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Posts posted by av_nefardec

  1. I thought it was kind of interesting given the way all games seem to be going...more realistic and more realistic.

    It kind of showed that it was set apart from the pack, that it was based in a fantasy world.

    I think though that Tolkien's works are best depicted either realistically or in a way that mocks the style of his literary cultures, which is not doable in a game :lol:

  2. Yeah I think the test seems pretty sound - it's a great way to analyze politcal spectra, on a socioeconomic plane rather than a line.

    I also thought they were mistaken about George W. Bush in their analysis.

    While he may seem quite right economically because of his tax cut plans, supply-side economics, etc, he spends almost more on national government than the left wing in my country does :P I don't think he's that right wing when it comes to economics. On the other hand, I think he's quite Authoritarian!

    So he'd be around Hitler on that chart lol

  3. I was VERY dissappointed with the ending, and though I liked the rest of the movie, I think it ruins the entire trilogy.

    I was really hoping the ending would be disturbing, dark, and thought-provoking, but it turned out to be rather disney-like in my opinion.


    I thought it would be really cool if when trinity and neo tore through the clouds they saw not a pleasant hopeful sky, but just an expansion of the machine empire.

    I mean what's to say the machines would be content with just controlling a single planet if they aren't content to kill every single human being?

    I just thought that the plot might be less predictable. I was able to call every major part of the thing before I saw it - trinity dies, smith and neo are equal and opposite, they have to go to the machine city, zion is saved, niobe and morpheus get together again, etc.

    It was all very pleasant and a rollicking good time, but that's not what I expected from the second sequel of such a disturbing and wonderful movie. I like when things are kept ambiguous and thought-provoking, not when some personal belief is forced down one's throat, especially when dealing with philosophy.

  4. I'm assuming Einstein prolly had 127

    Nah, I think it'd be around 170 or so.

    I took an actual test (7 years back though - I don't know if IQ changes with time) and I received a 149.

    It's hard to define intelligence as either smart or not smart. There are thousands of ways to think about intelligence.

    My personal opinion on this, however, has been that the highest form of human intelligence is in the ability to be intuitive.

    For example, the ability to look at a physics or calculus problem and 'see' or have an intuition on both the solution to the problem, and the method.

    It's also the kind of thinking that produces good artists, musicians, etc.

    Then I think the ability to reason comes after that, then perhaps basic application of memory, and then just memory after that.

    I don't know, that's my take on it.

  5. Cause I belive ever event no matter how small has greater consequences ie but typing this now I am effecting my future and my future effects others future. thats a large chain of events lead to a future that is entirly different from the one you came from thus you are destroyed and the new you in your new future would have no idea you ever built a time machine.

    Well that's assuming that this all happens on the same space-time continuum.

    Imagine if there were infinitely many possibilities for any given event's outcomes and each outcome was another universe stemming from an original universe, with infinitely many more universes stemming from that universe, and so on, and so forth.

  6. Ok, I'm just worried some of these topics may be slanted towards Americans.

    It's hard to debate things like this given that different countries have entirely different political cultures, that is backgrounds, values, and goals, and that what is important to Americans could be unimportant to others, and the converse also holds.

  7. Kind of fighting monks - but they were sworn knights and later they settled in Germany, France, and Switzerland, founding the banks there. It is rumored that the Knights Templar was given custody of the Holy Grail in secret and keeps it to this day. The Knights Templar today are said to be still in existence as part of a secret organization, the so called "Illuminati", and it is said that they are the driving force behind today's financial happenings and economic states.

  8. Here's the passage from the Silmarillion:

    There in the valley of Gorgoroth Anárion son of Elendil was slan, and many others.  But at the last the siege was so strait that Sauron himself came forth; and he wrestled with Gil-galad and Elendil, and they were both slain, and the sword of Elendil broke under him as he fell.  But Sauron was thrown down, and with the hilt-shard of Narsil Isildur cut the Ruling Ring from the hand of Sauron and took it for his own.  Then Sauron was for that time vanquished, and he forsook his body, and his spirit fled far away and hid in waste places; and he took no visible shape again for many long years.

    (there probably is more information in the HoME books, but I have yet to read those pertaining to this)

    So the ring was most certainly cut before Sauron was "vanquished" - though definitely not slain. Sauron cannot be killed in the physical sense, he has no death. And by this it appears Gil-galad was slain by Sauron first, then Elendil, and Elendil and Sauron both fell at the same time, Elendil died and his sword broke, Sauron did not die (because he cannot) but was incapacitated for the time being, and then Isildur took the ring, and thereafter Sauron's body was vanquished, and his spirit fled.

    And notice there is none of that Hollywood fluff like Sauron can smash 50 men at a time with his mace. Sauron fought with Gil-galad and Elendil at the same time, hand to hand - Sauron must have been a great fighter to take on two heroic characters with two heroic weapons!

  9. They are the easterlings led by Ulfang and Brodda, those early men who were first corrupted by Morgoth during the wars of Beleriand.

    These are not the same as the Easterlings of the later ages, which were comprised of the tribes of Khand, the Wainriders, the Balchoth, and the Men of Rhovanion.

  10. A tabard is a cloth overgarment that gets worn over the hauberk -

    Ever heard of the Knights Templar during the crusades? They wore white tabards with red crosses on them over their chainmail hauberks.

    And elf is right, a hauberk is usually short sleeved and extends down to the knees. But it can be of any mail - scale, chain, or even plate.

  11. Economic Left/Right: 1.88

    Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.33

    Hmm I'm not sure plotting my views as one point is really a good idea, because my views are so different for so many things!

    I think my views contradict themselves sometimes because of life experiences or specific reasons/counterexamples - I don't think it's wise to believe in something because "you ought to", I think everything through thoroughly and come up with a solid reason to believe in something first. So my views are based on the logic of a particular aspect of a system, but not the system at large. I guess that's why I'm pretty moderate according to this. But it's not at all that my views are weak or that they are some how mediocre - I just have really strong conflicting views that cancel eachother out!

    Wijit, I think what you considered right may also have had to do do with the authoritarian slant of your results. Authoritarian/libertarian has a lot to do with how the government can control your life in the way of social issues, so if you are conservative in that regard, you may have thought of yourself as far right.

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