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Posts posted by akya

  1. off-topic : argh...there is like 20 posts I didn't see !

    *regroups fleet*

    *calls back the fleet under the "supposed" mysterious power of Paul*

    *launches missiles after him*

    *destroys half his army*

    *takes him prisonner*

    *send message to Axis forces : surrender or I'll...make him swallow rubber duckies*

    (to keep on topic with what shykre said ^_^)

  2. *is still close to Hoth*

    *wonders what to do*

    *receives orders*

    *attacks Black Op forces over at Hoth*

    *forces them into temporary retreat*

    *calls for reinforcement from the mercenaries guild I control*

    *awaits orders*

  3. sorry ! ^_^

    *gets out of hyperspace*

    *intercepts SOS from Erik*

    *sends another signal to Shogun telling him to rally around Hoth for upcoming battle*

    *send signal to Erik, telling him the agreement is approved*

    *enters hyperspace again*

    *takes a good night sleep*

  4. I think it was an accident, I don't really care about it anyway. Just a few seconds on TV and everyone goes nuts on that ! I just can't believe it...makes me think of Madonna & Britney when they kissed each other... such a fuss for almost nothing... *sigh*

  5. *rallies own fleet to join Shogun's*

    *gets onboard of leading ship - Star destroyer*

    *send signal to Shogun telling him I'm on my way ^_^*

    *enter hyperspace*

    *takes a coffee break while waiting to exit hyperspace*

  6. *accepts shogun's proposition*

    *at the same moment when the nuclear detonator goes click create a worm hole*

    *throws in a few pieces of mandalorian armor to make believe*

    *send it close to Paul*

    *Paul receives projectiles*

  7. I personally don't have a problem with women being in postions of power, however I would not marry someone like that.  I would prefer to marry a woman who would want to take care of our children.  Raising children is one of the most important and underrated jobs a person can undertake.  Where else can one have such a profound effect on society?

    I think it's safe to say that in general, women are better caretakers than men and society needs those types of people.  Without them we would degenerate into an angry mob.

    Can a woman be in the position of power & still take care of the children ? I think the answer is yes. But if you don't want to marry a person like that is your choice ^_^

    Akya, if I were you, I'd just pretend those two posts didn't happen. That's my advice.

    thanks for the advice, but I'll answer anyway ^_^

    Yes it is true that numerous early civilazations were dominated by women, but it is obvious that these civilizations were not as good as the male dominated cultures. If they were just as good than how come none of these female dominated cultures still exist today.

    Remember the Amazons ? I wonder what happened to them...anyway, I'd have to do a research on that.

    next Q : what would be your reaction if a woman beat you in your favorite sport ? in a strength contest ? would you feel bad, mad, unhappy ?

  8. so what you basically mean is that...whatever we do, we always...at some point...allow the man to have the upper hand/control on us ?

    No way, remember, I stated previously that if a man allows a woman to be dominant, he'll eventually find himself single.

    true :P forgot about that :P

    ]You have to 'conquer' a woman(not literally, of course).  In other words, you have to prove yourself to her.  Why do you think theirs a stereotype about woman looking for rich men?  Most rich men are dominant, and powerful, and that's what woman want in a man(and also being able to take care of her children).

    Obviously there are more dynamics to the relationship than can be easily discussed here.

    yep, I for one, wants someone who will be responsible enough & loving & caring for me & my children :P

    What do you think about women who play hockey or football ?

    and about those who are president of their company & have a lot of men under their order ?

    I would never marry one. Just kidding. I knew a woman who played American Football, and I thought it was a turn on. Unfortunately she was lesbian, but still...

    lol, [offtopic] I know a lot of girls who meet nice guys, but they're homos...they thinks it's a waste. Personnaly, I respect those ppl, but let's not start another topic here [/offtopic]

    Personally, I'm looking for a woman who could do those things.  I don't want a woman who will be dependant on me.  I want a woman who holds down a job, and has her own life.  My reasoning is that if she doesn't need me, she must want me :P  Plus, I plan on doing the same.

    If I ever get married(and that's a big if), I plan on it being an equal marriage.  Of course I'll put my foot down where I think it counts, and she'll put her's down where she thinks it counts.  We'll go head to head a lot, but always, in the bedroom, *I'll* be the one giving the spankings :P

    LOL...I'm sure you find someone :P

  9. so what you basically mean is that...whatever we do, we always...at some point...allow the man to have the upper hand/control on us ?

    What do you think about women who play hockey or football ?

    and about those who are president of their company & have a lot of men under their order ?

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