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trompetin17 last won the day on November 13 2024

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About trompetin17

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  1. I'd like to share some updates on the project. Here are some of the features we aim to include: Expandability through mods, without a strict dependency on the "public mod" (though compatibility with it will be maintained). Support for backend devices, both current and future. Independence from wxWidgets—no need for it to function. The project is still in its alpha stage, so a lot of code refactoring, UI polish, and additional features are still needed. Currently, I'm working on integrating the features available in AtlasUI. Some concepts REPO: https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/trompetin17/0ad-atlas-in-game/src/branch/main/source in case you wanna try the workflow
  2. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/commit/8c250568e7cb9e422c7cf6799ea586dcb14b4f14 ScrollPanel get on live, If anyone found something let me know please with step to reproduce.
  3. Sctructure Tree using ScrollPanel here is the changes made in mod public https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/commit/3b4e5d98f4b63a6ad8bea258c88c463de069ce2c
  4. Hello, mind if you can help me to get all current ui that would need this component, please with images, keep in mind to use the minimal screen we supported. For now im working on Structure tech/unit tree info. Maybe summary screens?. Thx in advance
  5. A new ScrollPanel GUI component is going to be born with the following capabilities: Scroll Orientation Support: Allows scrolling in horizontal, vertical, or both directions, providing flexibility for different use cases. Partial Object Rendering: Supports partial rendering of objects that are only partially visible within the scroll boundaries, improving visual accuracy and performance. Boundary-Constrained Mouse Interaction: Handles mouse events strictly within the panel's visible boundaries, preventing interaction with objects outside the scrollable area. Minimum Internal Size (min_width, min_height): Introduces support for virtual space management, allowing the panel to maintain a minimum internal size independent of its actual on-screen dimensions. Even when the panel is resized, this ensures that the content respects a defined virtual space (with min_width and min_height), effectively simulating a larger internal canvas. This is particularly useful for large content or scenarios where a more extensive scrollable area is required than the current visible panel. Here is the showcase Pull request: https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7118 Please give me feedback to keep improving GUI Components.
  6. Ok all functionality was added now Im waitintg for reviews and some more testing from different people, so if you are able to test and give me feedback would be great https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7118
  7. WIP Progress Horizontal and Vertical Scroll enable Partially Draw Object Dropwdown work in partially draw with tooltips Both scrolls scrollpanel also support "Min Width" / "Min Height" when you need more "internal space" without taking care about the current size of the scrollpanel (sera idea) I will need more testing or more use case to validate if this is work correctly, Im still missing if im going to expose scrollpane like "scrollpanel" tag instead of "object type" thx in advance
  8. Dropdown issue was fixed, now im working on Horizontal Scrolling, still WIP but working as fast as i can
  9. I would like to share more progress No Scroll need it When need Vertical Scroll Scrolling what about the js code? the ScrollPanel is going to support "resized" child events, "visiblity" child events, but if you need to update multiple objects you can "freeze", then update all visibility and size and finally un freeze Missing features: Horizontal Scroll Tooltips is showing even if the parent isnt draw Expose the ScrollPanel in the xml like Xml Tag instead of "object type" Support RTL If you would like to test and give me some feed back: here is the code https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/trompetin17/0ad-atlas-in-game/src/branch/scrollpanel If you would like how I implement here is the diff https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/compare/main...trompetin17/0ad-atlas-in-game:scrollpanel thx in advance
  10. Sure : Im still working on it but at least Im clipping and now need to validate all objects "move" when you scroll
  11. Ok im going to create a vertical scrollable container, that clip the content. I need this feature for my atlas in game.
  12. Hola, como estas? Una duda, a ti te gusta hacer tus propios mods?, ya qee hay una forma de crear tu propio mod donde puedas organizar este comportamiento a tu gusto inicialmente, esta es una de las magias del juego en cuanto poder hacer mods. Esto lo menciono ya que el cambio de como se promociona las unidades es una discucion que se puede demorar mas que haciendo tu propio mod. Muchísimas gracias por tu sugerencia Summary: he want to change the way how units its promotes, he want to promote his unit only from build, and he try to find at least an option to choose how we want to promote units in a game
  13. Hyperion, my concer is for people whom is only building map and place object. I mean, there is a button to switch to actor viewer, so my suggestion is only create the actor viewer canvan until you click on. That button, if you click is becuase you want to use actor viewer, makes senses what im trying to say?
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