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Posts posted by av_nefardec

  1. Well there's nothing wrong with natural forms, it's just that the particular materials they used in the movie are directly against what Tolkien writes in the books:

    What does Tuor find in Vinyamar, a Noldorin city?

    Then Tuor marvelling saw that on the wall behind the throne there hung a shield and a great hauberk, and a helm and a long sword in a sheath.  The hauberk shone as it were wrought of silver untarnished, and the sunbeam gilded it with sparks of gold.  But the shield was of strange shape to Tuor's eyes, for it was long and tapering; and its field was blue, in the midst of which was wrought an emblem of a white swan's wing...And he lifted down the shield and found it light and wieldy beyond his guess; for it was wrought, it seemed of wood, but overlaid by the craft of elven-smiths with plates of metal, strong yet thin as foil, whereby it had been preserved from worm and weather.

    Then Tuor arrayed himself in the hauberk, and set the helm upon his head, and he girt himself with the sword; black were sheath and belt with clasps of silver...None were there to see him...gleaming in silver and gold, and he knew not in that hour he appeared as tne of the Mighty of the West.

    From Unfinished Tales, Of Tuor and His Coming to Gondolin

    Now Thingol had in Menegroth deep armouries filled with great wealth of weapons: metal wrought like fishes' mail [Adam: scale mail] and shining like water in the moon; swords and axes, shields and helms, wrought by Telchar himself or by his master Gamil Zirak the old, or by elven-wrights more skilful still.

    From Unfinished Tales, Narn I Hîn Húrin

    But Fingolfin gleamed beneath [Morgoth] as a star; for his mail was overlaid with silver, and his blue shield was set with crystals; and he drew his sword Ringil, that glittered like ice.

    From Silmarillion, Of the Ruin of Beleriand

    For unsummoned and unlooked for Turgon had opened the leaguer of Gondolin, and was come with an army ten thousand strong, with bright mail and long swords and spears like a forest.

    From Silmarillion, Of the Fifth Battle

    So you can see the movies are dead wrong not only on material, but also style and color. If there's one color you can use to describe the Noldor, it's silver. Silver, white, blue, and gold are the main Noldorin colors in that order. The movie is dead wrong when it comes to this.

    I also recommend reading this article, Arms and Armor in Middle Earth, by an actual Tolkien-fan/Smith!


  2. Why spear blades? They are just swords.

    A lot of people I've talked to about the movie think that they are some type of polearm with a long curved blade, like a type of scythe or something.

    But they have short handles and they don't spin them like staves, but do a really neat hand over hand motion to give the illusion of spinning a staff.

    I deduced this about 1.5 years ago when I made that 3D model of the movie elf and animated it with that motion. Also, if you collect the Games Workshop models, you will see how their weapons look exactly.

  3. Well many of you might know my brother's AoK mod "Battles of Middle Earth".

    He finished a number of new things recently, which can be seen on his website:


    Finished things include:





    Mallorn with Flets

    Mordor Castle

    Mordor Blacksmith

    Mordor Archery Range

    Mordor Barracks

    Mordor Houses

    Mordor Monastery

    Mordor Dock

    Hobbit Hole

    And there is a new screenshot of the Argonath in a cool game setting.

    So check it out! :lol:

  4. Well many of you might know my brother's AoK mod "Battles of Middle Earth".

    He finished a number of new things recently, which can be seen on his website:


    Finished things include:





    Mallorn with Flets

    Mordor Castle

    Mordor Blacksmith

    Mordor Archery Range

    Mordor Barracks

    Mordor Houses

    Mordor Monastery

    Mordor Dock

    Hobbit Hole

    And there is a new screenshot of the Argonath in a cool game setting.

    So check it out! :P

  5. Ok, on a little indulgence here :P

    I took their brain test:

    Adam, you are Balanced-brained

    That means you are able to draw on the strengths of both the right and left hemispheres of your brain, depending upon a given situation.

    When you need to explain a complicated process to someone, or plan a detailed vacation, the left hemisphere of your brain, which is responsible for your ability to solve problems logically, might kick in. But if you were critiquing an art opening or coming up with an original way to file papers, the right side of your brain, which is responsible for noticing subtle details in things, might take over.

    While many people have clearly dominant left- or right-brained tendencies, you are able to draw on skills from both hemispheres of your brain. This rare combination makes you a very creative and flexible thinker.

    The down side to being balanced-brained is that you may sometimes feel paralyzed by indecision when the two hemispheres of your brain are competing to solve a problem in their own unique ways.

    Precisely what I thought :P

  6. Wisdom, imo, is a spiritual knowledge of God and the Bible

    Then this is to say that, for example, Plato or Aristotle were not wise people, in which case I wholeheartedly disagree. That'd be simply called knowledge of christianity.

    You have to determine intelligence by what a person does, not by some stupid questions that you would never have anything to do with on a daily basis.

    Well I have to disagree. It's based on the reasoning and thinking skills that are similar in many day-to-day tasks.

    Just because you may not have to use these tasks in your daily life does not mean others do not.

    You could be a complete genius, but enjoy jumping in front of cars because you have no common sense. You could also be a complete genius and never do anything with your intelligence and knowledge, you are simply too lazy to do so. If you don't contribute to society and never do anything because to are too lazy, then i think that you are less intelligent then you think you are.

    Hmm, I'd have to disagree again. What is useful in your mind could be useless in another's and vice versa. You know, there is a physics law called "The Principle of Least Action", which basically states that the most natural way to do things is the easiest, shortest, etc. So maybe lazy people are or aren't aware of the fact that they could have some transcendent wisdom of nature :P

    I forget the technical names for them, but they are around the area of social intelligence, book intelligence, artistic intelligence, etc.

    I'd just like to say that I am against stereotyping and classification of things like this.

    Intelligence is the same thing just applied to different aspects of your existence. It makes no difference to me if you are stronger in one area than the other, I don't think of life as some RPG where you can count stat points and give yourself a class.

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