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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by DarkAngelBGE

  1. Also it's good to have older guys around to develop the forum community to a very mature one. Nice background post, Ken.
  2. Hehe, will do. Too bad the forum source engine doesn't like avatars that are not square. We'll have to add a transparent square around the current MOTM icon.
  3. Hehe. What makes WFG so unique is...we have the right people on board.
  4. Heya Stephen, nice you made it here. Would be cool if you explained why you are skeptic. Make sure we have not only the 0ad game in development. Greetings to a cool person !
  5. Well, they are modding teams for RTS titles, such as AoK, AoM etc.
  6. There is no difference, Murchad. Guardian is what a Moderator is called throughout the WFG community.
  7. http://www.mindmedia.com/brainworks/summary.jsp Tim, you show a slight right-hemisphere dominance with a moderate preference for auditory processing, an unusual and somewhat paradoxical combination of characteristics. You are drawn to a random and sometimes nonchalant synthesis of material. You learn as it seems important to a specific situation, and might even develop a resentment of others who attempt to direct your learning down a specific channel. Your right-hemispheric dominance provides a structure that is only loosely organized and one which processes entire swatches of reality, overlooking details. You are emotional in your reactions and perceptual more than logical in your approach, although you can impose structure and a language base when necessary. Your auditory preference, on the other hand, implies that you process information sequentially and unidimensionally. This combination of right-brain and auditory modes creates conflict, as you want to process data more rapidly than your natural processes allow. Your tendency to be creative and free-flowing is accompanied by sufficient ability to organize and be logical, allowing you a reasonable degree of success in a number of different endeavors. You take in information methodically and systematically which can then be synthesized rapidly. In this manner, you manage to function consistently well, although certainly less efficiently than you desire. You prefer the abstract and are a theoretician at heart while retaining the ability to be practical. You find the symbolism in a great deal of what you encounter and are something of a "mystic." With regards to your lifestyle, you have the mentality which would be good as a philosopher, writer, journalist, or instructor, or possibly as a systems designer or social worker. Perhaps most important is your ability to "listen to your inner voice" as a mode of skipping over unnecessary steps to achieve your goals. Alright...
  8. I bet this is music in everybody's ears, especially in Jason's.
  9. Well, what's a Forum Guardian to you ? What should s/he be like ? Do you think you'd be up to the job as well ? Cheers.
  10. What would the advantages of that be (integrating it with the forum) ? What type of images would go there ?
  11. Sounds very good to me. Is also handy for the average highschool Joe when it comes down to history classes. Top!
  12. This will be the avatar that the promoted member will get. Jeru will carry it for one day due to having made it. Thanks Jeru !
  13. I am glad to announce that another hot guy (lol ) has joined the WebDevelopment and Community -Department: Recruit CodeOptimist He will be helping everybody out by moderating the beloved Computer Desk forum and will also get his hands at some project I know everybody of you will love. Congarats.
  14. What I don't like about DGDN too much is that there are a lot of posts on their forums where quite exaggerated usage of smilies was achieved. That's not a biggie. In fact it can be quite positive as it may show people are having fun down in the lairs.
  15. Yes, this is a good question, Jeru. As of now having both systems working alongside is not very clever as they are basically the same, as of yet (!). However, we set th Currency System up for future purposes such as a Forum RPG, Forum Shop and such things. It's a bit off the line to pay with "Reputation" don't you think ?
  16. Let's all congratulate Black Hawk on his new orange dress. After two weeks of Moderation Recruitment he finally passed and is now a new Forum Guardian in full shape. Congratulations !
  17. Just a reminder, tomorrow is the party at 11am. Games that will be played are AOC and AOM. I myself won't be there as I got to prepare some stuff for school (starts again on Monday).
  18. Probably we could also integrate the forum's currency system with that. Like we have several groups playing a game on their own, but all worlds share one "market" where people can buy new shields, weapons etc. Alongside their in-game money they could also use their forum money.
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