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  1. I had three I was rooting for, Agni placed as my close second. Excited for #27
  2. I'm always down to help out where I can btw Glad to be back xD
  3. Im back! Sorry y'all! It has been CRAZY!
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Documentation Team Roster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++Any Document Discussion out of our DM group is posted here++ As the title states above we will be using this thread to keep track of things still needing updated on trac Template: ------------------------------------------------------ * Link to outdated document: * Details: * Comments: ----------------------------------------------------- (You can add anything else you'd like on the Template this is just a starter)
  5. OMG I didn't even realize i didn't edit that HAHA
  6. Position: Documentation Manager / Any Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? Yes Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes Name:Beau Daniel Begley Email: begleyb@gmail.com MSN Messenger: beau.begley@live.com Location: Mount Morris, Michigan, United States Availability: 25+ hrs a week Age: 25 Occupation: Certified Computer Network Administrator / Business Owner Skills and Experience: I have managed (http://exonmedia.net) I was the Development Executive until I decided that was not what I wanted to do anymore (Teamspeak hosts get old) I manage my local Library in the summer, and I write Articles for my local newspaper WPM: 42 Owner+Founder of; Paradox ; and all affiliated communties AoGamers; AllOutGamers; SKe; and FiveHeadGaming Servers Discord Pro <3 (Already working on a Full Featured Discord) Motivation: I like to make a difference in everyone's life that I can, Documentation is a must! Personality: Self Motivating, (Get it done right the first time) Short Essay: Actually, I found WFG in 2013, Explored the website, checked out the forums, wiki, and everything else around WFG. I also downloaded 0 A.D. and the source code and tinkered with it for a few days, checking the whole format out and what 0 A.D. is about, base line, and what we as a team want out of this. Interests and Hobbies: I go hunting, Fishing, Snow Boarding, Skiing and I also help build houses. Staff: No. Community: http://alloutgamers.com ;; http://exonmedia.net ;; http://aogamers.org ;; http://fiveheadgaming.com Favorite Game: When I was a kid I played; (RuneScape), I now play WoW. WorkExamples: Already Stated Above. Many Thanks, Beau
  7. no problem glad to be back on the team also I will be getting us a Teamspeak in a bit
  8. was wondering if I could join back up. i had a lot go on in the last year, but i am ready to continue my work
  9. Well if we can work on Rogue Republic then its settled, I can talk to my professor tonight at night school and see if he likes the idea (he will).
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