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Everything posted by Germanic_celt79

  1. I'm sure the things found here could be used as a decoration for certain Gaulish buildings (like stone sculptures for Rome). Edit: Clarification, I meant the grave items.
  2. It definitely looks like one of the most remarkable. The heads on the cauldron look slightly more realistic than the common Celtic art, AFAIK. This is off topic to the grave, but here; A reconstruction of the Vix Palace.
  3. Wow, thanks for those images. That's quite interesting, when was this discovered?
  4. Hmm, it tells me the website is unavailable. Do you mind posting some pictures here?
  5. Thanks a lot!!! Are the walls in the mod now or are they gonna be added? Edit: nevermind. I saw it's in. Installed, it looks really great.
  6. A quick (and of low standard) attempt at making the symbol facing the left on paint. (to try and give you a better idea)
  7. I honestly can't tell, looks like some sort of deer.
  8. The former, yes. Oh and thanks for the link, this looks interesting.
  9. Hmm I may have forgotten to add the good references for this buildings. Never too late: Edit: I saw my earlier images show the wall patterns I spoke about.
  10. That does indeed look good, but the shingles in the roof could look a bit darker. And perhaps when you're even more bored you could add those patterns in the walls (the ones shown in reference) besides that it looks great! Oh and well done on the roof texture, it looks a lot better than "okay", it's more the walls I'm concerned about.
  11. oops, I got notified of that, but I thought it was for this thread... Edit: Ponies Ascendant? I think I've seen pictures of that on LordGood's (?) devianart (?).
  12. Wow, you work on a lot of mods, Stan.
  13. Fair enough, searching the term "Nordic Bronze age housing interior" would've been more suiting. Although Fabio makes a good point.
  14. Found some stuff, you decide whether it's credible (for lack of a better word) or not. Edit: The latter one is probably correct, because it also describes Roman camps and Saxon longhouses. However it refers to the Bronze age one (image above) as Germanic.
  15. I'd imagine it'd have basic things like a fire. Perhaps it'd have a bed although it's more likely to be on the floor and barely considerable as a mattress (mind you, I've not done enough research to speak properly about this). It'd also probably have a dirt floor. That's just speculation, though.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if Andrettin had an image for their interior
  17. That is great. Just a suggestion for it though, the little triangle hole in the roof and the door show darkness. Maybe if/when you work more on this idea you should make the interior visible, similar to the Mauryan Civic centre, this is assuming that it's possible, of course.
  18. Stan, you are a machine. Now back to the stove *whips* Just joking in case you were about to label me a slave owner, but seriously you do well with your models, and you work fast.
  19. Slightly [off topic] What is the whole deal, with both Millenium Ad and Aristeia, of release? Aristeia has one release for Alpha 16 and Millenium AD has none. Are you making it so that there's a big release with a few factions or releasing it faction by faction?
  20. Derp, didn't see this suggestion was specifically for Aristeia.
  21. That's true, any ideas on what the heros would be, Andrettin?
  22. Ooh this is a cool idea, maybe if it doesn't go in game then it can be added to Aristeia?
  23. Oops, sorry I meant unfortunately for the non-French speaking (like me).
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