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Everything posted by Sequani

  1. Hi ! I'm from Besançon, France. I discovered this game thanks to my friend and co-worker from that city as well. We even played against two guys from here we didn't knew before. Small world! My pseudo is my name ... I did it too fast, though it was going to be my login Thanks to the people who worked on that game, it's great! I'm at GMT+2 (summer) and I think it's +1 in winter ^^
  2. Hello I played today against dandiertie, and he left the game as I was winning with any doubts. I thought maybe it was a connection problem, but he didn't rejoin even after some while I was waiting. Can you do something about it? He was 1264 when we started playing. @user1 My lobby username is : jeromescherer Thank you very much commands.txt
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