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Posts posted by GunChleoc

  1. If you think of the engineering involved, the palisades above the arch aren't rammed into anything, so they wouldn't hold. Maybe let them go all the way down into the irverbed and space them apart a bit, so that the water can flow between them? I was unable to find any references though, and this wouldn't work on big rivers anyway.

    • Like 1
  2. The number displayes on screen is correct, but the plural form is not. I had already double-checked the PO file to make sure it's not a translation error.


        var playerString = sprintf(translatePlural("%(number)s player. %(description)s", "%(number)s players. %(description)s", numPlayers), { number: numPlayers, description: description });

    This is the line in current trunk, I have no idea if changes have been made since the release was packaged or not. I simply quoted the code reference in the PO file ;)

    This line of code looks correct as far as I can tell, so no idea what is wrong here.

  3. I'm having a problem with the following string on the Gaelic translation:


    %(number)s players. %(description)s

    For 3 players, it fetches the wrong plural form - either the one for 1,11 or the one for 2,12

    We have had problems with some software defining the wrong plural rules for gd, could you please double-check this?

    nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;
    • Like 1
  4. I have no clue how packaging works and I am always :notworthy: when I see what you are doing.

    Just one note on the translations:

    With A16, we have internationalization/localization support, some modification of build-osx-bundle.sh will be required so it copies the necessary files from binaries\data\l10n into the bundle (hopefully only one line). Also, only approved+reviewed translations should be included, sanderd17 and Gallaecio would know more about that.

    Since I'm not sure what you mean by "approved+reviewed", I hope you dont mean set to "reviewed" on Transifex, because we would lose a couple of languages right now.

    Use whatever the i18n team has committed to SVN, all those translated strings should be good enough. If I understand correctly, they have only added the languages that have hit the 90% mark and everything has been submitted to a quick check to see that there are no problems.

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  5. I don't know where to put this, so I'm listing here where I will need more space for Gaelic:

    Language -> Advanced -> Auto detect

    Options: first column. This might be solved by having more space between options when there is an overflow

    I have tweaked all the other strings that are too long, so if you could pull Gaelic one more time from Transifex befoe the release, it would be great.

  6. I have just had another idea: rather than adding exceptions for locales that don't exist, we should use a default locale if the validation fails, but still load the translations fot the desired language.

    Actually ICU does have a fallback procedure according to their homepage:

    1. The variant is removed, if there is one.

    2. The country is removed, if there is one.

    3. The script is removed, if there is one.

    4. The ICU default locale is examined. The same set of steps is performed for the default locale.


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