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Everything posted by Garaf

  1. Done and ... Resolved. @elexis You were right, I left thinking that a zip file, however it did not consider him as bed, was a previous map, as amended on trial. (I have to be more careful) Then I cleared the cache and now everything is OK, I can bring together the 0.20 to the SVN, I only have the classic mistake on the cache but it was expected and does not bother me. Thanks again for your feedback. PS how do I put [solved] in the subject
  2. I'll see if I have left something old in the / user ... placed here in two minutes ... thanks for now.
  3. Hi I compiled for linux now the SVN updated last hour, and the screen for selecting the scenarios gives me this warning, copied and pasted from interestinglog.html: WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js line 1372 Script value conversion check failed: v.isString() || v.isNumber() (got type undefined) WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js line 1372 Script value conversion check failed: v.isString() || v.isNumber() (got type undefined) Engine exited successfully on 2016-07-25 at 16:21:45 with 432 message(s), 0 error(s) and 2 warning(s). I hope this will be useful
  4. Hi guys , I took to 100%, for now, the Italian translation, so hand in hand that you updated SVN I come back. I want, when I have more time, to review some synonyms used to better contextualize. Carry the above ,in Italian, here below to allow search engines, who read the threads, to update for Italians interested in the game. 0 A. D. in Italiano Salve ragazzi, ho portato al 100% , per ora, la traduzione italiana, così a mano a mano che voi aggiornate sull'SVN io vengo dietro. Voglio, quando avrò più tempo, rivedere alcuni sinonimi utilizzati per poter meglio contestualizzarli. Greetings to all
  5. @niektb @Lion.Kanzen @stanislas69 I had forgotten about this topic, sorry ... in the compressed file there are the steps of the building with editable layers from Gimp (XCF) and Inkscape (svg) ... you can also cannibalize a portion for other uses of course. vesta.zip I go to bed , good remains
  6. Ok! ... If someone wants that other icon to change it ... I enclose svg armed escort2.svg
  7. The sacred shield of Mars, in Rome were 12 called "Anciliae". Oval and cut on the sides, they were also on the coins in the form of three shields welded bronze round studs
  8. If you're happy with the idea, I change the proportions later. How many pixels does the ultimate icon?
  9. Maybe so, blue = security, green = safe, yellow = warning. .svg also attach to change armed escort.svg see you after dinner
  10. The tool is this, one blade is to cut, the other, made like a nails and sharpened, it is to dig and empty the wood. Good work
  11. Here are two other shields. Are shields of auxiliary troops, recruited into vexillationes legionariae of the legions II Augusta, III Augusta, III Gallica, IV Scythica, VI Ferrata, VII Gemina, IX Hispana,XII Fulminata , XX Valeria Victrix and XXII Primigenia. (Note: in the second shield I took poetic license, the umbo is a Gorgoneion) scutum2auxilia.svg scutum3auxilia.svg - For any interested - I'm summarizing and translating a sort of family tree of the shields from the V B.C. to the II A.D., so as to be also used for the main MOD, what do you prefer... to open an upgradeable thread (Where?) or attach a txt file here? (Meanwhile, I attach the draft for your evaluation) albero scudi.txt A greeting PPS There is a way to create a border with recurrent waves as in the first photo?
  12. Thanks to @feneur, but I am the first to thank all of you, when things go wrong, a place like this sometimes saves the mind ... Back to us ... this and the last today, tomorrow I do not know if I have time. It is a cavalry shield. File: scutum2cav.svg Over the weekend I want to do a descriptive post for the materials, dimensions, costs and the techniques that were used for weaponry, so we can represent them better. For example the shields were in glued laminated wood with ox glue and covered with very thick skin which was colored or engraved and cropped and / or metal inserts and / or wood. Good night everyone (GMT +1)
  13. There is a more complete tool, but can not find it on the net, tomorrow I enclose a picture of what I use at olive grove and vineyard, I keep it in the hut up in the mountain. It is a type bipenna ax but has a different side to dig the wood.
  14. The wing is one, I have redone by hand on the basis of different angel wings found on the net and I went to the scanner, then I imported into Inkscape and I turned into a path of lines and curves . I discovered that there are several editing functions in the program. I want to do the same thing for the acanthus leaves, there are in another shield ...
  15. The first shield before was of auxiliary troops, instead here below, one cavalry and one of legionnaires. The colors are chosen according to their cost, the knights could afford azurite; the legionary shield has rinforsi bottom to better support support on the ground (they were curved like tiles) and upwards to support the rigid eyelid. I am not perfect, I started using Inkscape yesterday for this fun. I'm experiencing ... The files: scutum1cav.svg scutum1legio.svg I continue?
  16. No, I use a little 'of programs, some for work, others for passion, for some years I built boats are then passed to the restructuring of houses, with the crisis, years ago, I switched to the maintenance of the green and I do a little' recovery of the territory, these type:
  17. I finished now the first shield, attaching also the SVG file with the layers and the image of origin from the column ... I had to download inkscape, because other programs that use currently were not suited, I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if there are steps / resolutions / formats to be respected. scutum1.svg See you soon
  18. I'm downloading to control high definition images of Trajan's Column, the attached drawings above have less detail than the bas-reliefs, if you want, I crop the images of shields and try to overlap one of my drawings. I do not know how long it takes me to do everything ...
  19. I have found, I hope, the best source for the data from the second century. A.D. it is the "Notitia Dignitatum" if you search with Google the phrase and steps in the images are different lists of the era representations were then rewritten in medieval times. @niektb I do not think that Constantine or medieval monks we are trying And with that ... goodnight to everyone.
  20. Originate from this site, the material is referred to as (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
  21. Below are the designs of some shields depicted on Trajan's Column in Rome: the first two are the Cavalry, the third and fourth of the auxiliary infantry and all the others, those rectangular, the Legions.
  22. @stanislas69 Sorry, you are right, I don't see "Delenda Est". then I seek you for cohors peditata from Augustus. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded Some Roman shields were of the Sunni branch, here the specific to the Samnites. The last is the Legio IX Hispana (late republic early Empire) I will edit this post with what I find before going to bed. Meanwhile, an explanation in the high Empire (I and II sec. AD) the military was far more equipped with paraphernalia, in the following period, the pressure on the border were forced to make the preparation of the legions faster and they resented the supplies, and then from the third century greatly changed the image of the legionary Standard equipment of the Roman legionary top-imperial age (I sec.). Reconstruction of a centurion of the beginning of the second century of Legio XXX Ulpia Traiana Victrix. Wearing lorica hamata with phalerae, humeralis and pteruges, Imperial Gallic crested helmet, greaves and cingulum. It is armed with a sword and pugio and holds in a big medallion ovaliforme right hand. Legionnaires column on two files and guided by a optio left and a cornicen right. The first wears: Lorica hamata with humeralis and pteruges; Weisenau helmet and a balteus they hang a sword and a pugio; a stick in his right hand, in her left a concave rectangular shield. On the right the cornicen wearing a lorica segmented over a red tunic officer bearskin helmet and imperial form. Continue ...
  23. Republican era As of the end of the fifth century BC, with the abandonment of the line to the phalanx of Greek type, Hastati, Principes and Triari were equipped with a new type of shield whose form was replaced with a convex oval, whose dimensions were now two feet and a half wide and four in length. The outer rim thickness could reach the palm. He said shield was, for the most part formed by wooden planks, held together with glue (obviously of organic origin). The outer surface was then covered with a layer of linen fabric before and, finally, over another of calf leather. The edges were reinforced by iron sheet, which made it more resistant to the sword, and allow the rest on the ground without injury. The center fielder was finally applied a shield boss in the stone blows protection, spear and all objects capable of striking the legionnaire. Towards the middle of the first century BC He became more rectangular and curved as a result of the defeat by the Parthians. On the contrary, the light infantry (before Leves and then of Velites) continued to adopt the typical round shield, three feet in diameter, used always in every period by the auxiliary troops. Each legion customized shields to make it easier reordering of the troops. I think, in logic, which for the same reason also the cohorts had some reference. Unfortunately they remained a few examples certain. Here are three examples: If you want me to look for another, I read in a few hours. Greetings and good work.
  24. hmm .. here some more information. (You can select the translation ) before going to bed a little skim image ... if I find something ... ... The seventh image of this article inspires me. change: white tunic, red background, blacks hair with highlights of orange light, and grate in oxidized copper. Is beautiful even the text of the article a bit romantic style it's late ... goodnight
  25. Let me see what you're looking for exactly, a symbol, a metaphor or whatever ... It meant that you need to express ...
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