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Everything posted by Aldaron

  1. ZeZar, Mate, I told Chi that we had finished the 2. LAST(THE SECOND LAST! ARGH!) season... Where he takes 2. season from I don't know...
  2. Heehee... I'll get a webcam and let u watch with me BTW I meant we r finished wit hthe 2. LAST season
  3. In Norway? We've finished the 2. last season I think so now they're sending ol' ones... dunno which season... (BTW that sux)
  4. no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!! Am I making myself clear? Great... Joey goes to Hollywood? heheh sweeeet!
  5. Dunno.. anyone who wants one... Or just have one to let out ur frustration on...
  6. One heck of a distance to the sun from it
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