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  1. Greetings everyone, It has been quite some time since I embarked on a project aimed at enhancing chat experiences through modding. Initially, my primary objective was to introduce emojis to 0 A.D. However, despite numerous attempts, I've encountered challenges in achieving this goal. Now, several years down the line, I'm considering releasing the mod featuring only ASCII emojis. I believe that with your collaboration, we can turn this idea into a reality. I eagerly await your input and assistance. Do you think this endeavor is feasible? For those interested, you can find the mod here: Asciimojis Release. Your feedback is invaluable in refining and enhancing this mod. Currently, there are some known issues: - Autocomplete functionality is not operational in the lobby and during sessions. - Autocomplete is limited when autociv is not in use. These issues will be addressed shortly. Regards,
  2. Nice ! I will get involved into this so. Will post my remarks and suggestions there soon. And thank you for the precision Have a nice day !
  3. Hello everyone ! Sorry for the late. Yes, I'm obviously interested in joining the testing team ! What are the procedures please ? Should I simply play test newer A25 and send here my remarks ? In addition, I have heard that this A25 will be the last version with features adding, so I guess it must be the best in terms of completion, right ? I'm listening to you, thanks and all the best !
  4. This will be a great starting point to reestablish a good game-play feeling. The next step will be to correct units state machine according to those newer changes and according to the snapping addition (which still have not been addressed).
  5. Those are informations, for instance, developers have never told us (since we are complaining here at least). Thank you, I and others will follow this way.
  6. Right. Have you token a look at the attached match in my original post ? If so, what have you thought about ? Haven't you seen the broken state machine I'm talking about ? Haven't you felt the game poor in term of enjoyment ? If not, all this topic is then useless and we are just discuting for nothing.
  7. And also, if we say for instance that the units state machine is broken, it is to tell you that there is a problem to repair. Is not that a kind of suggestion ?
  8. Right. But developers do not even let us à room for suggestions as they mostly sweep with the back of their hands everything we say. I understand the solidarity you have for each other but when the time comes to see the truth, see it. We all want the same thing : a great game.
  9. So, should we be blamed because we did not know its existence ? I mean, did we haven't the right, even the duty to give our opinion ? Or should we just agree with just everything ? No reviews ?
  10. I did not even know the existence of this subforum till today.
  11. Thank you for this showcase of simply the reality.
  12. Nice ! A great idea I agree with ! On my free time, I will get the basis of pyrogenesis and will help on this aspect. Your suggestion can really change the things because it will help as well to speed up the development process as well as it will be the basis for future great improvements. Thank you.
  13. And it seems that game-play have not been token much in consideration for creating the new alpha. Yes. As I am telling since the opening of this thread, I'm not much talking of balance but of a broken game-play (often resulting of balance (improvements ?)). From what I see, balance has been to the center of the priorities in a24 and game-play (which makes the game enjoyable) considerations have just been forgotten.
  14. 0ad is not all about balance. The game must preserve an interesting game-play overall.
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