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Posts posted by akya

  1. Well, since it was discussed a lot. Decided to make a topic on it :P

    Now I know I don't really like to be "dominated" but we cannot really do a thing about it, since it makes the male happy :P :P

    I guess there is the physical part. We are not as strong as guys (as my hockey match proved it last wednesday). We bear children, do the laundry, take care of the house, etc. None of those occupations are considered as "strong" roles. Maybe the genes do work on that part as well (must read on this).

    Just continue the discussion while I think of arguments :P:P

  2. A lot of animal communities have both an alpha male & an alpha female...pretty much equal...

    yes the women have been dominated throughout human history... a bit sad I guess...but now that we're taking our life back...and no longer submit (some still do & I don't blame them), well men seem to have grown to appreciate the domination part and don't like this a bit :P

  3. Feminazis!  w00t! :P

    Its hilarious when feminists get sooo upset when a woman wants to *gasp* stay at home and raise her kids.  "She can't do that, she's a woman!  She has to go out into the world and show up the men!"

    In all honestly, God created man to be the dominant of the two.  If you go against God's natural laws, it only causes problems.


    I don't entirely agree with u...but I'm not discussing it here.

    and about this gender thing... I agree some women go way overboard for nothing at all. you cannot replace men by men/women in every text. Nor can you write : non-specific gender. or something like that :P

  4. This can be fiction correct? I won't be disqualified if I miss some historical detail about Roman battles? :P

    no, but try to remain in the historical events as much as possible...don't start talking about guns or anything of the sort, okay ? :P

    By Carthago, you mean Carthage right? I ran a google on it and there were an awful lot of links to tourist websites in Tunisia  :P

    yes it's Carthage.

  5. you can always try :P

    write it in your language, then we'll use the all popular internet translators :P :P

    Theme suggestions so far :

    Perception of the unknown

    Tolkien style (middle-age, fantasy, quest kinda...I guess :P)

    @Tim : LOL, I should have asked you to post first...

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