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Posts posted by Ludo38

  1. New timelapse featuring a track from the ROTE soundtrack written by Tim Cox!

    Thank you Kimball for this video. This is really good to watch and enjoy! It reminds me I should pursue my efforts on learning and practicing Blender.

    And darn, this music is delicious! Is the soundtrack downloadable somewhere ?..

    I've checked the ROTE ModDB page and it's been a long time since the last update. Are there big new things coming soon on this mod ? Anyway, congratulations for what has been done yet.

  2. Man, I usually stay away from controversial topics, but I decided to throw my opinion here.

    If it's illegal to use the swastika symbol in Germany because of the law (even if it is not the 45ยบ rotated swastika nazi symbol), let's make a German version without it. And keep the ancient symbol where it is not illegal. We're not guilty for those offended people who don't know ancient history.

    If people says that this Hindu symbol should be banned because it reminds Nazis killed a lot of people, they should also agree to ban the "church" cross because the church killed a lot of innocent people in the inquisition.

    I'm against any kind of behavior that involves harming another human being, but I'm also against ignorance.

    I agree 100%.

  3. If folks want to pursue recording other languages, we first need help from language experts to submit and verify translated phrases for each of the factions.

    The only translations we're satisfied with currently are Ancient Greek - those were written and reviewed by a number of individuals with knowledge of Ancient Greek. Since nobody on the team is a language expert, we are relying on the online community to help out with this.

    The phrases can be viewed here:


    If someone has knowledge of ancient Carthaginian, Celt, Iberian, Persian, Roman, or Mauryan languages you can help us by translating our phrases in this format:

    Please post translations in this topic - trac should be used for storing 'approved' translations only.

    Thank you Pureon for this clear briefing. Precisely the infos I needed.

    I haven't much time these days for 0 A.D., but I keep that task in mind, and surely around january or just later, I will give time to this interesting aspect of the game. It's mostly a research for language-skilled people, a network work, which is my area.

  4. Great thing to have this release by the time of Christmas ! I'm sure this will please the players a looooot !

    Just a quick correction needed in the text here : "existing" appears twice :

    Post-Processing Manager : Recent changes enable features such as distance fog, bloom and more. (See screenshots below. Top left is default. Effects on bottom right exaggerated for demonstration purposes.) No less importantly, the post-processing manager is extremely moddable, so from now on, developers can very easily add new visual effects to 0 A.D. using existing existing code from other projects. For an example, see the Bokeh Depth of Field effect shown below.

  5. Those stone courtyards look way too big for the market footprint

    I gave it a shot, maybe you should put tents around your structure josh, they do help with the overall theme


    i am missing a column underneath the lower roof, must have deleted it accidentally :P

    Good shot LordGood


    I think the tall building is not necessary, or much lower at least, and with a simpler roof (without those spikes at the top, that look very military).

    Also, the gate is a nice idea but may not be necessary as well, or in a simpler form maybe.

    The rest is very good.

  6. I have yet to import the elephant and make necessary changes around it, here are the curved supports and doors, I also hollowed out the inside a bit more. this configuration doesnt seem to look as strong to me as the previous (not regarding the thinner walls), but I'm open to suggestions.


    Cool that you made the inner walls thinner.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the elephant scale compared to your model before judging, but maybe the entrance of the boxes will deserve more width, to make this all spacy enough for those awesome pachyderms.

    Also, I'm wondering if the building isn't too large for the game... though I love it that big !

    Did you start some texturing on it ?

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