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Posts posted by av_nefardec

  1. Absolutely no effect on TLA.

    And TLA will have absolutely no effect on Battles for Middle Earth.

    Why? We aren't commericially oriented, we aren't pushing the technological envelope, and the games have totally different goals.

    Battle for Middle Earth intends to 'sell' (out :)) a highly reproduced and popular (but limited) vision of Middle Earth, whereas TLA intends to evoke discussion and thought about ALL of Tolkien's mythology through the use of the real-time strategy game. The game is a vehicle for a higher purpose, and that is the exploration of Arda, not the exploitation.

  2. Sukkit - exactly my views on elvish swords.

    Besides that, it's hard to draw (as in pull out, not with a pencil :P) a long blade, which is what Tolkien writes about, if it's curved and has a hilt as long as the blade :)

    lol, I even learn a lot of new words on armor - I visit the art and history museums around where I live and sometimes they have pamphlets on arms and armor that explain all kinds of things. Maybe I will upload the contents of one.

  3. I have no problem using two systems, just as long as you are teaching people both. It also helps people realize that there is no right and wrong way to perceive anything in the sciences. :P

    But regarding the topic at hand, halflings were called halflings because they were half of the height of elves. Galadriel was 6 foot four according the books, so that makes her about 1.93 m. That means hobbits should be about a meter tall.

    Dwarves - 1.40 meters is about right to me.

    Elves - >1.90 meters

    Most Men - 1.70-1.80 meters

    Númenoreans - 1.80-1.95 meters

    Swarthy Men - 1.60-1.70 meters

    @Zezar - each of the six races in TLA is unique, and the independents are also pretty unique. But Tolkien made sure he had balanced armies in his works, and so in TLA they are also balanced :)

    Now, I'd be interested if anyone here can find quotes in the books that give heights of other beings in Middle-earth:


    Trolls (Olog-hai and cave trolls)


    Tom Bombadil


  4. I must add that I meant for everyone to just post where you found your facts from. I too forgot this in my second post :), but if you look at the first one, it's there. So just from now on add it. The reason I say that is because some of these random facts could be useful when we talk about specific game things.

    Amon Rûdh, or Bald Hill, was so named because it was a rocky, round hill with no trees on its crown. Its crown was instead covered by a thick layer of red seregon flowers. Seregon in Sindarin Elvish means "Blood of Stone", which is an appropriate name considering its flowers grew out of vines that straddled the stone of the hilltop. (This is wonderfully portrayed in Ted Nasmith's Amon Rûdh painting)

    From Unfinished Tales, Narn i hîn Húrin.

  5. So anyways, changing the roles of men and women is just fighting the system, that's the way it is.

    What's wrong with fighting the system? Galileo fought the system...look at what Church doctrine and astronomy teach today.

    And for you Christians - Jesus fought the system - so what's wrong with others fighting the system?

  6. Basically some goods are more valuable than other goods. And some goods like mithril, for example take a lot longer to gather because of their value and rarity. So the amount at which bonuses are given is proportional to the relative difficulty of gathering for each good.

  7. I guess one word to describe TLA's graphic style would be

    'legendary' (or epic)

    By this I mean, think about how legends are presented in historical cultures and how Tolkien presents his legends and myths. The tone of this is what we have to reproduce graphically.

  8. Númenor was covered in large groves of fragrant trees said to be brought over from the West. The most abundant types were:

    Oiolairë - Eternal Summer in Quenya I think

    Lairelossë - White Summer Blossom in Quenya

    Nessamelda - "Dear to Nessa" in Quenya

    Vardarianna - Named after Varda?

    Taniquelassë - _____ Leaf in Quenya

    Yavannamírë - Jewel of Yavana in Quenya, I'm pretty sure

    They had large, round, red fruits that 'exuded sweet scents'.

    (they will be in TLA too :lol:)

    From Unfinished Tales - A short description of Númenor

  9. Your Right Quacker is not opinionated Garbage. But His post is, I doenst contain anything but a very narrow opinion.

    I'd say your statement contains the narrowest opinion :P Please don't preach tolerance if you aren't tolerant of others yourself.

    I have no problems with biases in the news as long as we constantly educate our publics to recognize these biases and formulate their own opinions.

    Authority should always be questioned, in my opinion, and people have a right to express their anger towards the administration. But I don't think it's right to then defy authority just for the sake of defying authority.

    Always question, then make your decision.

    So I guess what this random meditation means is that you should always be aware of bias, persuasion, and gatekeeper journalism, and whether or not you agree with it should be a logical choice you make based on external knowledge and experience, not an emotional one based on the spur of the moment.

  10. Strictly movie models :lol:

    Bugman's orders ;)

    @Black Knight-

    By plate armor, of course, I mean large quantities especially covering the torso. And I don't think that I ever claimed there was no plate armor in middle earth, I just claimed the Noldor never used it.

    I should also say that no elves used plate armor in the sense stated above, nor no Edain.

    However, it's well known and accepted the Haradrim wore corslets of overlapping bronze plates similar to Roman Lorica Segmenta. Also, I've always assumed Sauron and Morgoth arrayed themselves in full suits of dark plate armor. Morgoth's description before he fights Fingolfin seems to convey this to me.

    Regarding that vambrace - a vambrace is a small piece of armor that I'm sure could easily have been metal. Vambraces often were, and if you look at the concepts we've done for the game, you'll see many metal vambraces. And the people to have metal vambraces would have been Noldor, Numenoreans, and maybe Gondorians. So that fits with Imrahil. The Northmen and Sindar/Silvan Elves would have worn leather I think.

    Pauldrons can also be metal, as can greaves. However, for Elves and Edain, I have not seen evidence supporting plate armor for their torsos and upper arms. If someone can find evidence of this, I'd be very much interested to see it.

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