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Posts posted by Ludo38

  1. Good further work Enrique. Well, I still find that it looks much too different from the context. If you can produce some more basic ones with a non-curved rock block, that would allow some of these waterfalls to fit in those cliffs. The ones you have for now would surely work in a set of very curved rock, and I guess when set in the middle of vegetation, would looks much more integrated in the mass.

  2. :P again a hidden face !! :D Well, I understand you if you prefer hiding parts that you don't draw best, but that would be really an improvement if we could have at least one of these icons with a full and clear face. That would give some life, wouldn't it ?.. Out of that, that character is very well drawn. Just a bit too dark. Turn up the contrast and it should be fine. :)
  3. That starts to work very well in terms of balance of light/dark/colour. Really.

    If you are ready to remake parts of the drawing, I suggest you remake the head, maybe turn it differently, so that we get to see the face. It will give life to your picture. The helmet is nicely drawn and coloured, but it shines like a glass, too much. Can you soften this /shining/mirror effect ? And finally, maybe redrawing the clothes a little bit, getting rid of some unecessary wraps, on the arm mostly, an occasion to have less black and more of the shirt's green.

  4. Waterfalls are a good idea, but that way they hardly integrate into the cliff or the contextual landscape. Maybe it requires different models that could fit to the various biomes...

    For now it feel too much like an artificial waterfall, the kind you see in an entertainment park...

    To be clearer : on the right picture, the rock of the waterfall should be similar to those of the cliff around. For now it feels like a geological anomaly, it doesn't fit at all...

    That said, I like the idea of a little cave behind the water. That would be cool if units could walk there!

  5. Oh and to explain more about colors : the purple of the woman clothes don't look good to me. I'd rather see a more natural color, or at least a purple with no "shiny reflection". For now the light effect on it makes it feel plastic ! :P Also, your elephant now looks too green. Can you come back to its original grey tone ? That felt much better, on my opinion.

    Apart from that, congratulations for working on this, that's always a pleasure to enjoy some traditional art on 0 A.D.

    • Like 1
  6. Nice work Lordgood !

    On my opinion, your paintings have too strong contrasts and too much black. They need to be brighter, more colorful, simply more in the tone of the game. If you can stick to the color and light style of the existing icons, I think that will be great. The elephant looks pretty good. The soldier too, but it has almost has a "cartoon" style that contrasts too much to the existing game icons. If you can rework it toward something more realistic, that will be awesome. The woman is fine, though needing recoloring and less contrast as explained before.

    • Like 1
  7. From what I've seen, the HD "effect" doesn't seem impressive at all. I agree with Khopesh that this making money with nothing new. AOK is still a great game and should be still played and respected. It's just that this new edition would make more sense being free and Linux-friendly. This would be fresh.

    Oh, and actually, I don't know if you heard about, but there's an open-source game that is HD too (but better), and also full 3D, and it's awesome and it grows better and better all the time. It's called 0 A.D. People say it's clearly as good as Age of Kings! And it's free ! You should try it ! :P

    • Like 3
  8. Should I go with one of these?

    Good! I personally think this dome should be plastered, if it was in real History, but for now I must admit it doesn't look as good as the stone version...

    The white texture is for now a bit too grey and need to be rescaled so the details get more tiny. Can you try that Enrique ?

    If it's the Wonder, it has to "shine" somehow. As an example, here is the Stupa of Swayambhunath in Nepal :


    Looking at that picture, I'm thinking the game's stupa maybe needs parts of gold and colorful stuffs hanging like that. What do you think ?

  9. @sanderd17: Let's not stick to Wikipedia only. There are other sites and networks where we can get the help needed for translations, pronounciation and recording. Like zoot points it, Wikipedia is probably not the place for that. The search I exposed on #78 was a first step, where Wikipedia have been very helpful indeed, but now next step requires a contact with a community of teachers maybe ?.. For instance, searching Youtube for videos of people speaking the languages needed would be a good thing, and we can contact those people to invite them to help us. What do you think about that ?

  10. Yes, maybe tiny details like flowers could be a good improvement, indeed.

    If patterns don't work because of stretching, maybe just changing the color of some of sheets would work well as a sign of the player color and avoiding this too white feel. Here's a mockup. I quickly tried that just to see how player color would look that way. Not awesome but well, just to try.


  11. Waow! That looks really cool! I love how detailed it is, how rich are the stands. Maybe that's how you plan it, but on my opinion the player color should be places on these big white square sheets, because there's space, and because for now those big white patches don't feel much Indian (lack of color and patterns).

    darn, Mauryan India is about to reveal itself in full scope very soon! :)

  12. Hi all,

    I'd like to sum up here what speakable languages we can use for each civilization of the game.

    First, I recommend the Wikipedia List of languages by first written accounts.

    Mauryan Indians :

    According to this page : "What Ashoka left behind was the first written language in India since the ancient city of Harappa. Rather than Sanskrit, the language used for inscription was the current spoken form called Prakrit."

    If I understood well, Sanskrit was a more noble language, not much spoken by the crowd.

    On the Oxford classes page, more info on Prakrit : "The term 'Prakrit' is commonly translated as 'natural' and refers to a variety of languages and dialects originally used in India. Most of the modern Indian languages have their roots in Prakrit languages, and the classic Sanskrit language also has its roots in old prakrit language spoken in North-India in Vedic & Prevedic period."

    That said, according to the history brief on the Indo-Aryan laguages Wikipedia page here Sankrit could also fit pretty well, it seems. Wikipedia page on Sanskrit.

    -So, for the Mauryans, we have the choice between Prakrit and Sanskrit.

    Celts :

    Excerpts from this page :

    "The Celtic family of languages is divided into two branches, the Insular Celtic languages, and the Continental Celtic languages. The Continental branch includes the languages Gaulish, Celtiberian, and Lepontic. These were languages spoken on the European continent."

    "The Celtic Insular languages are mostly those spoken on the islands, typically Britain, Ireland, Man and part of France. The Insular languages are divided into two branches, the Goidelic and the Brythonic."

    The most widely used languages seem to be Gaulish (but apparently not known in the spoken form) and Brythonic (known in spoken form).

    According to the Wikipedia page on Gaulish : "Gaulish has a very close relationship to Insular Celtic (Goidelic and Brythonic), and many forms are identical in the two.

    A famous (and still spoken) Celt language is Gaelic (more precisely "Goidelic"), but it fits only for a very small part of the Celt area (Ireland + a bit of Scotland). Brythonic sticks better to the rest of Europe, to say shortly! :)

    The thing now is that Brythonic is subdivided in various dialects. Maybe the most accessible today is Welsh... For instance, here we have a "hear and speak" Welsh page.

    -So for the Celts, we could use Welsh.

    Carthaginians :

    From the Wikipedia page for Phoenician language : "Phoenician was a language originally spoken in the coastal (Mediterranean) region then called "Canaan" "

    "Phoenician is a Semitic language of the Canaanite subgroup; its closest living relative is Hebrew, to which it is very similar."

    "The significantly divergent later-form of the language that was spoken in the Tyrian Phoenician colony of Carthage is known as Punic; it remained in use there for considerably longer than Phoenician did in Phoenicia itself, arguably surviving into Augustine's time."

    Apparently, no knowledge on the prounciation of Punic. So, I guess we should choose the closest main language, which is Hebrew.

    -Then for the Carthaginans, we should use Hebrew.

    Persians :

    Persian language page on Wikipedia

    The Persian language era that fits most is the Middle Persian (300BC-800AD) but it may be too old to know how to speak it. The New Persian, precisely the Western Persian (or "Farsi") seems to fit. We can learn Farsi with Neda (from Iran) ! :)

    -So for Persians the language can be Farsi

    Iberians :

    Here's the Wikipedia page for the Iberian language where we learn that the present Basque language is considered by some as close to the Iberian one, "but they have not been clearly demonstrated to the satisfaction of modern scholarship."

    We also learn that : "The Iberian language, like all the other Paleohispanic languages except Basque, became extinct by the 1st to 2nd centuries AD, after being gradually replaced by Latin."

    In lack of data, Greek (already used in the game) could stay for the Iberian, but maybe we could try Basque (it is currently spoken in the south-west of France).

    -For Iberians, let's try Basque

    -For Romans, of course Latin !

    So, basically :

    -Mauryans : Sanskrit or Prakrit

    -Celts : Welsh

    -Carthaginians : Hebrew

    -Persians : Farsi

    -Iberians : Basque

    -Romans : Latin

  13. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Finally i was decided to do Emblem to Faction

    The New Kingdom Egypt


    darn! Lion, you made this falcon emblem ?? It looks wonderful..... :o

    Could you explain how you made it ? (technique, program and reference picture source)

    I LOVE it.

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