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Posts posted by sanderd17

  1. 1 hour ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:


    Funny is the tech work just fine in a match. (y)

    Yes, the tech parsing to display it in the structure tree is quite different from what happens in-game. The game doesn't care about when it will become available, it just needs to test if the requirements are already matched.

    That said, it's very strange your tech doesn't work. Perhaps the siege tech linked only works because it's researched from a phase III building, so automatically goes in that phase (and the calculation is omitted).

    • Like 1
  2. I added some warnings to that piece of code, as it wasn't fail-safe indeed.

    Now it should warn what template is the issue: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/18199

    You probably have a tech with an empty requirements object. This isn't a good idea as there are requirements defined (so the code for checking requirements will run), but it will find none. It's better to just delete the requirements altogether.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Leyto said:

    Ok, I didn't pay attention to that, since it's one of the first open source project I contribute. Is it allowed to use photoshop in a not really clear way? :S if not I'll have to switch to Gimp.

    PS doesn't have restrictions on what you can do with your content (like any decent program), so it's safe to use.

    Though there are some pieces of software (most notably some cloud software) that try to restrict what you can do with your own content. Luckily this trend isn't very successful so far, so you're fine with most programs.

    From an ethical PoV, I always prefer open-source software when it's available. But ethics are quite personal, so I won't dictate what you need to use. (if everyone on the programming team had the same ethics as I did, we wouldn't even be able to release the game for Windows and Mac, since nobody would be able to compile or test it there).

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  4. It's related to the phase requirement of a unit. But I have no idea what is actually wrong.

    You can try a bit of logging like I explained before. Logging the "prod" variable should show you the unit template where it goes wrong, and logging unit.required should show the name of the required tech.

  5. Oh, didn't notice it, it seems to be in one of your player templates.

    It may be your Athenian player template. I don't know how the XML engine parses whitespace strings, but I'd guess it trims of the whitespace so indeed returns null or undefined.

    You should probably just remove the entire Auras part there if you don't want the auras.

  6. Does it happen when loading the map?

    If so, you can add some basic debugging. Add the following code just before the bug happens (so before the current line 48 of Auras.js):

    if (!this.template._string)

    Then you should see what entity id is causing the problem, so you can open the map XML, search for that entity id, see what template it has, and fix the template.


    EDIT: or you could also open Atlas, and place units/entities with auras by trial and error until the warning is spit.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, jonbaer said:

    @Itms I am curious, what is the story/status w/ your POC patch - was that part of something else that was in discussion (beyond the Stamina ticket mentioned), is there harm in adding the C++ bit so people can use it or is there something else in the works that this would be a part of?  Sorry tried back searching the Trac history but could not find anything.

    Itms worked on entity fogging and miraging before, so he was involved with the visibilities. But there's no real design discussion on how those invisible units should work (it would be quite annoying to have a design discussion without the possibility to test some things either IMO).

    And if it can be done in JS allone (which means that Itms made his C++ code generic enough), there's no reason to alter the C++ code. It 's a lot easier for mods to reuse or modify JS code.

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  8. @jonbaer, the Rise of the East (han_china) mod started development under some modders who were also part of the main team (though the current maintainers have added a lot more content to it).

    The work on the mod was started way before the civ list was finalised, and one of the reasons to not include the China civ in the main game (which would have been quite convenient then) was to have a showcase for how to add a civ through a mod. The mod doesn't implement the strict minimum needed to add a civ, but it's still minimal enough to see what's needed.

    And our civs are based on these design documents: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Design_Document#PlayableCivilizations So you'd need something like that, and ofc art references to work from.

  9. 4 hours ago, Orpheus said:

    Mod wont suit me because I can't ask other players to install mod in order to play me with the thracians.

    Why can't you ask that? There are plans to have mods downloadable in the mod manager, so it should become easier to install mods in the future.

    Then there should also be some support to see what mods the others have installed in multiplayer, so you can sync your mods with them.

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  10. We're currently trying to move to the ES6 standard (just as spidermonkey is moving to the ES6 standard), which deprecates some spidermonkey-specific JS features (like for..each..in), but also offers more versatile code.

    As other engines are also working towards the standard, using a documentation tool should become less of a problem.

  11. It wouldn't be that hard to make a unit invisible, though that will probably require a small change in the C++ part of the simulation.

    The hardest part is the game mechanics around it, like sending a "make visible" command on hovering, disabling reactions of units and buildings on invisible units, AI support, ...

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  12. It's not necessarily within a limited area. The AI could query a lot further. And I mentioned target finding, but there are other per-unit tasks that run in O(n) or worse, like pathfinding.

    But I don't think this should be discussed here. It was a stupid idea from my side to mention complexity in this thread. I just meant it as a general note that when doubling the size of the map, without changing the game mechanics, the calculation time can be more than doubled, which means there is a limit to how big we can make our maps.

  13. Entities constantly reference each other. F.e. for finding the best target (economically, military, ...). So the more entities there are, the more these searches need to be performed, and the bigger the search space is.

    n² isn't generally considered that bad, and we normally optimise the average case by doing early returns. So no, most of these can't be optimised, and are just what we have to live with.

    The only option to make the game playable on huge maps is by having less entities, and certainly less versatile entities, so less detailed gameplay.

  14. The main limiting factor in bigger maps is the performance. Several algorithms we use loop in O(n²) or worse on the number of terrain tiles. So if the map becomes 4 times as big (which is just doubling the sides), calculation of that method takes 16 times as long (or worse).

    There are some demo maps that are really huge, but they're not decorated (there are no trees, no resources, no ...), and even then, they can be quite slow. Let alone what would happen if the map would be filled with trees, buildings and units.

    So with the same game mechanics, this doesn't seem possible to have a huge map that allows all online players to play together.

    If such a gametype is made, the game mechanics should be simplified a lot.

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