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Posts posted by AIEND

  1. 在 2022/11/21 上午 12:46,wowgetoffyourcellphone 说道:


    Sciritae is often used in the history books as a sentry or scout, and in terms of its status, unlike a light infantry who has no money to equip his armor, I think it is more likely to be a cavalryman.

    17 小时前,Carltonus 说:

    在 alpha 23 中,斯巴达人拥有冠军步兵剑士和标枪手。 代替移除据称训练他们两者的结构,后者可以是 Skiritai。

    If the historical facts are accurate, it would also be nice to join a kind of champion cavalry.

  2. 在 2022/11/20 下午 9:31,Gurken Khan 说:

    就其价值而言, 维基百科 将他们描述为步兵,包括他们在战场上的角色和其他职责,同时引用了修昔底德等资料。 


    I've never trusted Wikipedia completely. Unfortunately, although I think the discussion of this book is very detailed, I do not have an English version of this book, and I wish there were people who can speak Chinese.

  3. 1小时前,0AD玩家说:

    从0AD开始-->点击“学习游戏”-->结构树-->斯巴达人-->右键点击“军营”下的“Skiritai Commando”-->职业:步兵-->是步兵

    What I mean is whether the Sciritae should have been designed as cavalry rather than infantry units in the game, based on historical reality.

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  4. I think the current absence of axeman in Persia should be a deliberate nerf, some people may feel that with axeman Persia will be too strong.
    In fact it was for this reason that the Han Dynasty swordsmen were removed previously.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    我不太确定 @bb_ 补丁是如何工作的。


    In my experience, is to add to the unit for different objects of the attack, you play the mirror mod should know, arson is this principle, you just need to limit arson can only be used for buildings, and melee attacks can not attack buildings, you can achieve the switch.
    And switch melee attack and ranged attack method is also very simple,for example, the minimum range of the bow is 10m, and then add the sword without the minimum range as a melee attack, then when the enemy enters within 10m, the archer will switch the sword to attack the enemy instead of retreating and keeping 10m distance from the enemy.

  6. 9 小时前,wowgetoffyourcellphone 说:

    嗯,一棵树通常是一棵树。 而且游戏中树的唯一用途是它的木材,因此明确它是木材来源比它是什么类型的树或它使用什么演员更重要。

    But I think this will make the game more interesting, otherwise we don't need to make a variety of fruit trees, just berry bushes are enough, it is also fun to experience biodiversity and recognize some botanical knowledge from the maps of different geographical environments.

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  7. 53 分钟前,BreakfastBurrito_007 说:

    从长矛手到弓箭手和背部的手动更改允许玩家对他的单位做出决定。 如果武器切换是自动化的,那么我认为它会失去一些游戏价值,除非你做的事情比这更有创意。

    If so I hope that the soldier switch from armed state to labor state is also manual, a person can not be carrying a hoe and pickaxe one second, the next second out of thin air a full set of armor and weapons.

  8. 2 小时前,Lion.Kanzen 说:



    做4个阶段,一个附加。 第一阶段只有农民民兵和侦察骑兵的步兵,其余的从 CS(公民士兵)开始,第三阶段是冠军,第四阶段是英雄。





    I do not recommend forcibly raising the scientific and technological requirements of some units in order to add an era, it makes no sense, the technological level of many weapons is not very high, battering rams and siege towers should appear in P2, and catapults should not be later than P3.
    P4 should not exist to provide any new units with new units, but to provide enhanced technology for units that appeared in the previous stage, and the same should be true for P3, for example, when upgrading P3, all citizen soldiers should be upgraded to Advanced.

  9. 6 小时前,Genava55 说:

    我知道一些非洲部落确实使用竹子制造轻矛和标枪,比如赞德。 不过战场上近战用的重枪,我觉得不太合适。

    The material characteristics of bamboo limit its use, either made of thinner bamboo can throw javelins or light spears, such weapons are often disposable, and there is no need to care too much about the strength of the pole.
    Either use very thick and long bamboo to make a pike for both hands (the length of this type of bamboo pike used in China is generally more than 5 meters), but it cannot adapt to the dry environment.

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  10. 6 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:


    Based on Chinese experience, military scientists of the Ming Dynasty believed that bamboo could make pike shafts, but only in humid subtropical and tropical areas, and once it reached a dry place, it was easy to become brittle and crack.
    In addition, bamboo only has strength if it grows thick enough, while thicker bamboo pikes are not suitable for one-handed use.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 10 小时前,Duileoga 说:

    早上好或下午好 :)



    -它们对我来说似乎并不那么干燥 :sweatdrop:,新落下的绿叶的建筑物似乎比干枯的黄叶更漂亮。 在我看来,绿色似乎与如此多的米色砖形成了更美丽的对比。

    These leaves may be green when they are first used as a roof, but it only takes a week for the plant cells in the leaves to die and the chlorophyll to disappear, turning the roof a dry yellow color.

  12. 4 minutes ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

    沒有人會無意中玩遊戲。 如果團隊獎金的設計意圖是微弱到可以無視,那麼你最好不要他們。 請記住,由於這些變化,團隊獎金總體上不會更強,目標只是為每個文明提供平衡但可操作的獎勵。


    Team rewards will not be the first advantage you consider. The design of a faction should be such that even if there is no team reward or the effect of the team reward you do not like, it will not affect your choice to play this faction.
    This does not mean that the actual effect of team rewards is weak, but its impact on player choice should not be significant compared to civilization rewards, unique buildings/units/technologies.

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  13. 13 分钟前,BreakfastBurrito_007 说:

    这是一个很大的夸张,并没有反映在现实生活中的团队游戏中是如何选择文明的。 有比其他人更强大的团队奖金,但玩家经常选择波斯人等文明,尽管他们缺乏团队奖金。


    -15% 的造船时间不是一个可操作的奖励,因为玩家无法更好地利用该奖励。 减少 cc 升级成本和时间是一项非常可行的奖励,因为玩家可以决定优先考虑哪个阶段,并且它打开了无穷无尽的新游戏风格盒子。

    我认为团队奖金很棒,因为它们可以成为团队游戏策略的一部分。 团队游戏不是 4 个同时进行的 1v1,人们选择他们的文明不仅仅是为了自己的利益。

    @wowgetoffyourcellphone 其他游戏(例如 AoE2)的文明奖励远没有团队奖励那么明显,但值得承认的是,1v1 中的游戏深度比 AoE2 中的 TG 高得多,而 0ad 中的情况并非如此。

    Team rewards should be an unintentional advantage that comes with choosing your preferred civilization, not a primary preference. There shouldn't be a situation where if no one on a team chooses a faction, you will be at a huge disadvantage.
    In fact, as the legacy that AoE2 brings to 0 AD, the team reward itself is not a new setting. AoE3 has canceled it, and now we do not need to make the team reward have an excessive effect.

  14. Unfortunately, the reset AoM may contain the infamous "Tale of the Dragon" expansion, not just the titans, I hope Microsoft doesn't just simply hd the game, but the failed material Reboot the slice or simply delete it.
    To be honest, I would prefer Microsoft to join Persian mythology, it would be interesting to have Mithras, Anahita, Ahura Mazda as the main gods.

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  15. 6 分钟前,wowgetoffyourcellphone 说:

    我不同意任何团队奖金都应该非常强大。 它们应该只是甜味剂。 团队奖金、文明奖金以及名册、游戏风格等的组合应该让文明一起玩得很好。

    Yes, I think the team reward itself is not as important as civilization rewards and civilization-specific buildings and technologies. Players prefer a faction because of the faction's unique gameplay, not its influence on teammates - if only to cooperate with teammates And choose a faction, then the player becomes a tool person.

  16. 27 分钟前,real_tabasco_sauce 说:

    然后提出一个替代方案 。 我努力尝试找到一个让玩家感到兴奋的奖励,并且具有足够的历史历史合理性来解释它对游戏玩法的重大影响,而你们两个所能做的就是将其击落,因为它在历史上不够准确。 我不敢相信历史辩论再次如此膨胀。

    Because you didn't find out, I continued your previous conversation with others, and my thoughts have been spoken by others - I agree with the idea of WOW, the team reward in Athens should be naval, during the Peloponnesian War, The Athenian navy played an important role in the maintenance of the Delian League. It can even be said that without the navy, there is no meaning for the existence of the alliance. This is the most suitable from the perspective of reality and gameplay. I can't understand why you think that democracy is better than the navy. More suitable as a team reward.
    Democracy did make Athens different from other countries, but that difference never meant a team advantage.

  17. 23 分钟前,real_tabasco_sauce 说:

    ? 没有人在赞美雅典的民主,我们只是把它作为团队奖金的合理理由。 你为什么这么坚持? 你看过其他团队的奖金吗,它们并不完全是现实生活中的模拟。 

    话虽如此,民主允许普通公民获得通常只属于贵族的权力(例如 Themistocles)。 可以说,民选领导人通常更适合领导他们的人民。 此外,思想很容易输出,因此雅典民主会影响其他领导制度并非不可想象。 这够好吗?


    You have to understand that military democracy has been experienced by many clans, tribes and early countries. It was not a novelty at the time. On the contrary, the fact that Athens retains this political form shows the lag of its social development. How can a backward military democracy Are there more institutional rewards than other more advanced monarchies?

    • Confused 1
  18. 14 分鐘前,real_tabasco_sauce 說:

    ? 沒有人在讚美雅典的民主,我們只是把它作為團隊獎金的合理理由。 你為什麼這麼堅持? 你看過其他團隊的獎金嗎,它們並不完全是現實生活中的模擬。 

    話雖如此,民主允許普通公民獲得通常只屬於貴族的權力(例如 Themistocles)。 可以說,民選領導人通常更適合領導他們的人民。 此外,思想很容易輸出,因此雅典民主會影響其他領導制度並非不可想像。 這夠好嗎?


    Democracy in Athens only had influence over the Greek states that were also in the commune-state stage, because those states didn't even have a solid monarchy and chose between oligarchs, aristocracy and democracy, but for states that had entered the kingdom stage There will be no impact.
    The Macedonian, Seleucid, and Ptolemaic kingdoms, who are also Greeks, will only regard Athens' democracy as an immature and outdated system, so it is difficult for me to imagine what team rewards can be brought by Athens' democracy.

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