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Everything posted by mimesot
I really don't appreciate the tone of some community members. This makes me sad. Giving critical reviews is essential for the developement of the game, but not a wildfire of anger. Thats detrimental to the morale of a dev team. A critical statement should always include a very specific description of an issue, a reasining wha it is a problem and a qualifier on how much it actually reduces the fun in the game as well as a suggestion on how to resolve it. I would like to ask people to use this forum to support de devs and not just rant. And yes, I agree that the un-diversifivation of the factions is reducing the excitement in picking a faction and yes, the romans took a steep, painful dive to bottom tier. But overall the improvements in A24 are significant and I wanna se us stay in an appeciating mood. Is there any chance that we might have a balancing patch a24.1 in the forseeable future?
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi there, thanks a lot for your replys. Yeah, its time t install SVN again :-) Indeed such an hightmap export tool would be an ideal solution. Awesomt that you looked up that information for me so quickly. Oh. Thanks nevertheless. And of course thanks to the unknown one. So, I guess I need to have a look at the source code of the hight import to get to the necessary information, right? Best regards mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi everyone, is there a way to increase the hight level of the whole map? (the water level is no issue as it can easily changed manually). The reason behind my question is, I would like to get rid of the parts of the skymap which fade to black on the bottom end and therefore are quite disturbing in flat angle screenshots. I guess it would need a bit of coding and I'm not shy of writing a small script myself. But in order to do so I would need some documentation on how the files containing textures and hight information are built. It possibly involves a process which is the reverse from importing a highmap to the editor. Is there anybody, who can help me with some information? Thanks in advance and greetings! mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi, wait, what are you talking about ... i seem to have missed something. Just for clarification, I am talking about balancing for the map, not the overall game - just in case. Or do you mean a discussion on the patch created in the process of submission of the map which is then going to be discussed. But in order to make changes noteworthy enough for issuing a submission I would rather need a discussion beforehand, don't you think? Sorry if I am confusing things right now. Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Oh no. That were just some tiny aesthetical changes. Riverbanks with more vegetation, Underwater design with rocks, Road textures, fences,... But if someone is willing to discuss balancing with me that would be totally awesome, and I would love to contribute a balanced version to alpha 24 one day. -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Thanls a lot folks! Well, I guess it is a work I will regularly find things to improve on. Things that come to my mind depend on other things than map editing alone Balancing (requires some play throughs with experienced players and is not really pressing) A fixed sky box. I missed the opportunity to make areas of high mountains around the playground in order to hide the black circular area around the map. Screenshots look stupid if the horizon gets black towards its lower edge before it hits the ground. (probably needs technical changes) Some paths are very small and have a width of 1 block. They can be traversed by most infantry and horse cavalery but not by bigger units and the AI gets stuck inside such areas quite often. Kind regards mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi, I was in the mood to update my map, so I made some design detail changes and repaired a few mistakes. The file is attatched to the first post. A fence placed in order to make citizen feel more comfy on the cliffs of the persian town. The red sea now has sime underwater structure. And I just realized that the map on the first page is very ountdated ... it did not even contain the Kushite town. Greetings and everyone have a happy new year! mimesot- 98 replies
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Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi! Thanks. I am perfectly happy with Egypt as well. Please tell me what you mean by string changes. In my understanding string is any array of characters, like a map name in contrast to e.g. coordinates. Regarding this I found the map name to currently be "Egypt (4)" while it is a 6 player map in its current state. As the map consists of 99,9% gaia entity objects, it would be the fastest way to open the xml with a text editor, replace <Player>[1-6]</Player> with <Player>0</Player> and then reassign the few player entity objects to their correct player again using the editor. Takes me probably half an hour. Do you want me to perform the changes? (Writing a small Python script to do that would be much more fun, but I think it would probably cost me more time) Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hmm. Did I really miss a deadline? I hope you adapted the name Aigyptos by nescio. What version did you actually commit. I hope it is 0.20.7 because there were some really relevant changes. Noted down. -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Sorry, i didn't notice that anyone else was editing the map files. I will provide version 0.20.8 asap. Hopefilly this evening. After that i will switch to svn updates each time I start the map editor. How can I provide a Link? Where shall I place the source file? -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi! Thanks for posting so many helpful remarks. :-) The sea trade thing is indeed very strange. I already played games, where the Persians started sea trading with the Carthage via the gulf of Cyrene and Suez channel successfully, but the Romans wouldn't participate in trading for no appearant reason. I just tried to play as Romans and successfully traded via sea with the Persians. I also hunted down that stupid deer, who was keeping the doors open. (The problem was the deer was marked as belonging to player 6) Unfortunately I wasn't able to recreate your bug. Would you please post a screenshot. I updateed the map description (and forgot about something, darn it) I strengthened the persian economy and the memphis military to enhance balancing. What shall we do about the map name ? All canges can be found in the first post, update 0.20.7. Greetings and good night mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
I addressed the problem and posted a map update. There is now a shallpw seabed in the gulf of suez. This makes it easier for the persians to conquer the red sea territory and allows bypassing the mighty fort, which was created to block the north south route, and not the east west route anyway. I firther fixed some small problems and added some eyecandy to the vast date palm forests in the delta. Find the update in the first post. Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
I hope I can manage to provide one soon. (busy times) Indeed, a reference to the time frame is a good idea. With the Kush in the south, the romans in the north west and other invaders present, egypt split between the traditional and hellenistic influences you could even call it "The last days of egypt". It is interesting to see the AI fight heavily over Memphis while contiually obliterating the place. Unfortunatly map versions with Cyrene enabled as playable instead of Siwa don't work that well, because battle zones are almost exclusivly shifted to the north. Nothing left for the Thebes to worry about. It just expands happily through the nubian desert and great sand sea. What actually does work is a 3 vs 3 with the three egyptian parties against the invaders. The problem here is, that the alliance along river nile is quite strong due to obvious geographical reasons. It is necessary to provide the invaders with benefits. Especially giving the southern oasis Kharga to Siwa as a expansion increases the pressure on Thebes incredibly. This balances the game but still leaves Persia in its separete position with basically just two paths for entering the african mainland. I could possible enhance this by creating a shallow place in the red sea (where the small island is located). What do you think? Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Thanks for the feedback! Removed one hero on Thebes (black in skirmish, dark brown in editor, why's that?) player. Overlapping temples in Thebes: There are so many overlapping temples, so I guess you are referring to the two apdemak temples. Correct me please, if I'm wrong. I changed those two facing to the south the to be an actor and placed fences beneath them as blockers. Balancing Persians: You are right in that the Persian player has the most free space within its starting area in the beginning. This becomes especially true, when you compare it to Alexandria, who must (!) expand in order to even have enough space for farms. This is why the natural expansion in the delta exists, which of course will be harrassed by the Persian player. On the other hand, the Persian player lacks starting buildings, has no wonder, libeary or theatron and has the hardest time expanding into new territory. Condensed ... I am not happy with that too. It was more of a working title than personal preference. I chose that supplementary word in order to addesse that everything-compressed-into-a-single-spot nature of the map. But the primary reason for having such an addition was simply that I didn't feel It was appropriate to occupy the title “egypt“ all for myself. Didn't you ever plan to create a genuine Egypt map for your portfolio? (Especially since this map starts with full citties and thus does not offer a usual gameplay. A map subversion devoid of any city buildings is planned, but would either need an indestructible atlas-visible-only blocker entity in the stock game or some modding efforts.) I am open to all suggestions. AND: I uploaded maps with the recent changes (=v 0.20.4) in the first post. Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Thanks, that explains everything. I just uploaded a verion compatible with alpha23 in the first post of the thread. No player and environment subversions yet, but they will follow in the next few days, s well as small fixes. You can download thus version for reviewing the map. -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
That's good news :-) Additinal questions arise. In the XML-section <ScriptSetting> this line appears. "Script": "saharan_oases.js" I gess this might have something to to with the random map generator and is thus an irrelevant line for this sort of map, right? Another thing is, that I searched the XML for e.g. the great pyramids and the persian inn. These objects didn't cause an error, when I loaded the alpha 22 map in the alpha 23 map editor but were simply gone. No reference to them in the XML any more. The treasures on the other hand were still there but with paths I could change in order to restore them. What might be the reason? Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Progress update: Ptolenaic specials relocated from thebes to memphis. Rebuilt a kush city of thebes. I admit, I likes my previous assembly better, but for the moment it should suffice. I will address the errors and missing entities tomorrow and post the files then. Greetings Mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
And Deir el-Medina is located directly on the other riverside across from Luxor. I will try to squeeze some in there. It is a pity that you can't expand a map afterwards :-D I looked into the Kush-Ptolemeian mix and it looks kind of odd. The design of Kush buildings stands out with cylindrical or dome-like roofs and dark gray foundations, which clashes with the consitently flat roofs and saturated orange-ochre of the ptolemaic obes. So I will probably stick to the Kush buildings. Regarding Carthage buildings, I do agree. The white buildings definitvely don't clash so hard with these almost pink buildings (I personally think the saturation of the barracks etc. should be reduced and adapted to the color of the temples. I guess they will recieve a bump map as well, otherwise it looks a little like plasic) as the orangy ptolemaic do. One problem is, that mixing Kush and Carthage buildings looks good at the scale of your examples. If I had that much space it would work out for my settlement as well, but due to space limitations, I will probably better strick to Kush. Nevertheless I will give it a try. Well, first of all I will deal with the errors. And of course, when a such a case might probably occur, it almost certainly does :-P Interestingly my classical pyramids are gone too, but that didn't throw an error or an exception. Why's that? -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Thanks a lot! I installed SVN and had a thorough look at the new content. I'm really looking forward to play with this new content. Transforming the city of Thebae into a Kush settlement and including pyramids from Meroe is an exciting prospect. But this is probably no task I will be able to fulfill within this week. I am sorry. The Kush design features much less saturated colours, which exchanges the vivid athmosphere of the ptoleleian buildings with one that fits the ambiance of the harsh dry desert much better. But the yard in the Thebae temples with the water basin and the botanic garden does not blend with the dark grey foundations of the Kush castle and walls too well. Thus I will definitly move this building complex to Memphis, where I will stick with the ptolemeian design. (The current central complex of Memphis isn't my favourite anyway). Have any Kush pyramids ever been found in the vicinity of Thebae? I would use them in the very south of the river Nile, perhaps creating a little sandy plateau for that purpose. Perhaps I should also replace the current southernmost pyramid with Kush pyramids, but that would still be quite far in the north. What do our experts say? Finally, I can see that the ptolemeian, seleucidian and greek range of buildings expanded, so I should probably try to free some space in the existing cities. Did I mention that even the map size "giant" is still a little constricting ;-) Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Please do whatever you prefer. I will try to add the Items asap, but I cannot guarantee I'll be able to achieve that in time. I wil try to install SVN this evening. -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi! First off, I posted an uodate to the map. Again mostly minor fixes. (Phabricator) Can I just join in there? I have never worked with that platform. Do you have some kind of tutorial for me? (Kushite buildings) Are they part of the current developement version, which is actually accessible by regular users? Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi! Is that something you would consider for future versions? The advantages of having theaters, wonders, additional civil centers, libraries, fortresses,etc. is tremendous. I will hopefully have more balanced version available on Monday morning. Currntly, in a 2 vs 2 between Upper+Lower Egypt vs Sinai+Siwa, Siwa has the hardest start. For reasons unknown to me Alexandria directly expands to Giza while Thebes and Sinai just play agressively but don't expand early. Siwa does expand but gets crushed first often, so i intend to give them either additional supplies or another civil center. I will report asap. Tomorrow morning I will host a LAN-party at my home, which will yield further inside. This s very interesting information. I would love to implement that! But the Kushites are not planned for this release, are they? Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi! I created an update, which you can find in the threads forst post. Minor changes, but I fixed some annoying mistakes. Greetings mimesot -
Skirmish map - Egypt (previously "Egypt condensed")
mimesot replied to mimesot's topic in Scenario Design/Map making
Hi! I am maintaining just one Version of the map (full grown cities, 8 players, day, currently 0.19.6 with no letter suffix) and derive all other from that. Its just lighting, remocing dust storms and thats it. No problem there. Greetings mimesot -
Fixing the skybox for maps
mimesot replied to Stan`'s topic in Game Development & Technical Discussion
What makes transparency in this context so much worse than the semi-transparence of water or clouds? OK, if you alter the terrain surface to include alpha, (knowing this is not accurate) you add 8bit (one third) to each terrain pixel you have to render the engine has to ask each pixel whether it it is transparent or not and decide if it should bother with another pixel behind it in the few cases this happens, it has to render one more pixel and mix them. This is already happening with the actor textures, but not with the terrain textures. Is the rendering of actors or terrain more intensive regarding rendering time? Anyway I would not call it disastrous if it was just the points I mentioned, so I assume the problem lies much deeper. Can somebody please satisfy my curiosity. Something I noticed with the reeds (and probably some grass patches): Some seem to have oriented faces and backface culling appears to be enabled. This creates an odd effect. If you look at them from one side, they are present and from a different point of view they disappear. There could be another approach to solving the black horizon problem. What if the map was actually much bigger than the playable area. What if you created a large ring around the playable area, which still has just terrain texture but no entities. That wouldn't hurt your graphics card much. I guess the path-finder is the most processing-intensive part and if it does not cover the ring area it might be ok. Now create a beautiful landscape surrounding for the playable map and bend it downwards. It would act like earth curvature (sorry flat-earthers). This curvature would create a natural horizon and the actual borders of the map would not be seen except for very high camera positions. (Yes, you would have to curve the seas as well). The downside is, that you would loose the smooth transition into darkness.