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Balancing Advisors
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Posts posted by LetswaveaBook

  1. I don't have the sources for this claim. But I heard that the developer is planning to add more and more features post release. They are not the only developer to release an unfinished game and patch it later. That seems to be very common in the industry. It seems fair that not all people like this modern development cycle.

    By the way, age of empires 2 DE also was undesirable on release (balance between civs, path finding, matchmaking in the lobby, resource placement on arabia, desyncs, lobby dodging, spectator features were all lacking). I don't know the entire list of issues, but you can check the dozen or so patches that have been released and the issues meantioned there. Also spirit of the law made on youtube overviews of each path, which had many quality of life changes that the game should have had at release. A few months after release, we saw some players come back to the original on voobly. The current version seems to be favoured over the original. Personally, I think age of empires 2 went downhill ever since the release of the african kingdoms.

    So shortly, that is the reason why I am here and not on voobly.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Elena said:

    In my opinion, the Skiritai Commandos of the Spartans are the 'best' units, for the following reasons:

    • They do not cost ridiculous amounts of resources like elephants so that you are always able to afford quite a few of them. 
    • They are significantly stronger in attack than other citizen-infantry and have more health than them. On top of that, they are able to work for your economic boom between battles, unlike the mercenary units. 
    • They walk as fast as archers and  are more durable than pikemen.  
    • If you have a large number (more than 40) of Skiritai Commandos, you can use them as siege weapons. They are quite resistant to arrows from fortresses or towers. 
    • They do not need special buildings or expensive technology to unlock and train. You can mass produce them from barracks. 


    In a unit vs unit battle, they will certainly lose to champion units and hero units.  However, considering the cost-effectiveness, they are excellent. 

    I prefer mercenary swordsman, costing only 60 resources instead of 125. They might not be able to gather resources, but construction and repair duty also needs to happen.

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  3. 2 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    A "health" tech doesn't seem to fit the Forge (aka "Blacksmith"; a pendant changed its name, don't blame me). To have the same effect, an armor tech could be devised that improves both hack and pierce resistance (and maybe crush). At the end of the day, resistance is just "improved health" against the different attack types.

    I think we have a slight miscommunication. Currently improved resistance for the cavalry has both technologies at the stable (the cavalry health upgrade) and armor in p2 at the blacksmith. My suggestion was to move the improved resistance for cavalry completely to the stable, which could allow more cavalry heavy opening strategies. If someone does not know what a cavalry heavy strategy is: I mean a strategy where you do not build a barracks before minute 10.

    2 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Well, that would be to their detriment, right? If they choose to ignore boosting their other troops? A monoculture is uniquely vulnerable to disease, after all.

    Competitively it is better to have all upgrades on 1 unit and then mainly rely on that unit, which means your army is mainly fully upgraded. Especially soft counter systems are vulnerable to that.

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  4. In the meantime, building a lot of solar parks and wind turbines seems cool, nobody in my country seems to be really advocating to use less energy. What about insulating homes? Oh yes, if you have the money for it you can do so. Yet we fail as a nation to insulate houses that are being rented or for those people on the bottom of the social ladder.

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  5. On 28/10/2021 at 8:16 PM, Gurken Khan said:

    I haven't heard about wind or solar projects being that far off. And I know that there are a lot of problems with dams.

    In the Netherlands there are companies that build solar parks with goverment benefits. So these solar parks provide considerable energy during peak hours, but in off hours they produce nothing. Also the are putting the electricity network under stress and these issues of solar parks is getting a little out of hand as they are employed at larger scale. What those companies mainly do is just collecting a lot of goverment benefits. Also the production chain of solar panels is not the nicest thing ever.

    So as Genava55 said, everything has its issues.

  6. On 27/10/2021 at 7:19 PM, chrstgtr said:

    There was a conscience change from a23 to a24 to make upgrades not be a inf vs cav decision. I think it is a positive one and allows players to switch army composition in late game, which wasn't possible before (but may warrant a global reconsideration now that metal scarcity doesn't unnecessarily limit the aforementioned shift in composition)

    The number of upgrades would stay the same and the health technology still would be very affordable in late game. I would price it such that it is viable for populations less than 70. Which such cost a player with double the population could very easy afford it, as he also easily could afford the first armor upgrades at the blacksmith.

  7. On 26/10/2021 at 9:08 PM, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    I have long been in support of blacksmith upgrades that affect things besides armor or damage, or at least a more creative blacksmith. 

    What worries me about this suggestion is that people put all their resources in boosting one particular unit type and that units that aren't invested in are forgotten. However there are off course ways to create a system that makes sure that this is not the case.

    What might be fun is giving Athenians two techs to chose from(similar to Seleucid infantry champs). One could be called lead bullets that increase range and the other could be target practice to increase accuracy. Another choice could be more range for Macedons Pikes or more speed. However not all civs need similar things, as a Ptolemy player does not need an extra option to chose between super OP or nearly unstoppable.

  8. I think it goes to the ladies: Women are the best unit. Have you ever seen someone win without women?

    I saw a lot of strong units being mentioned. About ranged champions, I think it is worth adding that they have better accuracy. Where a CS archer might hit about 30% of their shots at full range, champion archers land all of theirs. I want to add another unit to the list: The Chariot archer. A relatively small group of them can occupy a far larger force of CS infantry.


  9. 33 minutes ago, Dizaka said:

    What is/are the reasons for wanting cav on steroid in P2?

    Currently, my personal experience is that, cav are substantially better than infantry in P2 due to population cost. 

    I was thinking about builds where you do not build a barracks and use CS cavalry. I wonder if you have some games where that strategy is substantially better and if you have, I would be glad to see them.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Micfild said:

    I don't have the SVN, so i can't test this out myself, but maybe that speed = 0 thing is the culprit for the current behaviour and setting it to something like Speed = WalkSpeed/2 might be a good compromise. Again can't be sure.

    I once did a Unity tutorial John Lemons haunted Jaunt where you did exactly movement like that. Rather than turning on the spot, units(or characters) would move forward and turn while moving. Depending on the Speed&turn rate, you didn't need much space to turn around. Also considering unit pushing, I assume opposing units wouldn't really block units from turning. I have to admit I never tested it on SVN so I could be easily wrong about that and I am an SVN noob with an outdated PC.

    Maybe also allowing units to turn small angles(like 5 degrees) without needing to stop to turn would be nice.


  11. I still fail to see the merit of adding an option to train rank 2 units. Neither do I think one person will be able to convince the other.

    On 23/10/2021 at 9:49 AM, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    My favorite idea (not sure who thought of it) to implement this was to add the rank 2 option in barracks/stable in p2 and give it extra cost in the form of food wood and metal, subsequently rank three in phase 3.

    I could make a mod for such a thing if you give the exact specifications. Then you could decide if it has some merit. Melee units get +40% durability after promotion and +20% attack, so I think +30% cost seems fair. I wouldn't add rank 3 for simplicity, as I feel they are an inferior option to rank 2 soldiers who have the advantageous ability to promote. Would unlocking rank 2 units require an upgrade similar to champions?

    But if such a mod would be created, be prepared to be attacked by a lot of rank 2 sword cavalry.

  12. On 24/10/2021 at 4:45 PM, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    Another way they would help when the player wants more powerful unit with the extra resources they have but the champion options available to them do not fit their army.

    Isn't the limitations of your arsenal a defining feature of the game? If for example the Athenians lack champion cavalry, that probably means the aren't supposed to use strong (rank 2/3) cavalry.

  13. On 25/10/2021 at 12:49 AM, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    This way 1000 resources of rank 1 will equal  1000 resources of rank 2.

    That is what I consider the core of the problem.

    If 100 resources of rank 1 will equal 1000 resources of rank 2, you won't get more power with rank 2 soldiers. So you will make rank 1 soldiers for economy and if you need a population that can fight effectively, you add champions(possible after deleting some women)

    If rank 2 soldiers give less power for 100 resources of rank 1 units, then we will have the issue that it is better to train rank 1 soldiers and add champions.

    If rank 2 soldiers give more power for 1000 resources, you will never see rank 1 soldiers once the economies are fully established. The issue with this would then again be that you kind of eliminated the current promotion system: All your units are rank 2 and can only promote once instead of twice.

    Also I don't see which issue would be solved by this, except for "more" unit variety. Extra options like this don't make the game worse, but that does not mean it has a lot of benefit.

    On 24/10/2021 at 4:45 PM, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    This is a good point, it probably would not be such an important unit for this particular civ that can also train spearcav champs. However, there are a few civs/unit setups that would benefit from the increased flexibility with CS. I am thinking of all the situations where a civ does not have a good champion counter and is now totally defenseless against an army of a particular champion, so they would want to make a rank 3 CS counter unit for the most economical trade.

    Can you give an example (that does not include fire cav or roman cav) for such a situation? You might be referring to factions that lack a infantry spearman/pikeman champion against cavalry, but all these faction could fight opposing champion cavalry with their own champion cavalry. If I said Gauls are disadvantaged against Gauls, because the Gauls have no infantry spearman champion option to counter the opposing cavalry champions, that would be non-sense.

  14. 13 hours ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    Right now, i've seen more people complain about heroes and other tank units being put on flee when attacked and baiting enemy melee units to give chase.

    I want to try this with Elephants.

    On a serious note, if the feature makes movement seem more realistic and smooth, it is the way to go. Then after that comes balancing. What I felt in A24 is that:

    1: I never made a diff, so nothing really changed. If you want a change, it seems being able to make a diff is very useful.

    2: Unit pathing was overhauled, but there was no balance testing after that. So something was implemented and "the balance team"(if such a team existed) wasn't aware of the consequences. Now that skirmishers have good pathing, they are OP and my view is that archers were OP in A24 because other units lacked good pathing.

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  15. For me the way the upgrades at the blacksmith are organized is superior than in A24, but I would like to discuss if there could be further improvements for gameplay. I will list 3 options that I gave some consideration.

    Option 1: The phase 2 blacksmith armor upgrades no longer affect cavalry. Instead cavalry now gains +20% health (or +25%) with the cavalry health upgrade.

    The goal of this change is to support phase 2 cavalry with stable strategies. Currently strategies with a stable are hardly viable in p2, except for the factions who get a mercenary cavalry(which should of course be re-balanced, but that is a separate topic). If you have build a stable and have a lot of cavalry, you can directly upgrade them in p2 without the need for a blacksmith, which is very convenient for a strategy that relies on tempo.

    Option 2:  The phase 2 blacksmith upgrades give +20% attack/ or +2 armor(but might see some increase in cost). Both phase 3 technologies give +15% attack/ or +1 armor.

    The reason for this change is that phase 3 gives a lot of goodies and thus booming to p3 becomes very important. In phase 3 you get siege, heroes and extra military upgrades. In A25 being 1 minute late to phase 3 can really decide games, especially if your opponent capitalizes on the fact that he has his upgrades 1 minute earlier. If only one player has the +2 pierce armor technology, that player has free roam until the opponent researches his own technologies. With siege you can really do a lot of damage in 1 minute. By making the phase 2 upgrades the most important, a player in phase 2 has improved chances to defend compared to A25. Also by having strong p2 technologies, you give players opportunities to punish opponents that linger to long in p1.

    Option 3=2+1:  The phase 2 blacksmith upgrades give +20% attack/ or +2 armor(but might see some increase in cost). Phase 2 armor upgrades affect infantry only, to compensate cavalry get. Both phase 3 technologies give +15% attack/ or +1 armor.

    This option allows to do for infantry what option 2 does, however it means that in phase 2 you get cavalry on steroids right after you reach p2. This might be over the top, but increased cost of the cavalry health upgrade could compensate for that.


    All of these options have in common that units will have the same strength compared to A25 once you get all upgrades (balance for separate units is a separate topic). However I hope these option allow for some more p2 action. You are all encouraged to share your opinions on the current blacksmith setup and to discuss alternative options.

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