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Everything posted by DevynCJohnson

  1. Where can I find an accurate and up-to-date "up-coming feature list" for 0AD?
  2. How long do you estimate it will be until the Germans are released in a stable version of 0AD?
  3. True, but I think a game as good as this should broaden the scope to other eras. (0AD --> World History)
  4. I have an idea for two features that could be added if the developers find them interesting. Roads - Some soldiers could make roads. Why would we want this? Well, soldiers could move faster on smooth road than rough terrain or grounds with various obstacles. Bridge - Provides a path over a small body of water.
  5. I have some ideas for some resources that we may want to consider adding to the game. Some could be added very soon, while others will not have a purpose until more features are added to the game. Water - How are my soldiers living without water? Here is a better use for this resource after some features are added: flowing water (like a river/stream) can turn a wheel for a granary (to be added to game) which produces food. Uranium (Nuclear resources) - If nuclear weapons and power plants are added, uranium/polonium/radium/etc. can be mined as a resource. Fossil Fuels - These can be used if industrial-age features are added, or now to make food faster. For example, the 0AD developers can add a "Large Bakery" which would use fossil fuels to cook large amounts of food. Some fossil fuels we could add could be coal, pea, natural gas, oil Wood (modified) - As we all know, we already have trees for wood, but I found a major flaw. Wood is a renewable resource. Why are more trees not growing? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_resources) Wind and Solar power - Wind and solar power are related resources that could be added in the future. Cotton - Not sure what we can use for this. Any thoughts or further ideas? Do the 0AD developers actively view these forums? I hope my ideas at least inspire the developers.
  6. I like your ideas. The fact that you come up with great ideas without being a big player is awesome.
  7. Wow! A lot of great ideas. Are you just a player of the game or are you a developer?
  8. I am a programmer, but not for WildFire/0AD. None of the languages I know would benefit 0AD.
  9. That is a good idea. With your idea, slavery is implemented in a simple fashion which may make your idea appealing to the developers.
  10. I really like your idea for implementing slavery. I think adding slavery would make the game more interesting. Right now, 0AD is fun, but it seems too simple. It needs more detail and more that can be done/executed. 0AD is a Real-time strategy game, so I think the game would benefit from having more details that allow the players to have more to plan and manage. The developers work hard (and very well) to make the game realistic (culture, architecture, history, etc.), so slavery should be added in my opinion. Before we develop any more brilliant ideas, I think we first need to hear from the developers themselves if they are interested in adding such a feature.
  11. In my opinion, if the slaves are of the same nationality as the enemy, then our enemy would save their own people. Otherwise, the enemy would kill the slaves. For example, the slaves were from Greece and the Britains are attacking me (the Celts).
  12. I like your idea better than mine. The developers should implement your idea.
  13. How can my idea be improved? What part seems odd for an RTS game?
  14. I have an idea about capturing slaves. A new type of soldier can be made and called something like "slave catcher". Such a soldier/unit is trained at the marketplace. Instead of attacking, this unit tries to capture the enemy unit. The slave-catcher must follow the slave for X amount of time before the slave is "trusted" to be a slave that does not require supervision. Code can be added to make the possibility of a slavery rebellion. Some factors can include work load, citizen to slave ratio, etc.
  15. Aloha! My name is Devyn Collier Johnson. I would like to help the development of 0AD by being a beta-tester and a think-tank. I have beta-tested SuperTux2 and Firefox 22 and 23. I am currently the beta-tester of Wallch. I am a programmer, but the languages I know would not help 0AD. As for some of my ideas, first, I think the two ideas below should be brought back to current development - Eastern Civilizations: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14075 Industrial Mod: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12015 I also think it would be awesome to include nuclear weapons. At least as a cheat code - "bring out the nukes" I have more ideas if the developers are interested. I am also ready for a link, post, or email about being a beta-tester. DevynCJohnson@Gmail.com
  16. It would be awesome if 0AD were expanded across different time-periods and cultures.
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