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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by DarkAngelBGE

  1. Es muss heißen "Ich möchte Deutsch sprechen/lernen" und nicht "Deutsche" (wo habt ihr das her ?). @Adam: muss heißen: Rofl, ich liebe dieses Thema (Thema = thread in diesem Fall)
  2. Wow snake (welcome to WFG), that avatar is great. Where did you get it ?
  3. It's really easy so long as there are worthy topics. I have a ton in my head, if anyone of you needs one, I'd gladly share my ideas via PM.
  4. Naj, let's not get too German-fanatic.
  5. okay, lass mich dir sagen, was du falsch gemacht hast. muss heißen: Ich wohne in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Ansonsten sehr gut, Kamerad.
  6. Lol, I'd want them all. No, couldn't make up my mind yet. Probably the one with the gun will not get in.
  7. Let's only talk German here or post German stuff here that you can't translate. Jawohl, lasst uns anfangen.
  8. Correct, Amy (as always ), but currency might encourage newer forumers to do it, too. When they gain currency for it they fell they did something for the community and are likely to return again.
  9. Maybe we just add that ration below that ? Then again I am going to implement that everybody can check for himself which stuff he wants to have displayed in the avatar space.
  10. I really have to say the British one was really cool, too. thought he'd win for sure..
  11. Nope didn't receive it, Amy. Okay, now someone bring me Klaas so we can start judging.
  12. For me gaining wisdom over the years would also mean success.
  13. Happy New Year, all ! Duh uh ? Why's that ?
  14. Roflmao, I have been laughing for 1min straight after reading the last 7 or so replies. <-- banana time!
  15. Yeup, first 500 posts and then.. have fun. Yeah we could set up a best avatar contest in deed. The winner would get an avatar designed after his wishes ?
  16. Completing a game as in an AoM match ? Or developing a game ?
  17. Hey, just got another idea: How about whoever uses the report post feature to report a post that is in violation of the CGs gets currency paid ? That helps our moderators a bit to keep track of all threads. If the post that was reported is indeed "false", then the reporter would get 200 currency or so ? What do you think ?
  18. Just got the idea of Klaas, CO and I rating websites of community members. That means that if you have a website you can send the link to us and we'll have a look at it and work out a small list of possible improvements. What do you think of the idea ?
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