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Posts posted by LetswaveaBook

  1. 2 hours ago, Lightning38 said:

    In terms of 2 handed axes, they are the natural predator against shields, the axe head could also potentially if of longer variety go around the shield and hit something from around. Also shields being wood and axes being axes... Perhaps a bonus vs shield infantry? Axes are more extreme in the sense that their minimum and maximum damage are far from each other. A dangerous weapon/tool, however not for professional soldiers as a soldier would want stability over damage.

    I am not a historian, but the two handed axe also makes you very vulnerable. If there is a soldier with a long spear, you do not have the best ways to defend from that.

    Two handed axes were used by the English housecarls of the viking age, known as the english long axe. The dane axe is also well known. However there remain some difference between the units. The housecarls were an elite group and only used them because they had armor that protected them and thus they did not need a shield. Also the type of warfare really affects the efficiency of the weapon. It seems difficult to me to fight a phalanx with two handed axes. However these two handed axes are not an overly complicated design and if the ancients wanted them, they could have produced them probably.

    On 12/08/2021 at 7:14 PM, Yekaterina said:

    Please suggest cost, stats etc. 

    We all ready have kush axe champs and persian axe cavalry and there exist allready a template for them. I would model them to have similarities with the axe cavalry in therms of attack.

    Stats: 6 hack attack, 1.5 crush attack, repeat time 1s, 100 hp, 4 hack armor(axes make parrying more difficult), 5 pierce

    cost: 50 food, 45 wood, 5 metal.

    These stats put them in infantry combat between spearman and swordsmen. If you compose an army of 2x axemen, you spend as much resources as an army of x swordsmen and x spearmen. You would get similar combat effectiveness apart from lacking the cavalry counter. In return you get crush damage to destroy buildings.

    I think it would be nice to give an axemen infantry to some Celtic faction, as the lack CS swordsmen. That way they get an extra unit against siege and with some purpose against buildings (in combination with slingers). Also I would like to give them as a mercenary to either or both Macedonians or Seleucids. Seleucids have the "problem" of difficulty to get access to mercenaries and placing a new mercenary in the barracks might help with that. The 'stronger' sword mercenary would remain in the colony.

    However I do not like to add things just because of gameplay reasons. It also needs to have some historical connection. However it is not unlikely that there would be a Celtic tribe that used battle axes more than others.

  2. I was involved in some 1v1 small mainland games and it was time to get an overview on the different biomes. I hope this video makes you think about which biome suits competitive play best and it informs about you what to expect from each biome.


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    • Thanks 1
  3. On 10/08/2021 at 3:17 PM, chrstgtr said:

    Camels have shorter range and are less accurate. Still, it remains to be seen if this will make a difference (I’ve only played against it with players who are clearly better or worse than me, so the jury is still out here for me)

    Someone has to upload a video about camel archers...


    • Like 1
  4. In the game citizen soldiers make up the bulk of your army, yet there are 4 factions (macedonians, athenians, carthaginians and ptolemies) that have only 2 types. In addition, 3 more factions(britons, gauls and persians) do have multiple ranged citizen infantry but only 1 type op melee citizen infantry. For 5 factions it is like you get a spearman as nearly all others and we add 1 type of ranged unit to. I would like there to be a little more diversity. It this something which bothers more people?

    What unit type I would like to be added is an citizen soldier axeman. If I am correct, the most common melee weapons types would be pole arms, swords and then axes. So it does not seem strange to add an axeman. In game the infantry axeman could function as the poor mans swordsmen. I would like to hear what our historians have to say about axes and if they ever were a main weapon (possibly with a shield or not). I have to admit that I have been looking through tinted glasses in the hope for spotting some historically plausible axeman references as I would like an option for an extra unit type.


  5. 2 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

    Houses with 10 pop should produce women twice as fast. Carthaginian apartments should produce them 4 times as fast?

    I think that is overdoing it. Lets consider an example.

    If we want to produce 5  women, and we have either 5 big houses or 10 small houses.

    Then with a train time of 15, 5 of the women are produced after 15 seconds and get to work for 15 seconds until the "competitors are produced in the small houses". In those 15 seconds, they can collect per unit around 10 wood making them effectively 10 wood cheaper. I think this gives to much of an advantage to the big houses.

    With a train time of 25, 5 of the women are produced after 25 seconds and get to work for 5 seconds until the "competitors are produced". In those 5 seconds, they can collect around 3 wood making them 3 wood cheaper. I think this gives an acceptable advantage to the big houses. So if you want to produce limited amount of women, the big houses have a small economic advantage for production. On the other hand if you want to train lots of women, small houses are better in this example.

    So I would advocate not halving the training time for big houses but giving them a more modest reduction, which is still a reduction.

  6. It must be admitted, in a24 I used fertility festival in almost every game. The reason is because it makes your economy easy to manage: Short on wood, make mainly women and when there is a wood surplus build a few fields and buildings. It always was tricky in the sense that you had a significant portion of the population that was not good at fighting. Now in a25 researching fertility festival is not viable strategy anymore and it is better to boom with infantry. 3 reasons for this are:

    1. Infantry had their training time reduced by 2 seconds, while for women it was only 1. Also training time from houses stayed the same.

    2. Rushes are more useful, so that makes players with many women more vulnerable.

    3. Infantry cost wood and trees are more abundant now.

    I always like the idea that making women meant booming, making infantry meant turtling and making cavalry meant rushing. Currently booming can be done better with infantry. Also if we want the game to be realistic, having 50/50 ratio between men and women should not be bad. I would like to hear your ideas on which place fertility festival (or producing women) has and should have in competitive play.

  7. 21 hours ago, Dizaka said:

    Which hero does the 33%?  I don't see that hero and just double/triple checked.  Also, there appears to be no armor bonus for mace.

    Siege engines get +1 armor due to the her0. +1 armor means you take 10% less damage, so your durability increases to 1/0.9=1.11 . Mulitiplying the durability increase with the attack increase gives 1.11*1.2=1.33


    21 hours ago, Dizaka said:

    Checked the bonus.  It's a 20% repeat attack bonus (Note: Gaul bonus is 20% damage not 25%).  It makes Ptolemies on par with Persians/Macedonians/Gauls.

    This is a misunderstanding of the bonus. If a gaul ram with the hero does 4 attacks, he will do damage equal 4*1.2=4.8 hits. In the same time, the ptol ram with the hero does 5 attacks, which is stronger than the 4 gaul attacks.

    I hope that clarifies the numbers.

    • Like 1
  8. On 28/07/2021 at 3:14 PM, Πτολεμαῖοι said:

    I have started playing 0 ad a few weeks ago, and am still struggling to beat very easy in acropolis bay. If there are any helpful tips an tricks you know that would help, post them here. I am also playing Ptolemies

    I will give you some hints on how to start the first minute and what you should aim for. The idea is to pump out units initially as fast as possible. You will outproduce the very easy AI. I would suggest doing these moves at the start, which work on most maps.

    1. Click on your Civic Center. Then press ctrl+z to train a batch of women. We train batches of units if possible, since training in batches speeds up the production and allows to produce more  units per minute.

    2. Order your women to gather berries and your camel rider to hunt chicken

    3. Order 2 of your men to build a farmstead near your berries such that your women gather more efficiently. The other 2 soldiers can build a house and a storehouse.

    4. Click on your Civic Center again. Press ctrl+1 to put the CC on a control group. When the CC is selected click on a tree to place a gather point. Once the women are created, they will now directly go and chop wood..

    5. Wait until the women are nearly ready. When they are, press the shift button and use the mouse wheel to change the batch size. You should set the batch size such that it is the maximum batch size you can afford.

    6. As soon as the farmstead is build, you should do the berry gather upgrade and move the infantry that build it and order them to gather wood.

    The idea is to train the maximum batch size you can afford. Also make enough houses to be able to support the population. In order to do so, you need to press 1 (assuming you set the civic center on control group 1) and see how long it takes before you need to order a new batch. At some point, your berries run out and you need to think of a new source of food income. To keep your Civic center producing constantly, you need around 10 farmers or 4 berry gathers

    After some time, you can afford a barracks. Again it is the idea to put the barracks on a control group and constantly produce. You need to remember that once you get the barracks, you will need more food income to keep it running, so you probably need to add 10 farmers. The more units you produce, the more resources you gather and thus the more you can spent and the more barracks you will need in the end. Strategies can vary, but you will most often need at least 2 barracks before going to p2. Once you are thinking about going to p2, you have more freedom to decide what  your priorities will be.

    The key is to adapt to your resources. If you are floating wood, you can spend extra wood by building pikemen from your CC, construct buildings and do the upgrades. If you are short on wood you probably make mainly women from your CC.


    Also if you can move camel archers and do economy at the same time, you can do a camel rush. However as a new player that might be too taxing on your skills.


    • Like 2
  9. 11 hours ago, smiley said:

    I think this already happens naturally. ELO inflation is a thing.

    I don't think it happens naturally, as the only player in the top 20 gaining points is Dakeyras and that is because I lost 3 matches against him.

    Also I agree with Gurken Khan and have little to add to his explaination.

    15 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

    With all due respect, that reasoning doesn't sound coherent and even contradictory to me.

    Sure, people who quit don't need to be kept around; but there can be a lot of reasons why people are temporarily inactive. But if one understands how to boom, has a solid understanding of strategies and tactics and can do ~100 clicks/second, the rating one acquired with previous alphas will be a better indicator of how someone will do in the game than just giving them a noob rating just because the version number changed.

    Imagine that with a new alpha all ratings reset. Then all players above 1600 will be 1200 and it would take several weeks before their ratings become faithful again. I think the idea should be to make the ratings faithful.

    • Like 1
  10. Maybe I am going of point, but I had a different idea for ratings for players on the other side of the spectrum.


    My suggestion: If a player under 1250 completes a game, his rating gets increased by 1 point regardless of whether it was a rated game. I think it would not hurt too much as people will probably learn from each game and after 50 games you are probably better than before. This would solve the issue with all the 1200 rated players and new players can easier distinguish between real noobs and those who did not play rated games.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  11. 8) Ratings are nuts. If you are new and are looking for a similar opponent, you might run into a veteran who is 1200 simply because he never plays rated games. If you are 1400 you will nicely run into smurfs.

    I had good RTS experience(I used to esimate myself to be in the top 10% online competitive age of Empires 2 players) and even lost 5 out of my first 6 games. I practised in SP first, challenged some 1200 players first and still had a rough start. However it is easy for me to imagine other people just quitting the game.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Angen said:

    @LetswaveaBook can you upload crashlog files?

    I don't know if I found the correct crash files. To clean my logs, I renamed the directory



    I ran 0ad in the teminal with the command

    /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=0ad com.play0ad.zeroad

    Then 0ad started and I clicked on single player and on matches. There I selected "random" as the map type and clicked on "browse maps". I scrolled around for a little while and then the game seemed to close. After that I terminated the proces with ctrl+C. The music kept playing for a minute. The result in the terminal is:

    TIMER| InitVfs: 1.90684 ms
    Writing the mainlog at /home/stefan/.var/app/com.play0ad.zeroad/config/0ad/logs/mainlog.html
    TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 3.27961 ms
    Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft
    TIMER| shutdown ConfigDB: 0.847 us
    TIMER| resource modules: 5.88766 ms
    TIMER TOTALS (9 clients)
      tc_pool_alloc: 0 c (0x)
      tc_png_decode: 0 c (0x)
      tc_dds_transform: 0 c (0x)
      tc_transform: 0 c (0x)
      tc_plain_transform: 0 c (0x)
      tc_ShaderGLSLLink: 0 c (0x)
      tc_ShaderGLSLCompile: 0 c (0x)
      tc_ShaderValidation: 0 c (0x)
      xml_validation: 0 c (0x)
    TIMER| shutdown misc: 328.32 us
    TIMER| InitVfs: 174.436 ms
    Writing the mainlog at /home/stefan/.var/app/com.play0ad.zeroad/config/0ad/logs/mainlog.html
    TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 3.26081 ms
    Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft
    UserReport written to /home/stefan/.var/app/com.play0ad.zeroad/config/0ad/logs/userreport_hwdetect.txt
    TIMER| RunHardwareDetection: 11.316 ms
    TIMER| write_sys_info: 16.3904 ms
    TIMER| InitRenderer: 38.3028 ms
    TIMER| ps_console: 7.03005 ms
    TIMER| ps_lang_hotkeys: 4.01364 ms
    TIMER| common/modern/setup.xml: 299.301 us
    TIMER| common/modern/styles.xml: 132.678 us
    TIMER| common/modern/sprites.xml: 1.49723 ms
    TIMER| common/setup.xml: 272.034 us
    TIMER| common/sprites.xml: 577.78 us
    TIMER| common/styles.xml: 61.118 us
    TIMER| pregame/backgrounds/: 261.419 us
    TIMER| pregame/sprites.xml: 151.385 us
    TIMER| pregame/styles.xml: 21.294 us
    TIMER| pregame/mainmenu.xml: 46.4355 ms
    TIMER| common/global.xml: 6.1839 ms
    TIMER| common/modern/setup.xml: 193.296 us
    TIMER| common/modern/styles.xml: 154.253 us
    TIMER| common/modern/sprites.xml: 1.88632 ms
    TIMER| common/sprites.xml: 666.61 us
    TIMER| splashscreen/setup.xml: 41.302 us
    TIMER| splashscreen/splashscreen.xml: 26.2146 ms
    TIMER| common/global.xml: 1.23888 ms
    TIMER| common/modern/setup.xml: 164.865 us
    TIMER| common/modern/styles.xml: 128.654 us
    TIMER| common/modern/sprites.xml: 1.47501 ms
    TIMER| common/setup.xml: 254.602 us
    TIMER| common/sprites.xml: 514.137 us
    TIMER| common/styles.xml: 57.462 us
    TIMER| gamesetup/setup.xml: 229.43 us
    TIMER| gamesetup/styles.xml: 21.087 us
    TIMER| gamesetup/gamesetup.xml: 103.394 ms
    TIMER| common/global.xml: 1.50326 ms
    tex_dds.cpp(562): Function call failed: return value was -120102 (Invalid/unsupported texture format)
    Function call failed: return value was -120102 (Invalid/unsupported texture format)
    Location: tex_dds.cpp:562 (decode_sd)

    Call stack:

    (0x55c7f7aecdf5) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x5e0df5) [0x55c7f7aecdf5]
    (0x55c7f7a9e7b1) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x5927b1) [0x55c7f7a9e7b1]
    (0x55c7f7aa0047) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x594047) [0x55c7f7aa0047]
    (0x55c7f7aa03e3) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x5943e3) [0x55c7f7aa03e3]
    (0x55c7f7b0d3c0) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x6013c0) [0x55c7f7b0d3c0]
    (0x55c7f7b0baeb) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x5ffaeb) [0x55c7f7b0baeb]
    (0x55c7f7ae1a64) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x5d5a64) [0x55c7f7ae1a64]
    (0x55c7f7ae3df2) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x5d7df2) [0x55c7f7ae3df2]
    (0x55c7f78ef02c) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x3e302c) [0x55c7f78ef02c]
    (0x55c7f78ef8a6) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x3e38a6) [0x55c7f78ef8a6]
    (0x55c7f78e9c60) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x3ddc60) [0x55c7f78e9c60]
    (0x55c7f78cc143) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x3c0143) [0x55c7f78cc143]
    (0x55c7f7a8aed9) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x57eed9) [0x55c7f7a8aed9]
    (0x55c7f7a1b450) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x50f450) [0x55c7f7a1b450]
    (0x55c7f7a1443b) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x50843b) [0x55c7f7a1443b]
    (0x55c7f7a6d882) /app/bin/pyrogenesis(+0x561882) [0x55c7f7a6d882]

    errno = 0 (Try again later)
    OS error = ?

    ^C(C)ontinue, (S)uppress, (B)reak, Launch (D)ebugger, or (E)xit?


    So I pressed D and got

    Sleeping until debugger attaches.
    Please wait.
    Debugger launch failed: No such file or directory
    [xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue
    [xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
    [xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
    pyrogenesis: ../../src/xcb_io.c:260: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.
    /app/bin/0ad: line 9:     5 Aborted                 (core dumped) "$pyrogenesis" "$@"

    This did not help the issue. After this finished, I uploaded all the files in /home/stefan/.var/app/com.play0ad.zeroad/config/0ad/logs

    However it would be nice to note that I used both the autociv mod and the ballanced maps mod. Disabling the ballanced map mod solved the issue.

    Edit: I want to add that I occasionally experienced a similar crash if I looked at the summary of a compled game and switched to the miscellaneous tab, disabling the mods solves the problem again...  So @chiffoncake could you state if you used any mods?


    crashlog.txt interestinglog.html mainlog.html system_info.txt userreport_hwdetect.txt

  13. 33 minutes ago, Yekaterina said:

    I am also planning to make tutorial videos teaching people how to make mods, so that they can experiment with their own balancing ideas. 

    I also what thinking about doing at that some point. But yeah, I was looking for excuse to be lazy and postpone it. A25 being around the corner seems a fair excuse. So if you post such a video, I would gladly see on your way of explaining. What might also be nice is to show how to add technologies, change phase requirements or create units similar the the women_house file.

    One of the benefits of the 0AD game engine is that practically anyone can make mods to test balance changes.

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