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Posts posted by Mythos_Ruler

  1. Well since when is it the judge's job to induce social change?

    One word: Integration.

    W/o the courts, the South could possibly still be segregated. Your average White Southerner at the time had NO interest in allowing Blacks the same privileges and rights they themselves enjoyed.

  2. Well the articles of the constitution certainly haven't - and they do not maintain that political parties are a requisite of government.

    True, but since then, election "laws" and rules have been put into place by the parties in power that virtually do just that - make political parties a requisite of government - and maintain those parties' monopoly over the government. It's almost come to the point that "working within the system to change the system" just won't happen, or is impossible.

  3. "Super State" is an interesting concept. The European Union is an example of one such super state and is one of the few examples I can think of. Economic, political, and cultural ties will start to bind countries and regions together in order to compete in the world. NAFTA could be the tiniest of beginnings of a North American super state. China recently entered into an economic pact with some countries in the Far East - another beginning. A resurgent Russia could once again swallow up its smaller neighbors (who see the light and are trying to join the EU instead).

  4. Watch your tone Mythos, cutting other's views in that way isn't allowed here. I'm not trying to start a flame spree, so don't kindle what isn't lit.

    I am not flaming you. My view is simply opposed to yours. Now, give some counter arguments. That's a debate. :blush:

    When I said "Rome was never Christian", i meant Rome as a whole, not East or West, but the whole empire.

    Well, bro, with that kind of modifier, no nation on earth can truly be "Christian." In the last century of the Roman Empire, the official religion was Christianity, and it was practiced by the Emperor and his elite. If anything, at the end of the Western Empire, Christianity was gaining ground.

  5. Just curious what everyone thought about contraception. Various forms are as follows:

    1.) Condoms (and other sexual devices)

    2.) Birth Control Pills

    3.) EC - Emergency Contraception

    4.) The "Male" Pill (not available yet?)

    5.) Abstinence

    6.) The "rhythm" method

    Is contraception "right"? What are the pros and cons? What are the success/failure rates and how do these effect people? How knowledgeable are people around you on this topic? Is it an open discussion in your communtiy or is it swept under the rug?

    NOTE: This is not an abortion debate. We already have a thread for that topic.

  6. " Firstly, how can any man ever, EVER, be hurt enough that he would hit a woman (unless it was below the belt, but if she's hitting at you there you probably deserve it)."

    Funny how violence against a man is okay, "because you probably deserve it," but for a man to decide that a woman deserves physical punishment, that's wrong. I am not advocating violence against women, but let's be realistic here. In modern Western society, women have gained equal rights - right to work, vote, divorce unilaterally, etc. In essence, we are all equal under the law, except in this case!?!?! In violent encounters beween human beings, there will always be one person who is bigger than the other, regardless of sex. I find it deplorable that women would "get a a free ride" because they are generally smaller than men, when a smaller man would not get this same kind of sympathy under the law (and under social mores). Let's respect all people and use violence as a last resort in all cases regardless of sex, age, and other physical attributes.

  7. Quacker: The itlaicized sentence is an example of an opposing argument (similar to what I've heard). Some people say Evolution Theory isn't predictive, hence isn't a true scientific theory, yet it is predictive, hence a "real" scientific theory.

    If I know Steve, I don't think he meant that they disagree on whether or not it happened. How could you call yourself an evolutionist and debate that it didn't occur? Just because evolutionists don't always agree on the "nitty-gritty", that doesn't mean that its wrong, as svede said, the theorem will become less credible. Same with creationism. When you have "creationists" siding with theories like day-age, that doesn't mean creation is wrong, but it makes it less credible when man tries to add to it.

    Well, sorry for the misunderstanding, but you are misunderstanding me. My point was, that people who truly know what science is about, do not find the debate making Evolution less credible. That is a part of science. However, with your example of debate within the creationist movement, you are correct, because the Bible is supposed to be the whole truth as said by God. Ammendment by man (as you said) isn't supposed to be part of the game. Scientists have never argued this about Evolution Theory. The details of Evolution Theory have changed and will change in the future. Darwin based his theory on patterns of generational and geographical change he found in birds. He couldn't have known that genetic mutation was the engine that drove those changes he observed, yet when genetics was discovered and applied across the board to scientific thought, it was included in Evolutionary Theory - and it fit perfectly. New discoveries allow current Theories to be ammended, or discarded. I find it remarkable that through 150 of amazing scientific and technological acheivements, that Evolutionary Theory has held up! It has truly stood the test of time, as it were. Other theories have failed abysmally in the face of scientific inquiry, yet Evolution has not. It has been ammended, as all scientific theories must in face of new evidence or be discarded, according to the dictates of the scientific process.

    Now, Creationist thought is bound to one thing alone: The Bible (aka the Word of God). This is the irrufuteable word of God as given to the various prophets and scribes that put this monumental work together. Any attempt by Creationists to ammend or add to the Words of God inherently casts suspicion, because of their basic assertion that the Bible is infallible (and because many Christians believe it to be a literal text). Some Creationists try to bend the Bible and fit it into the scientific mold, which I think is a disservice to Christianity. So yes, this is a credibility problem for some Creationists.

    My assertion is that the debate within the scientific community (and by extension, science itself) only possesses this credibility problem with Creationists and others who do not know (or in some cases, don't care to know) how science works. It is inherent in the process, and if that casts doubt in the minds of the religious, so be it, but to those who want to look a little deeper and understand the process, no doubt should be cast.

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