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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. preferglsl = true I got this in true According to what I understand of the image works with other textures,it be that I did my texture is the problem
  2. It does not work, I caused an error message and much lag
  3. I have disabled all graphic options My computer would not hold if all graphs in high
  4. Lo que quise decir es que no vi esa opción en el menú, pero viendo la imagen me di cuenta dode estava
  5. Follow this after opening your file in blender: SHIFT+A Select Mesh -> Add Circle. T (Toolshelf) scroll down in the left toolshelf we just opened with T. There you can set the amount of vertices/edges, radius, ... Yet another nice tip. Thx Lord. Trinketos, just type SPACEBAR I do not see the option: backface culling
  6. In taringa communities did some topics inquiring about my problem, I also ask some of the forum who have more experience than me
  7. Fijate en la tercera imagen eso pasa cuando los uno xD
  8. el problema es que cuando uno todos los objetos algunas caras, no se le ven las texturas, sabes como resolverlo.
  9. I think I found the problem, the extension of the textures is jpg
  10. Hi, convert dae model and when I put it in the atlas brand me this error, then the error window I play appears: Under the model and error mesoamericanmod.7z program error.txt
  11. I have made some changes to the model change the roof, did a little more detailed. I have to add a few itemsmeso_civic_center.7z
  12. Can not find the option to upload the forum edit: the option was in front of my face xD
  13. http://www.4shared.com/archive/cIrqajWiba/meso_civic_center.html edit: this is the model
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