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Everything posted by zoot

  1. The relevant function is here: https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/source/simulation2/components/CCmpTemplateManager.cpp#L202 So we just need to yank that out of CCmpTemplateManager and put it somewhere where both CCmpTemplateManager and RMGEN can access it.
  2. I'll see what I can find. I don't think we'll need to mess around with mods, the VFS deals with that.
  3. Superficially similar, yes.
  4. Because the player shown in TotalNoobPL's screenshot is not an AI.
  5. The bug shown in your video is a different one:
  6. I've looked through the code dealing with map setup in relation to triggers, and I don't think adding a few additional variables to the JSON should be too difficult, if FeXoR is willing to do it. Maybe Spahbod can implement it in the game setup UI, since he wrote it (I believe) and probably has the best overview of how it works.
  7. Is that a video of TotalNoobPL's game?
  8. Yes, yes. But what makes you sure there were no dropsites left in the game played by TotalNoobPL?
  9. What makes you so sure this is due to there not being a dropsite? I've seen this when the tree is unreachable too. Also, this doesn't look like the AI player - the civ emblem is Iberian and so are the buildings in screenshot. There is a similar issue with qBot though, where it will try gathering from a resource and then stop if there is no drop site and then start again over and over, but that is an issue in qBot, not in UnitAI.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by 'engine' here? The engine is, AFAIK, generally considered to be the pyrogenesis executable. So it is already running at game setup and passing values from game setup to RMGEN should be quite trivial. Do we disagree on that?
  11. But why call it triggers when everybody understands something completely different by that term? Why not just call it 'a set of common functions' or 'an API' or something equally meaningful?
  12. Why conflate it with triggers? Why not use regular function calls and argument passing?
  13. Sure, as I said, they can be used to make interesting maps. But that's about it. They don't have any applicability to the tickets listed above.
  14. I honestly don't know why everything has to be conflated with triggers. Triggers are just a dumbed down way of doing scripting. There is nothing "powerful" about them other than the fact that it enables ordinary folks to create interesting maps. They would not be suited for any of the issues listed above.
  15. Alternatively, you could just do assert(false) at the point where you want to break.
  16. Could JS_SetSingleStepMode() be used for the assert() functionality? I don't positively know what it does, but the name sure suggests that it breaks execution.
  17. Like this? http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16460entry249534
  18. Yeah, if they can manage both that's probably preferable. But at least I am more likely to donate knowing that my money won't have to get intermingled with someone's personal account and that the recipient has to live up to the strict accounting standards required of registered non-profits.
  19. zoot

    Trac and SVN

    Sign-up for the free accounts: https://github.com/signup/free
  20. zoot

    Trac and SVN

    Yes, personal repositories are completely free of charge. I can't tell you what they actually do charge for because I've never run into that limitation.
  21. Me too. I think a grid of nearly identical numerals would look redundant/annoying.
  22. zoot

    Trac and SVN

    You can do that with Git too: https://help.github.com/articles/how-do-i-add-a-collaborator Assembla is more of a project management tool, I think?
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