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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Ok, i see. I noticed recently the hard is play Persian against Iberians, so Persian don't have access to Elephants in RAndom map.
  2. And if we choose in barrack between alternate unit , for example Romans don't have archers, and include a research the research can be a pair between archers and cavalry ranged? Or have to select 2 champions units of 3.if you select 2 of them you can't select more. Is example elect possible pair of units. Archers or ranged. With Persian we have to choose better horse archer, and other unit. That is a idea. Research some tactic formations when we have battalions, or special guerrilla warfare tactics, like ability to do traps over ground. Or make decoys. And war invents like Archimedes of Syracuse. War medicine, training levels to have more fast and hp units. Something like ruthless Spartan training.
  3. I was confused i was changed, i belived Pydna was agaisnt Macedon. My first impression was right. Romans fight agaistn Seleucids at Magnesia, Thermopylae and Pydna?
  4. Hmm and what about advanced diplomacy options and about tribute units and buildings.
  5. Yeah that talk about, that are changes user ask. More gameplay. I love this game.
  6. Yeah I like that. Is good idea very good. Its Can work together with corral idea.
  7. Citizen sheeps. And are good map explorers
  8. Yes i was though that too, but is not infinite. We can sea farm?
  9. Very nice guys. It's possibly integrate to forum buttons? Or commands?
  10. Nice suggest Donner, welcome to the forums.
  11. A question, is planned a Greek looking structure?
  12. Try to train some immortals from Cyrus button, and later garrison Cyrus an building. You'll see a error message.
  13. Thank you, today a guy ask me for your mod.
  14. For Island maps, some island are enought big, for farming so maybe a pair of technologies one get maximum workers against other give more food rate per worker. But is if changed think in that.
  15. Alpha123 i see in corral garrison capscity. that why this is the reason, I thought they had already . ................................ http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Images2/Military/Achaemenid_Army.jpg[\IMG] A detail of soldier in this pic, can be used to do a good icon. May be changing perspective. I was found many interesting images in this page. http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/History/hakhamaneshian/AchaemenidMilitaryEquip.htm
  16. poco tenemos más fans en Español, 2 fans por semana aun que no estoy haciendo nada para que aparezcan. siempre hacen la pregunta de las traducciones al juego.
  17. I post a screenshot in 0ad in spanish to support you guys. You have fb fan page to redirect fans?
  18. Now we can do a blacksmith, now you can think we have more special structures?
  19. Now we have new tech and new buildings, can we suggest name by sor technologies for example Agema technology name are twice. And farm are limited at 5 workers, but how that can work in tiny island map. Archipelago And what new technologies we can upgrade for weapons, special body armor that have many kind, linotorax, bronze, Iron, leather. Etc.
  20. Sheep garrison are working now? How works? I try today but not found. And Spanish 0AD are grown. Congratulations guys, friends developers.
  21. Maybe a upgrade to have more capacity to 7 workers. Colony farmland or migrant workers, it can be the name.
  22. Or make palisade more strong and fast to build cheaper and a upgrade to have double wooden wall.
  23. that works fine, may be Alert like message to beware to player about a Exhausted Farm would be nice.
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