economy? Job losses? Terrorism? Internation relations? NO! Marriage, Marriage, child tax, adoption, abortion, abortion, abortion and parental consent are the first eight issues :) )

    And don't forget, John Kerry is wrong for Mormans and Evangelicals too.

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