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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. To add to plumo's request, maybe a screenshot to show off AO with simply a plain pure white diffuse texture on 2 structures - one with AO and one without.
  2. What I'm suggesting is... request all of the .drs files from a friend who used MPS and has permanently installed the R@W mod on their Windows 32 bit computer. Then take their .drs files and using windows explorer - drag and drop them into your 64 bit install (or another instance of your install - rename your original files if you'd like, perhaps a second install on another partition). I think this would allow you access to view and modify this new .drs with the Advanced Genie Editor 2 tool just like you would have used it for the original .drs files?
  3. Just had a thought (and it is probably more complicated), instead of a config setting... what if players were allowed to dock the panels wherever they chose during the game? There could be predetermined locations (bottom left, center, and right) that the panels would snap to. Just grab something representing a handle and move it to whatever configuration you choose.
  4. For the split vs. center preference, would it be difficult to allow the user to choose via a configuration setting?
  5. I'm digg'n the smooth LOS, very nice - thanks for the videos and pictures too - its great for us windows users that don't have an .exe to play with and aren't savvy enough to compile. ... and perhaps something more important than aesthetics - damage texture maps which could communicate visual gameplay information to the players. I look forward to checking this thread out each day looking for what is new
  6. Hi BF_Tanks, I made the R@W mod over 10 years ago and I've forgotten a lot of what I did and how the tools work. But, I'd be happy let you do whatever you want with the .slp files. I'm not sure how AoK is modded these days, nor what the capabilities are. Is it possible to simply take all the .drs files from a 32 bit install and copy them into a 64 bit install in order to get the mod to work? I could be wrong, but I think the mod was open and available for anyone to modify it in mod pack studio as they desired. I think you would just need someone with MPS installed to pull out the individual SLPs you want.
  7. I'm not so sure about how much ground clouds for fog would be used, and it might be a neat affect - but another visual that would be nice would be to have would be ground shadows that are cast onto the world. I think this could be done with a simple scrolling black and white texture map (similar idea to the animated textures suggestion - which would be another great addition for waterfall objects, wheels, and tracks). If you are going to start looking at the particle engine, please take a look at the feasibility of rendering environment particles to simulate things like falling snow and rain. Awesome work so far - please keep it up!
  8. Very nice I've got an old Nvidia card (GeForce 7950 GT) and I'd love to test it, but I think I need an .exe?
  9. FYI our balance today is $4,754.07 USD
  10. Not to sound like a broken record, but... Looks great. Keep up the good work. Think also about building windows for those night scene maps. Reminiscent of that age of empires 3 screenshot that can't be replicated in the released version of the game.
  11. Looks great, I hope my old video card handle it If not, maybe a good excuse to get an upgrade
  12. Good input, I'm glad to see there is some desire for this from the fans. The original game design was intended to have logistic features. Seasons, fixed territories, stamina, and moral were all interwoven parts and pieces that were going to play into this. I liked that, not just because I was on the design team that developed the idea, but because think this would have added a level of depth and strategy that would have brought something unique to RTS games and differentiated 0 A.D. in another way from the "Age of" series of games. There are some remaining elements though, and you never know what Part II might bring
  13. I'm probably two steps behind (as usual) but... what if a duplicate .dae model was generated on first run - for the sole purpose of using it's UV data for pre-computed AO. Then the engine could draw data from both .dae files and add that 2nd UV channel into a single .pmd for it's various rendering passes. Each pass could point to a different UV channel as needed?
  14. That looks great! So are you guys are thinking that if you had a seperate set of UVs, you could leave the diffuse the way it is today and the second UVs would be used when rendering the SSAO pass? If there was only a way (maybe a script?) to automatically generate these SSAO models/textures in batches out of blender or maybe even Pyrogenesis.
  15. I did some digging around and my memory failed me. It appears that mirroring UVs is only a problem when you are developing the normal map and baking the map. Once that is complete, you are ok it seems. Two good tuts I've came across are here: http://www.chrisalbe...p_Tutorial.html http://wiki.polycount.com/NormalMap I would like to do a demonstration of how this could affect some objects in the game. Looking forward to seeing your future work
  16. Normal/Displacement maps would look great if applied to the existing low poly models. The model's UV maps would have to be reworked - unless a seperate UV mapping could be applied to them. The problem with our existing UV maps is that there is shared texture space. For example, on many and most all of the unit maps the leg and arm portion of the texture is shared by both the left and right. If I recall correctly this goofs up the normal maps. Every tri must have it's own portion of the UV map. The same story for buildings too. It's to bad that the models weren't set up this way already - but back in the day - when these models were first made, normal mapping wasn't even on the radar. I think the biggest benefit for the least cost would be terrain normal / displacement maps, followed by units, then followed by buildings (the bump mapping looks great on them - and the art team is going high poly on the static structures anyway, so I don't think there would be much benefit in displacement maps on most flat/rectangular buildlings) This capability would be awesome though. Modders who use the engine for different purposes as well as the WFG developers could really do a lot with this - both now and in the future
  17. Awesome work man - I'm loving the results of what you are doing! Sure does, makes me wish I was able to be an artist again - I'm jealous.
  18. Looks nice, did the units loose their shadows? Would it be possible to apply a post processing hue/saturation/color cast & temperature tweak? If the config could be saved to maps it would allow map makers to make winter scenes appear cold and dreary, dessert scenes to be hot and arid. Similar idea to post processing for movies that you see in films like gladiator.
  19. Um... spies, or maybe... agent of espionage?
  20. Awesome work on the wall system guys It is great to see this in action! One thought I had for your consideration - for building walls on uneven terrain, I would recommend that your wall and turret models extend deep into the -Z axis, so that they are 'sub terrain'. Sort of like what is done with the docks and their piers. Just make sure that your wall turrets are tall enough to account for the build able terrain slope variation - and I think this new wall system would look pretty sharp on hills For AI, I think you guys should consider using FeXoR's RMG script logic. Have the AI reserve a wall location at it's starting position at the start of the game, and when the AI deems it time - start raising it's walls. Or for something more dynamic, maybe establish a wall that is inset from boundaries of the border/territories. To make it easier for AI to build walls, maybe it would be a good idea to allow them to break game rules by destroying gaia objects/resources in laying it's walls.
  21. Cool images! This reminds me of mod'ing AoK back in the days of sprites before 3D. You should check out this thread: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15503 If you could talk someone into getting you at toggle for an isometric mode view in the game or atlas editor - you should do some quick screen captures and you would be way ahead of starting from scratch. Like Erik mentioned - you should get into Atlas. Click those links in the table of contents.
  22. On a side note (not to derail this topic) but is there plans to review the hardware that the player is working with and simply disallow configuration options that would cause the game to crash on their system? Along with that, is there plans to recommend system settings for users using all that data your collecting?
  23. Would you mind making me a task with the specifics of what you want? I'd like to assist.
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