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Posts posted by LetswaveaBook

  1. Any game with technologies has strategies that revolve around staying low tech for longer to be able to get high tech faster.

    However I think in 0ad the balance is such that for most factions it is the only feasible strategy to stay long in p1 and view p2 just as the phase that you need to get once you want to get to p3. For many mercenary factions, there is a usage of getting p2 earlier, but for most others there barely isn't. Unless there are mercenaries, the midgame lacks action. So I was wondering if there is agreement on this and if we should do something to change that.

    For around half of all the factions I would advice people to skip p2 in favour of infantry production. I think those factions need some extra love to0. P2 needs to be such that any faction can make some waves in p2.

    • Like 1
  2. Ships have a damage of 35 pierce per arrow, which is insane and soldiers are very easily slaughtered by ships. I understand that the ships have so much power because that is what they need to sink other ships. It would be an easy change to turn that into 12 attack with a 3x multiplier against other ships.

    Would this a solution we can settle on for A26. Undoubtedly there are better solutions, but who is going to program that?

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  3. 2 hours ago, UltraMan said:

    Also tested with all techs researched and I get same results

    You did a test with a spearman, not with a pikeman. It is true that the spearman wins.

    Without all upgrades, the pikeman(the one with 10 armor) also wins, but if the Mauryan player has the +10% HP upgrade and the final attack upgrade the sword cavalry should win.

    Even if both the spear cav and the mauryan sword cav have all upgrades, the spear cavalry loses. However it is unlikely that in a 1v1 someone researches all upgrades and without the final hack armor, the sword cavalry has the advantage.

    Anyway, I accept that it is a though to beat spartans with Mauryans after 10 minutes.

  4. 50 minutes ago, Dizaka said:

    I think HP aura can stay.  Limit pikemen globally.  Globally pikemen are an issue.  If globally the issue is solved and ptol are still OP consider addressing the aura.

    I think the aura can be weakened and put back in to its original form once the issue is solved. Also, there are a lot of other heroes that only give a similar bonus to a small group of units. Ptolemy IV, will still be decent.

    51 minutes ago, Dizaka said:

    Gauls don't need a boost as they are on the Ptol level. 

    In 1v1s they are nowhere close. If undisturbed on 200 pop games, Ptolemies can comfortably get their hero(yah, an elephant!) before minute 11. Can Gaul compare to that?

  5. 1 hour ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    do you think a range reduction makes sense for ibercav? I think it is a bit too easy to take down cc's. If in the next alpha, cavalry have slower acceleration to put some risk back into cavalry, then ibercav would be more impacted by this if their range was reduced.

    I would dislike to make them super uncomfortable to use to use. If you want them to have short range, why not let it be a melee unit.

    In 1v1s, you will feel the costs of the cavalry which shows its limitations. I conjecture that in a team game, when the pocket player requires more time to build his cavalry army because of the extra expenses, the players at the flank will feel that. So that might give the false impression that the expenses are bearable and the cavalry player is doing well, because his absense is not directly felt by himself. I still think most cavalry is fairly balanced by its cost. Iberian and Roman cavalry is obviously not well balanced, though Roman cavalry is not a top treat in 1v1s.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Dizaka said:

    Well, if anyone plays well on any civ most strategies, if not all, won't work on them too.

    That is untrue according to me. There are really strategies which some faction struggle to deal with. So you could still play to the best of your abilities and be defeated by a similar skilled player. I think for Macedonians it is difficult to deal with a Briton player that opens with a stable (or two). Also mysticjim casted a game where I used a mercenary strategy in a Macedonian mirror against dakeyras and he could not win, despite not playing bad.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dizaka said:

    There's absolutely no reason why civs strong in early levels should be weak in late levels.

    If a faction is strong on the early stages of the game and it does not have a relative weakness later, that does in my opinion mean that it is unbalanced.

    1 hour ago, Dizaka said:

    Additionally, camels don't work vs archer civs. 

    I disagree on that. I think with camel archers you can still cause a lot of damage on Persians and kushites.

    1 hour ago, Dizaka said:

    he only issue I see is pikemen maybe being overpowering when paired with slingers or skrimishers even in P1 and P2 WITHOUT heroes. 

    If the number of ranged units are low (both in relative or absolute number), then pikemen are close to horrible. In this game you can still individually target units. Also without siege any infantry army has problems getting something accomplished on the offensive side.

    1 hour ago, Dizaka said:

    That's a Pikeman issue not a civ issue.

    That is true, but unless there is someone solving the pikeman issue, I think it is fair to limit the HP aura.

    1 hour ago, Dizaka said:

    How about instead of debuffing Ptol other civs are put on their level if they are lacking?

    Okay, that seems fair in theory but I think that a every faction needs a very substantial boost to be able to match the Ptolemies. So that means the majority of the factions need a big buff, any ideas on how to do that?

  8. 51 minutes ago, Dizaka said:

    Early phase ibers are vulnerable to Rome, Macedonia, Carthage, and Ptolemies.  They can also lose to Mauryas, Gauls, Britons, in the first 8 minutes.  You can even capture an Iberian CC with 8-9 minutes gametime with Kushites.

    Rome/Macedonia can mass rush with spear cav (yes, even if spear cav is weak vs skrimishers they are strong enough in mass).  To prevent this you will have to go mass skrimishers and play a roll of the dice.  Either you get rushed and you counter the rush or if you boom with women, you risk losing access to all tree lines.

    Carthage has merc swordcav.  RIP to any Iberian/Rome player.  Period, it's not a competition in the first 8 mins of gametime.

    If the Iberian player plays well, I think all of these strategies do not work in a 1v1, except the one with Ptolemies. If you have any evidence to show the contrary, I would be happy to see it.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Fabius said:

    Any specific reasons Iberians why considered OP? 

    Booming=turtling. Lets assume that you  play a 1v1 and are not the Ptolemies, which are even more OP than Iberians. So if you have cheaper javelineers at the start(which are the strongest CS ranged infantry), then it is very difficult for the opponent to outboom you. Neither does aggressive play help, since there are to much javelineers. So basically many factions are left without any way of preventing Iberians from taking an advantage (That is 1).

    In p3, they can deal a quick and hard blow with javelineers due to their strong boom and javelineers being the best CS ranged unit. That is the 2nd reason why it is difficult to take them on.

    So how about dragging out the game, does that work? With Indibil they can really fast recruit new soldiers after you lose them, so the Iberian player can very easily send a new wave of units towards you. They also have stronger swordsmen (both CS and champion), which are also cheaper with Indibil. With Indibil garrisoned in the CC, he can't be taken out.. So that is 3 reasons.

    Do sneaky strategies work against them? Because of the walls you can't really kill all their farmers easily neither is it easy to take out the starting CC with a sneaky attack. Seleucids, Persians and Mauryas can try to wear them out with horse archers or chariot archers, but only seluecids have decent chance of surviving against the push that the Iberian player after reaching p3. So that would be my 4th reason.

    Barely any strategy seems really possible against Iberians, assuming equal skill of course. That is my take on it.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. I did not want to take away the identity of the Ptolemies or cut their options. However I think everything is very smooth for the Ptolemies and to add insult to injury 1 minute after reaching p3 you normally have a very useful hero.

    Normally in RTS games, when a faction starts of strong, they tend to be weaker later in the game. I therefore think it is fair to weaken their heroes, for which I made a differential.


  11. 4 hours ago, Dakara said:

    First i think this unit need to be balanced with the chariot britons. Because it the same unit but iberians champion have more dammage cuz they have fire attack.

    So nerf attack of ibere champ a little for they have the same attack of chariot britons.

    Then we need see if orther champ of other civ have a chance against this unit. 

    I was thinking about giving the unit the similar potential as the Briton chariot against most units, with the fire cav retaining a specialty against siege and buildings.

    I also ran tests with the chariot, which gets beaten by cataphract(8hp remaining) and the roman consular body gaurd also defeats it(22 HP remaining). Also if we compare the chariot and other cavalry, we see that the main oddity is a DPS of 28.8, which is far higher than most other units.

    I also think that Iberians are OP without their champion cavalry.

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, artoo said:

    As a 20 years software developer, this pains me to read. :cry:

    I am not sure about this, but I feel that once you get 21 years of experience you will realize that these numbers are just in-game numbers and they aren't related to reality. The numbers probably have been chosen such that they make the game feel nice, such as addressing the complaints on the forums about the game being too slow.

  13. I agree with many points that mysticjim made, except the assumption that you are 14 or 15. There is no reason why I would assume that you couldn't be 16 years old. Lets put that aside.

    Also, I always thought about tournaments as investments. T90 has hosted several high prizepool Age of Empires 2 tournaments. He is a professional streamer and gains popularity for hosting the tournament and also his audience indirectly pays for whatever prize money he puts into it. Also Microsoft, the publisher of Age of Empires 2 and other companies put prize money into it. Currently if you would host a tournament with a prizepool, that would just mean donating money to Vali (without further return) and he might appreciate that.

    If you want to make 0ad more popular, I think it is more fruitful to create an environment where excellent 0ad youtube (or other media) content can be created.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, UltraMan said:

    It is very easily killed by pikemen/spearmen and spear cavs.

    Mauryan sword cav are so strong, they can win against the pikemen/spear cav that are supposed to counter them.

    3 hours ago, UltraMan said:

    Also they can't collect wood, stone and metal unlike skiritai comandos who are basically champions.

    Skiritai are far from being champions and they can only gather at half the speed. The skiritai are stronger than the mauryan sword cavalry in a 1v1 though.

    3 hours ago, UltraMan said:

    made bunch of champion chariots. They so useless. They die very quickly to normal infantry javs

    If chariots die to short ranged infantry, that is not their fault. That can only be caused by neglecting micro.

    8 hours ago, UltraMan said:

    Champion elephants are somewhat good but they are too expensive and they die very quickly by mass javs and slingers

    This is neither true. An Indian elephant can take on up to 10 skirmishers on its own and is as resistant as 10 spearman. The point is that the elephants can't take on 40 skirmishers.

    However I have to admit that defending against an early p3 push can be difficult as Mauryans against Spartans.

    • Like 2
  15. 47 minutes ago, UltraMan said:

    I've been playing some 1v1 matches and it seems that my chances to win are high when I pick spartans and zero when I pick Maurays.

    First of all, I would say that I view Sparta as far from being a top tier faction on 1v1s. Sparta is strong when they get their maximum population with a good number of skiritai and upgrades, but if they aren't given that much time they don't seem very good to me.

    I don't think archers are weak, I think skirmishers are overpowered. So Mauryas suffer from that disadvantage. People seems to be happy that skirmishers are overpowered and I think that has to do with the fact that they are the most common unit. If there were only 4 factions getting CS skirmishers I think there would be as much outrage about skirmishers as there was about archers in A24.

    If you play as Mauryas, your CS infantry mainly consists of archers and spearman, which is not a good combination. That suggest that it possibly might be better to use other units.

    What Mauryas can do is make good use of their cavalry and maybe an early cavalry build by the mauryas might be uncounterable by factions such as Seleucids, Romans, Macedonians or Spartans. I played against Lorenz11 several times and he picked Mauryas and I have a youtube video about that strategy.


    • Like 3
  16. I had the idea of a butcher unit for a while. So essentially that would be a unit that is good at collecting food from livestock bred at the corral. Maybe an architect for faster construction, cattle breeder to garrison in corrals for better production or an drill master to garrison in barracks for faster training could also be nice.


    The biggest issue would be that there would be extra art needed.

  17. They way you pose the question makes me think you don't use it 5 times a minute or more.

    When I have cavalry archers, I tend to put the on stand ground to stop them from chasing. If you want them to stop moving, you can press the halt button. So yeah, in those cases I might use the  halt key over 5 times a minute. Also If your units are collecting resources and need to stop doing so, the halt key can be effective or if you melee is chasing something that they should not be chasing.

    There is a recent newby rush video where someone clicked to attack a women and lost all his camel archers because of an unintended chase at 9:08.


  18. 6 hours ago, Duileoga said:

    Buenos días o tardes;

    (good morning or afternoon)

    -Actuales avances en los lusitanos ,en proceso;

    (Current advances in the Lusitanians ,in process)



    Espero que os gusten:D;

    (I hope you like them;)

    @Lopess, @Stan` , @Lion.Kanzen , @wowgetoffyourcellphone , @Yekaterina , @soloooy0 , @Genava55 , @Dizaka , @Carltonus , @Trinketos , @fabio @Alexandermb @av93 @Radiotraining @alre @Dasaavawar @Ardworix , @Phalanx , @Ultimate Aurelian @Loki1950 @maroder @Belisarius17 @Mr.lie @Mosé @GunChleoc @whocares @Sundiata, @DarcReaver @feneur @Itms @intipablo @wackyserious @balduin @Radagast. @iNcog , @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded @Mythos_Ruler y @sanderd17 .

    No olvidéis probar el mod para dar críticas o sugerencias

    (Do not forget to try the mod and to give yours criticism or suggestions)

    The men carrying the log need to be more muscular. If you have a cylinder with a diameter of 80 cm and a length of 3.5m, with a density of 510 kg/m^3, that is 900 kg. 4 normal men can't use that as a ram, you need to be extremely strong.

    The art looks good though.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  19. Something I noticed from Vali's efficient build, is that at 20 population he is housed for some time. What I tended to do was to build a house with all my woodcutters, which reduced the time I was housed. Because I used all units, my wood collection dropped to 0 and that did hurt more than the extra time of being housed.

    Initially I always considers Vali's approach strange and I thought there is no valid reason why a strategy involves being housed. However I changed that opinion and Vali does that in the superior way.

    Also as you have at most 50 women and want over 30 near your CC for farming, you should send less than 20 women to your storehouse for woodcutting. So that is a mistake I did as well, having to few women around the CC.

    I did a number of tries and my best currently is 7:33, with using extra hunt I still can't beat Vali. He must have been optimizing/practicing that build for a long period.

  20. 24 minutes ago, cl2488 said:

    Even if it is likely that borg-, Vali and feld will win the top places in the tournament, it is still interesting to hold the tournament to let many players to push their skills and show the excitement of 0AD games. It is particularly fascinating to see the top players trying their best to push their skills to a new height.

    You would get several good players without a prizepool, it is not needed in my view. A good number of high rated players would probably just join for either having the honor of:

    1: Beating Vali in the finals.

    2: Being Vali.

    • Haha 4
  21. I played a game with other good players and where I reached p2 around 6 minutes and was involved in some merc action against Vali. Aslan decides to go to phase 2 with 67 population and 55 women. When he reaches p2, he has nearly 4 stables completed and start going full cavalry archers. In the meantime vinme has 112 population and the other six players have an average of 87 population.


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  22. On 02/11/2021 at 10:29 AM, the-x said:

    I searched for long times, but i cant find this replay. Is it 1v1? which players participate. Any organizing structure of replays? Do you play ptol to show?

    What you could do is move all current replays to a different folder and then have the intended replay being the only file in the folder. There are probably better methods, but I can't think of any other method that guarantees a solution for finding them.

  23. 1 hour ago, thephilosopher said:

    The whole "exit without resigning" schtick makes little sense to me. In the end, it just inflates your rating and causes you to end up in games with players who are much better than you. It makes far more sense to take some losses, lose some rating points, and then find people closer to your skill level who you can beat.

    Not only you will attract different players, but even when you win lose the system corrects itself. If you have inflated your rating by 100 points, then after a defeat you lose more points than you normally would.  If you beat an equally skilled player and your rating is inflated by 100 points, then you gain less points. The rating system is not one with a long memory and the only way to hold on to the inflated rating, is to do more cheating.

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