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Balancing Advisors
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Posts posted by soloooy0

  1. I have tried the svn, and the siege workshops are all the same price, it is not logical
    In order to produce tastings, bolts, siege tower and rams, you need a greater capacity, size and tools than to produce just one ram for example
    the Macedonian siege workshop has to be somewhat more expensive, have more health and capture points, since it is the one with the highest capacity
    instead the Celts would be cheaper since they only produce one thing
    Could the castle of Athens and Sparta be given the improvement of the bulwark tower? so it would be useful against a siege of slingers
    I love the new sounds of javelins, bows and slingers
    I like the new regular unit icons
    I need to try more to comment more, the A24 looks good

    the Iberian brulets, need a favorable balance, now they are a huge expense that can bankruptcy in the naval games, especially against cata ship, rome and especially ptl, if the fire could be activated when taking damage or at contact, it would be useful and not

    • Like 1
  2. team 1 
    Obi Mace
    Legion Briton
    Kingalphaisback Galus
    Palaiologos Iber

    team 2
    s0loooy0 iber 
    santa rome
    roscay briton
    mr.michael rome

    2020-06-12_frontera ibera.zip

    In this game, the two borders are Iberian, palaiologists advance fast and take away a border fast, Santa and Roscay are forced to defend themselves from a joint attack of three while I try to advance slowly through my area


  3. LOW ECO

    team 1

    team 2

    in this game. tema 1 good pop and fast eco, team 2 bad rush, little eco and defensive game

    2020-02-20_ low eco.zip

    last defense

    team 1
    s0loooy0 iber
    cysgod galus
    nani rome
    russian_soldat rome

    team 2 
    H.Herly briton
    Ryuga galus
    juaraca briton
    King_soly athenes

    in this game all fronters broken fast The advance of the enemies by the lost part is unstoppable, in the 2 teams but there is a decisive difference in tactics

    2020-02-23_ last defence.zip


    team 1
    AnancondaGroso mace
    Ulyses ptl
    kokostar ptl

    team 2 
    s0loooy0 iber 

    in this game orange and blue better eco, bum pop and siege me, in this game I have to be passive aggressive is more interesting see tactic vs masive troops


    2vs2 CAV OF DESERT

    team 1 
    Hoorse rome
    go2die persia

    team 2 
    guiropaw sparta
    s0loooy0 iber 

    this game is in desert green fast eco, full pop, pahse 3 and siege, attacked but it was a really expensive siege that cost him the mastery of the battle, while the yellow was recomposing, and the Iberians hit and run getting to stop the economy of both until Sparta could end the game

     2020-05-18_2vs2 CAV OF DESERT.zip


    team 1 
    ruscany spartan
    bubblebut spartan

    team 2 
    s0loooy0 iber 
    thenesound rome 

    in this game team 2 send little cav scout, and kill workers is very patetic attack, team 1 prepare eco for bum and fast war agresive so interesting type team game 

    2020-05-20_2vs2 INSUPPORTABLE CAV.zip


    team 1 
    roscany sparta
    bubbleut sparta
    thenewsound rome

    team 2 
    s0loooy0 iber
    keko2 galus
    c0 briton 

    in this game team 1 more strong economie, and fast full pop, but they trusted the numbers a lot and it was expensive, team 2 all borders colapse in 2 attack so hard defense 
    2020-05-20 3vs3 SKIRTITES ANTISOCIALES.zip




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  4. I think that in order to avoid catapults and ballistic spam, you have to put artillery friendly fire and battering only against structures will be much more useful

    the tunnels, I think remember that Rome puts under the important structures a tunnel and put straw oils and pigs, to burn the foundations

    • Like 1
  5. Estoy editando un mapa, para hacer un disparo, numancia, necesito saber ciertas cosas sobre la creación de mapas ...
    ¿Cómo podría hacer que el ataque gaia cada x veces, las posiciones iniciales del mapa no sean automáticas en el editor superior?
    El manual de Atlas está muy desactualizado y no da respuestas a nada de lo que necesito.
    ¿Cómo pongo unidades en estructuras gaia?
    Actualmente el mapa no funciona pero es una
    creación bastante hermosa de @ Lankusnav
    Gracias por la ayuda


    Currently it has too many failures to finish putting things on the map, so it is clean of some parts .....

    • Like 2
  6. one more 

    in this duel my enemy disconnected to see that I could not do anything
    newenmapu rome
    s0loooy0 iber
    interesting duel, in which Rome has a great economy, and much production of troops, which prevents me from starting the attack and advancing in any way, and if we add the damage that the catapults do, I could lose fast,
    when I was able to do the cav ibera and the chaos began, this game is quite interesting and you can see that the tactic influences a lot and that not everything is decided by pop and echo

    2020-02-04_0005 iber.zip

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. I've always wondered why the British long-sword champion has the same stats as the rest of the swordsman champions
    it would have to have less armor, for not using shield, greater damage, adding damage by crushing or bonus against cavalry
    horse carriages and bonus
    It would have to have some important bonus the car of hairs in front of the mounted cavalry (total war)
    shooting in motion, shooting in 360º, assuming that the melee attack and the load is a great complexity to create
    (In some mod I have seen that the murian champions can pass from melee to distance by a price in resources, it is not a bad idea)
    Finally, the spy, I would like it to work to find the last 5 or 10 of an enemy and not be looking around the map for a long time
    Happy New Year to all
    siege machines
    the technique of doing massive catapults and ballista is profitable, the damage and cadence I like of this version, but not to do that tactic so lightly it would be good to put damage artillery friend

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