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Posts posted by gaius

  1. The biggest new feature is that by producing atleast 8 units u get a cost discount of 10%, they will automatically form the best formation when produced.

    Also I made two extension to this mod:  the-battlefields-of-0-ad   and the-age-of-0-ad. The main difference is that soldiers can not work but female worker are more effiktive and a new barbarian camp is available with free barbarian units available, and infinite production. It can be build in neutral areas like pallisades.  

    In the extension the-battlefields-of-0-ad there are also Slave Administration buildings available, which makes the Eco much less micro intense, but plundering more rewarding. In that mod fighting starts very early, and it is more about expansions with slave administration buildings and defending it, than gathering. So it plays more like Zero-K or The Battle for Middle Earth 2 than AoE.

    Since both extension are awaiting activation, u can try the gameplay by downloading https://mod.io/mods/file/277 in the https://0ad.mod.io/formation-fighting-mod. Filename: test_slaves_and_barbariancamp.zip


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  2. Some new features are now that all units if in Formation move also as a formation, and forming a new formation assigns automatic a Hotkey Icon.

    From Version 2.0 on the balanced-mod is similiar to this mod, but without the more experimental features like champion auras or CC aura.

    You can get a impression how it works on youtube:


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  3. @aeonios: i would say the implementation of formation is quite good. And firstly I  thought too, that the productionsystem needs to be adopted, but then I realiezed that an automatic Hotkey-Icon assignment, when forming a new formation would do the job even better, and keeps it easy and let everyone the choice how they want to play the game. And not everything would need a overhaul.  For sure, formation  don't keep a perfect geomatrical formation, when fighting, but for the most part in history, it wasn't much different. War is a mess and battles are messy. And the advandage of fighting in line, wasn't to fight in a perfect line, but cover each others @#$%, and other facts like moral and communication advandages. So the bonuses on fighting in formation aren't arbitrary, and in game they compensate also some disadvandages that come in hand with using formations.

    @Angen: i think if u want more perfect and beautyful formation-fighting u need to think of changing the aura system, like giving aura only when in formation and idle. If u dont, the formation would be impractical and easy to outmaneuver. 

  4. I made a mod with better unit behavior, regarding chasing, attacking and capturing. But no AI is used, but for example some randomness. But i think formation is the best way to go, it has several advandages: like better to micro, looks nicer, more tactical and less cost of pathfinding. U can look at my modhttps://0ad.mod.io/formation-fighting-mod. And look mostly on UnitAI.js.    

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  5. @ffffffff  You are right fpre, i fixed it in newer versions but it takes long time for signing.

    And I updated also my mod. Now formation-bonuses apply: Phalanx/Syntagma:+25% Health/-10% Speed and Attack, Testudo:+3 Pierce Armor/-10% Speed and Attack, Wedge: +25% Attack/-10% Health, Forced March: +50% Speed but -0.3HP/s when marching or fighting, Skirmish: +25% Hack attack. Formation fight now mostly close together. 

    All Unit behavior is improved, regarding chasing, attacking and capturing.

    New Scenario Maps like BattleMania are great for testing the mod and for a fast 1vs1 online battle with big armies, somewhat like in TotalWar.

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