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Balancing Advisors
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Posts posted by Feldfeld

  1. 6 minutes ago, StopKillingMe said:

    Yes, in the sense that I do not support having your mod rolled up into the next Alpha release...I recommend that you push for a patch system to be introduced, for balance changes only, and that each proposed patch should be debated here in the gameplay forum and adjusted accordingly before release.

    But this system won't lead to a balanced game, by viewing isolated patches people can only see so much, they won't see the end product and won't be able to say if the game is balanced or not. (and to which point do you want it divided ?)
    The mod could be broken into some components, like counter system, civ bonuses and unit statistics adjustement, but in the end its purpose would only be for developpers to make sure nothing is broken, it will not enable them to see if it is actually balanced or not.

    • Like 3
  2. I'm also against it, it would be very easy to guess a rush due to the temporary eco boost, the exploration score would also make it very random in early game and in general I wouldn't like informations given like that.

    5 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

    If you scout you can tell by (the movement of) the borders anyway. :P

    This is not exactly what he meant, it is not hidden in AoE2 when the next age is reached (there is a notification), but to start advancing there is hidden. In AoE2 advancing to next age is slower and has more consequences than 0 A.D. so score can spoil it a bit. But next age advancing would not be a problem in 0 A.D anyway.

  3. I don't want to take strong position  but I think that a reason why devs could be hesitant to implement those big changes in main game is also because we don't know what to expect. All those changes are very complex to balance, and we can't garantee that borg-'s mod is balanced simply because there really is too few testing. Even if, in the very few games i played in the mod, I didn't find any imbalance, i can't say if the mod is balanced and the same reasoning should be applied to the positive feedback it receives. It is not enough. Small changes can lead to big imbalances. I am not against putting the mod in the base game since it would lead to some progress in that direction but you can't expect balance complaints to stop.
    Also, it may not seem like it with the sizeable complaints about balancing but don't forget that a23 is much more balanced than a21 or a22 were.

    • Like 1
  4. I am the one who decided to not give the yellow card because he stopped right after being told and i was not sure if it was said in the chat before that dancing is forbidden (was trying to fix technical issue at that time) so he might not have known.
    Sorry, if it is preferred by most players/viewers to strictly follow the rules then I won't take those arbitrary decisions.

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  5. As I said to Unknown player I could maybe do it but with a lot of drawbacks. I have monotone voice with bad english pronoucing, on top of having dubious quality micro (i think i had problems about volume), I don't use camera hotkeys and I have 4Mbps upload speed (if you mean live streaming). That's what you pay for getting my understanding of the game :P

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  6. 5 hours ago, irishninja said:

    How does everyone feel about changing the scenario to a 1v1 (human vs petra) on a small mainland map? Any objections?

    The advantage is that it would be more standardized but the disadvantage is that you'll find less replays than PvP. I have a decent number of those human vs petra in the folder i dumped but most of them are in previous alphas i think, and also many of those were tests and not actual games so be careful.

  7. Alliance can collapse in games depending on the diplomacy settings (fixed teams or not)
    That said i think the situation where 2 enemy players have linked walls is already possible if a piece of wall is captured by territory but i'm not sure, didn't experience it personally or don't remember.

  8. 15 minutes ago, av93 said:

    Possible final solution: ranged attacks should always hit although the objective is moving, but the odds of failing are determined by the attacker template.

    I think there would be a problem to visually convey that, are we going to make projectiles magically attracted to a unit, or will we have a projectile hitting despite obviously not landing in the game ? (or projectiles at supersonic speed ?)

  9. 10 minutes ago, elexis said:

    Dancing means moving without intending to move a unit away, but only to dodge bullets. In your example you actually move the unit elsewhere.

    Yeah but still it could be quite frustrating if a player sees that, especially in a game where dancing would be forbidden, and it could have quite an impact in the 2nd situation I described. Formations does indeed that but fixes the "issue" quickly whereas with the other way, the units manually moved would take longer to relocate, and dodge more arrow.

    17 minutes ago, elexis said:

    The question is whether one of you wants to report that as a cheat, or as as unintentional exploit that still cost you the score. (If you're playing top 5, you want the game result to be acurate). I guess the burden of proof is on the reporter to show that a specifc series of moves has resulted in the loss of the game. It's easy to show for most dancers and formation wigglers.

    By tacital (meant tacit*) I mean that it was unsaid. It's not like it's important anyway especially since those games are unrated, and i believe still that there is no clear bound for dance. And even still, if moderators had to handle those kind of report the amount of work could be potentially much bigger than that of rated leavers


    21 minutes ago, elexis said:

    I mostly think about the pile of 100 arrows in one place left and 100 arrows right of the unit. That inherently seems wrong. Perhaps one can reformulate the trajectory somehow. If we would actually look at the code, we wouldn't have to guess. It should be in Attack.js. But it's hard if not impossible to change it without affecting the balancing.

    I agree with that. Also i think it would be very fine even if balance was changed after fixing dancing (that i belive should be hard). Balance can be re-done after, and only ranged units should be affected

  10. On 3/18/2019 at 6:14 PM, elexis said:

    On hostrules:

    The problem is that I think it is difficult to define exactly what is dancing and what is not :
    - say I have a cav targeted by multiple ranged units, I want it to get out without getting damage, then I move it out while changing its directions sometimes to avoid arrow, the cav receives less damage than it should, then would it be considered dancing ? If so consider the next situation :
    - 2 big ranged armies are going to fight. The best way to engage is to have my units lined up as much as possible (with a limit to the width of the line) when ennemy enters range so that as much unit as possible fire at same time. But, crap, i didn't enable formation so i have some units more advanced than others and i want to place them back in the line. Doing so might attract the ennemy units if he doesnt care, and might have some dancing properties like in the first situation (in order to not receive too much damage), which could turn battle well in my favour, would that still be okay ?

    And in case first situation is not okay, then what is the bound ? some change in directions that aren't dancing could be interpretted as such, and maybe some players who like to spam click could be wrongly called for actions that change nothing actually.

    In practice, i'm pretty sure i had many games with Valihrant where there was tacital agreement not to dance, but since limit is not clear and some actions can be interpretted as dancing then, well in the end we both dance because no choice.
    I mean, the host does what he wants anyway of course, but i can expect heads on fire and facepalms

    19 hours ago, ffffffff said:


    nubest suggestion of the thread

    13 hours ago, Dakara said:


    Ce n'est pas le sujet de la discussion mais où pouvons nous trouver les % de précision de chaque unité ?

    On ne peut pas augmenter légèrement la précision des archers ?


    Si tu regardes dans les fichiers du jeu, tu pourras trouver dans les templates des unités la valeur "spread", qui n'est pas un pourcentage mais une valeur telle que plus elle est basse, meilleure sera la précision. Augmenter la précision des unités ne changerait rien, en réalité ça aurait juste tendance à avoir l'effet inverse : une bonne précision implique de prédire la trajectoire de la cible, alors que la dance consiste justement à changer constamment de direction pour brouiller cette prédiction. On pourrait alors penser que la solution serait de baisser la précision, mais en réalité, dans la pratique ça ne changerait rien IIRC.

    12 hours ago, Sundiata said:

    When a group of ranged units attacks another group, the ranged units each individually and randomly select 1 out the 10 nearest enemy units in range to fire on. This would cause groups of ranged units to fire across a front, not an individual

    I think that this suggestion would bring quite a bit of side issues of units not acting like we want them to. Say i have a group of skirmisher cavalry raiding, i move them close to a group of 5 women to kill them quickly. But there's another group of 5 women (or unit) barely in range, maybe that are leaving, then only half of my army will fire effectively, where i want them to, and half of my raiding party would be firing inefficiently or drawn away and that would be quite annoying. As for dancing, its efficiency would not be reduced that much, a group of 5 units can draw 50% of enemy arrow which remains quite practical.


    I think that this is a problem for the engine, that something can be changed like maybe how a hit is determined (make unit "hitbox" larger and perhaps compensate with lower accuracy for units ? perhaps projectiles faster as well ?). I don't think at all that it will be easy to fix, some other RTS like AoE2 and Empires Apart have some sort of dance as well.

    When i play personally, what i do generally is that i don't dance (or "too much") until ennemy does it, which is why i picked my choice in the poll (closest choice)

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  11. On 2/16/2019 at 3:59 PM, LANDLORD said:

    Agreed on dancing, that's a pretty bad bug in this game. No other high level RTS has something like that with the pathing and it's bad when it's very abused.  I don't blame high level players from doing it because everyone else kind of does it, but it's still very frustrating seeing it. 

    Dancing is actually a thing in AoE2 and has been done quite a bit in its latest NAC2 tournament, it's just that there it needs very low latency (like in LAN) in order to be done (and is less effective in general)

  12. 3 hours ago, Zaza17 said:

    - Comment se fait-il que lorsque je regarde les stats à la fin d'une partie, l'IA a toujours des revenus commerciaux et moi jamais ? Pourtant, je crée un marché, je fais du troc. Qu'est ce que je dois faire en plus ?

    - Il m'est arrivé dans une partie d'être bloquée : plus un seul arbre ni de pierre, ni de métal. J'ai attaqué mon adversaire (IA) et ai perdu beaucoup de mes troupes... sans avoir assez de ressources pour en recruter d'autres... Mon marché me prosait un truc du genre 100 nourritures contre 1 de bois, 1 de pierre, 1 de métal. Qu'auriez-vous fait ?

    Dans les 2 cas la réponse est le commerce, il est possible de créer des marchands dans le marcher puis le faire commercer entre 2 marchés pour avoir du revenu, plus les marchés sont éloignés meilleur est le revenu, et le revenu est également meilleur si le commerce est entre 2 joueurs différents

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