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Iltis2017 last won the day on June 25 2022

Iltis2017 had the most liked content!

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    Matthieu Dehais

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    Discord Ilt1s#6629
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  • Gender
  • Location
    In Centre val de loir in France
  • Interests
    Les jeux de stratégie age of empire (1,2,3,4 et online), mont and blade et 0.A.D (mod delenda est, interface shiny)

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  1. I tried to run the mod on A26 but I have some bug. interestinglog.html
  2. I just did. I removed the punctuation. Normally its works I recreated a new link
  3. Bonjour à tous. C’est le serveur que j’ai créé sur revolt c’est un test bien sûr. https://app.revolt.chat/invite/37hGvgAZ
  4. I think if you put an official 0ad server on another network than discord many players will follow especially if its looks like discord. Open source must support open source by using it in my opinion.
  5. We have to see how the project will evolve. The project and relatively recent.
  6. Bonjour C’est un serveur de test qui m’a dit de voir que vous pensiez https://app.revolt.chat/invite/09EqT6J1
  7. Hello community, I would like to tell you about an alternative to discord that is open source. If you like to have a server on an open-source service. I could create one and maybe make it official one day. The site in question https://revolt.chat/ Ilt1s
  8. Hello, I arrive a little late but I would love to see mod on A26 or A25. I hope that a mythology mod will come out one day. I will play it.
  9. Hello here are the links of the mod : https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D.
  10. Hello. Would it possible to convert 0AD Mythology mod to 0AD A25.
  11. Hello word, I just found out that on the patchkit site for the demo of their launcher it was 0AD that one download. https://patchkit.net/demo.html
  12. Hello, The beta of age of empire 3 definitive edition is annonced for february 2020. The registration for the beta is in this site : https://www.ageofempires.com/insiders
  13. Ah ok When I put the forum back for it to move the games tells me I lost.
  14. hello, In delenda est A24 I play Huns and I can't build fields. And the animations on the cavalry is broken for run and attack.
  15. intéressantlog.html here is the file.
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