I use four fingers of my hands to type. I have to look at the keyboard every once and a while. Or then I type teh, adn, hte, ect words wrongly. But when taking notes I can look directly at hte board and have my hand write in a perfect straight line.
I was thinking of making clocks with the Quiznos character on them. But I started too late, and now there is no demand for them. This one guy sold over 250 dollars worth of them.
I think what he did was got a link that was a serch page. All you need to do is to click serch and then wildfire, I am not sure what article he wants to show us though.
That is interesting topic, I would take the money if I had saw it first. But I usually don't see many borken down cars on the raod with 50k in them. But then again I doubut I will look in any borken donw cars, but now I think I will.