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I think by letting dogs automatically find spies will make spies kind of useless... I suggest the system of a spy like populous the beginning + TF2 style. You can pick a unit you wish to disguise as and the players nationality. When you have done so you will be able to spy. The only way to figure out it is an enemy spy would be to click on it and try to move it. However... If it's like this a spy shouldn't be that expensive, it's easy to find a spy like that. The best way would be to make it so the other player can move the same unit and even see it's vision. However, the unit wouldn't attack or anything.You would have to manually click the attack button to attack the spy. (No right-click attack icon either, too easy to find a spy!) Only then spies will be useful and unique.
Well knowing K&M is similar to Settlers and slightly similar to stronghold (Knowing I have played them all 3), I don't think the systems used within can be used as well in 0ad unless they are going to implement the resource-management systems which exist in K&M and/or Settlers. Apart from that reading this wall of text was quite difficult and I couldn't understand 100% what you meant with it, so sorry if I miss the point.
Capturing buildings instead of destroying them sounds like a unique and fresh idea to me. I would say, to defend fortresses and towers to be taken over, put soldiers inside them that will fight the units that go inside to take it over? (Similar to Settlers style) But how do you take over a wall? Destroy the towers and gates connected to it (If those are the main way to get on a wall) and build a tower / gate next to it to claim it as yours? However, if walls aren't walkable, just putting a gate would be good enough after you destroyed every defensive structure connected to the wall
I am for walkable walls. I also agree that walls should take long to make and be very strong. The weak point of a wall would be the gate. If it takes 5 min per piece and less per worker that works on it, I think it wouldn't take too long yet be something very useful. Yes, I agree, walls WILL be strong for defence and give you a great advantage. However, rams, ladders, trebuchets and siege towers can easily be used to overcome walls. Sure because it took so long to make, to destroy it will take some time too but that's why you've made it, to make sure the enemy won't be able to get inside your territory where the wall is. To make the wall, you need to make sure to defend it with your army. The opponent can simply send a small army and make sure the wall you were making cannot be finished. Perhaps he can even put in a gate and use the wall for himself as defence. Because is takes so long and it is expensive, it might not be the best tactic to use to surround your enemy, unless you are playing with him. By always looking around your base you can make sure your opponent isn't making one and destroy it on time. I do not see any problems making walls super strong and long to make.
I like both idea's: The click and drag and the curtain one. I like the idea that you can only make curtain stone walls. I think you should be able to pick between sizes depending on the researches and/or the bigness of your city assuming it grows the more buildings you build near it similar to the way Rise of Nations implemented it. So in the end, you would be able to pick 3 sizes where the last 2 are locked until your city is big enough. Small medium and large. Also, you would be able to build them all 3! That should not be a problem. I also wish to suggest that you should also have the freedom to make this curtain square shaped, not just like a circle. Or you can pick that yourself or it is limited to your civilization. I for one like the square shaped walls more but I don't mind destroying those circle shaped ones. xP About the drag and drop. Yes, this should be weaker walls until the fact you have done some late-tier upgrades. Still, they should be WAY more expensive than those you build around your city and never able to become as strong. Castles... What are we going to do about the castles? I would suggest a similar system for the city. Their walls would be superior in comparison with the city walls. The only downside would be less space and redius than a city? Apart from all that I would love to see tech trees and such. Do this and that to unlock this and that.
Would be really great to see having farms different kinds of building types: A Farm A Animal Farm A tree farm etc. All of these would be the same and will just be there to make the game look more interesting. Or just farms with different kinds of colours. Would be nice.
I myself think that you should not limit the amount of stuff you can make in any way. But that's just my opinion. It's one of the things I loved about Age of Empires, no limits. However Age of Empires 3 gave you limits, which is why I disliked it more. Looking at the idea of farms, don't limit them! Let them be placed anywhere you want and let them run out of food and remade by villagers automatically if turned on at your town center? (Default = on) With any game you have to think: How much farms do I need to make what I want? 6 ? Ok. If a player decides to make 20 ( And also need to make 20 villagers to run them leaving him with 180 pop left ) then that's their choice but from what i see it's making more food than you need. The only good side of it would be that when yo uget attacked your food stockpile will stay high! Also you have stone and iron, you can't simply turtle with only farms. In AoE you had the ability to create weak men with just food and wood. A player that had gold and stone too was far stronger than their enemy! What I'm trying to say is, don't limit the game too much because too many limits will make a game less fun. Farms is one of those things you shouldn't give a limit. Any pro player will know that making more than you actually need is highly inefficient (And I mean making SO MUCH that you won't actually use it in the end, even in an emergency) If you are going to implement a limit I would say look at rise of nations, now that game has implemented territories really nice. You build a city and near that city you can build x amount of farms etc. xP It's my favorite RTS game next to Age of Empires.
I highly agree on that the idea of being able to change your soldiers to gatherers right away should be changed. When you have a gatherer he/she should have a weakness and the best weakness I can think of it being weaker in combat. I also think a gatherer should also be the main builder. A soldier should not be able to build everything, unless they have been changed into a gatherer/builder. For this I thought up a suggestion, mainly because of what I've read above this post. (So credits to you who have mentioned it. I just want to make it in a more detailed post with my idea's.) Suggestion 1: Armory To change your soldier into a gatherer, it will take 3 seconds for them to change from a soldier to a gatherer in a building. Gatherers will always carry a weapon depending on the unit you've changed to a gatherer. Soldiers change to gatherers at a Town center or Fortress. Gatherer: A gatherer used to be a soldier but instead they have sacrificed all their armour and heavy equipment in favour of gathering equipment. By doing this they are able to gather stuff effectively. As you might know without their armour and their heavy weapons they are more vunerable to attacks. The only way for them to change back would be to go to the nearest Town Center or Fortress A gatherer will always carry a similar weapon or the same weapon as they had when they were a soldier. Because of this units that were good against calvary will still be good to calvary and units that were good to infantry will still be good to infantry. The only problem is that they will die at a much faster rate because of their lack of equipment. Town Center: This is your main building in the game and usually the center of your empire. In the current system you are able to train soldiers from your town center. I think that this should not be possible. Instead you should only be able to train their gatherer counterparts until you have built the actual building where you make the soldiers. (barracks, calvary, archery) The town center will also be able to train your soldier/gatherers to gatherers/soldiers. Since the Town Center is small, the Town center is only able to change 1 per 3 seconds. To change a gatherer to a soldier you should have the building you normally make the unit from. (Or a research should be unlocked first before you may to do.) Fortress: The fortress is famous for being badass. It's big and strong. Because of this, you are able to change soldiers/gatherers to gatherers/soldiers much faster. 3 units are able to get in and they all will change within 3 seconds. Call to Arms: At both your Town center and your Fortress there is a button called: Call to Arms. By pressing this button all your gatherers within a certain radius will change into soldiers and protect your city.
Sounds nice. Another thing that may be cool is that if you attack a unit in their back they will lose more health? (Just a small increase such as 20%. Combine that with a "Slow reaction time" and I think ambushing would be a very nice tactic.
I do agree on the fact that your ranged units should be running away when confronted with a melee attack. They know they suck at melee so it's better for them to run away. However I do think there should be a button for them to draw a melee weapon in which they can fight with. Their damage would be quite low compared to a melee unit. . Just because it's possible. xP
I believe this game is more similar to AOE and Empire Earth but I think it might be quite nice to see the wall system of Stronghold instead. (Modified to fit the style of 0AD of course) ?Basically you would plant walls on the ground. After that you would select a wall, select stairs and select the side of the wall where you wish to have the stairs. Also gates could be made the same way. Stairs would be used to let units walk on walls and the tower-like things inbetween walls can be built to support Catapults, towers etc. I think this may be way more interesting than a wall you can garrison where you see units automatically walk from one point to another defending it. If there is such detail added in a game it may serve a better strategic purpose. Also this would give "Siege towers" a better purpose than it was in other games such as AOM. In 0AD it would actually be used to put your men onto a wall and not to "shoot" buildings. Ladders could be used too with a big downside that they are easily killed by archers. Also making the wall system more detailed, castles may be built more in people their own style instead having a building called castle to serve that purpose. Walls won't make you impossible to beat though since you can make siege units to destroy them utterly, neither can archers kill everything